NDA clearance for GMO food crops is against national interest

Green field with maize crop

The Narendra Modi government has allowed 21 new varieties of GMO crops for field trials in India. This decision was made based on the recommendations of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC). This is the new GEAC. The old GEAC had the first item listed under “Main functions” on its page as “To permit the use of GMOs and products thereof for commercial applications.” This one has “approval of activities involving large-scale use of hazardous living microorganisms and recombinants…” and they are making decisions that will impact our food, here. This is rather like the world’s nuclear “watchdog” being created to promote nuclear power.

It is rather strange that a body implies evaluation, but is actually created to proliferate. This GEAC rejected 1 application out of 28 it received. In a world where more and more countries are banning GM crops, India naturally is fertile grounds for yet another reject of the West, where opposition to genetically modified food is increasing. And of course, it helps that if anything can be centralized and made money out of, Indias political cartels will have takers.

In a country where farmers quit farming as a full time profession at a rate that amounts to 2000 less farmers each day over a decade and over a quarter of the country is below an insanely low poverty line, replacing seeds collected from harvests to seed next years crops with expensive genetically modified varieties that need to be purchased each year alone is an economic nightmare, even if GM crops were safe, which I’m going to show below that they are not. It is no coincidence that there are very few suicides among rice and wheat farmers in comparison with cotton farmers whose lives have been devastated by BtCotton.

First, raising some quality concerns. GM crops are not reversible. They introduce new traits into the ecology of the fields where millions of lifeforms live in a symbiosis. The impact of changed traits of crops on other life forms including essential microorganisms in the soil to beneficial insects and contamination of adjacent fields or wild plants is impossible to determine when there are no long term tests of any sort including direct impact on humans. The assumption that it is safe is naive at best and unleashes irreversible changes which cannot be erased with an “oops. Sorry, we thought…” in the future if uncontrolled hybrids emerge.

Additionally, when GM seeds like these – that are resistant to specific poisons are grown in a region, the adaptations of pests to survive result in pests of the region becoming more and more resistant to pesticides and requiring greater applications of chemicals to control crops (including on the GM crops). This has happened in India. In Modi’s own Gujarat. India approved Bt Cotton in 2002. In 2010, it failed pest tests in Gujarat. By 2013, the five year decline in cotton production was being blamed on everything from lack of innovation to climate change by GM apologists in media. Anything but GMO. By 2014, Modi who was CM in Gujarat when above failure happened is Prime Minister and opening more crops like wheat, rice and maize for GM field trials.

And guess what Monsanto did? It blamed the farmers for not following the “fine print” like planting refuge areas. A refuge area is basically a strip of ordinary cotton planted around the main crop of BtCotton. Guess why? Because when pests susceptible to the Bt gene die, the ones that survive are those that are resistant to it. So the idea is that they will breed with the pests from the normal cotton and thus lose some of their resistance. And if this doesn’t happen (and tough to imagine how that would work effectively given that species breed to become stronger and survive and most of the field is Bt allowing most pests to find their Bt resistant dates on hand, without going to the other crops), it is apparently the farmer’s fault. In other words, GM is not responsible…

Of course, that isn’t what they had said when promoting BtCotton.

It [traditional methods of farming] has been a complete failure, because you have to modify infrastructure, you have to re-educate them as to how to modify their farming practices themselves. But with biotech, the technology is in a seed. All you have to do is give them the seed.

Because of course the guy with the powerpoint presentation understands agriculture better than the guy who doesn’t even understand English and is too dumb to read instructions.

While there is little evidence of safety on various issues, the evidence that GM crops are not safe is mounting.

About a year and a half ago, a farmer in Oregon, USA found some wheat growing in an empty field. He tried to kill it with a herbicide. IT DIDN’T die. Astonished, the farmer sent the wheat to the Oregon state University for testing and it was found that it was genetically modified wheat containing Monsanto’s a Roundup resistant CP4/maize EPSPS gene. The USDA confirms this. When this happened, there was no GM wheat approved for use anywhere in the world. Field trials had ended in 2005 on the wheat that was not expected to be viable for more than 2 years. Do the math.

Chief Technology Officer at Monsanto, Robb Fraley tried damage control “It seems likely to be a random, isolated occurrence more consistent with the accidental or purposeful mixing of a small amount of seed during the planting, harvesting or during the fallow cycle in an individual field.” However, that doesn’t solve the problem that wheat had turned into what basically amounted to a weed. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan postponed wheat imports from the region to avoid the contamination.

This basically shows that GMO food crops are not a choice as advertized. Seeds propagate, and the best intentioned organic farmer may still end up with GM contaminants.

Speaking of GM maize, in Hesse, Germany, many cows in a slaughterhouse died when they were fed Syngenta’s genetically engineered maize cow food. The remaining cattle were slaughtered on the decision of the authorities to… you guessed it… prevent spread of contamination. Syngenta withdrew the “protein” (not one of the better associations with this word) after being charged for covering up livestock deaths including those on the farm of a tenacious farmer who participated in trials and his cattle developed diseases and five cattle died. Syngenta paid him forty thousand euros basically as hush up money and other cover ups, including in tests. In India, maize is not cattle feed, but consumed by humans for the most part. Remember your “makki roti and sarson saag”? Now Modi sarkar has allowed field trials on GM maize in India.

A research paper published by Dr. Judy Carman last year showed marked increase in abdominal inflammation and on an average a 25% heavier uterus among female pigs fed GM feed. In 2009, American Academy Of Environmental Medicine called for Immediate Moratorium on Genetically Modified Foods stating a whole list of health risks related with GM food.

Citing several animal studies, the AAEM concludes “there is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects” and that “GM foods pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health.”

I could go on listing studies that have clearly shown the danger, but then what is my voice in the face of an all party (including BJP MPs) Parliamentary Standing Committee that overcame attempts of the state government to prevent them interviewing farmers and recommended against GM in its report?

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3 thoughts on “NDA clearance for GMO food crops is against national interest”

  1. The above view points of the author are largely unscientific in nature and based on purposefully selected studies. The author has not presented studies in favour of GM crops which are much higher in numbers. Though, there are some concerns about GM crops, the author has not pinpointed genuine concerns. Lets the country be guided by the prudence of the scientific community on such matters.

    1. wha do you mean “prudence of the scientific community”? Who is this “Scientific Community” you are dreaming about? Many of these scientists are on Monsanto payroll and Monsanto has a full team of sharks that debunk any study that is not in favor of GMO. Step out of your dreamland and open your eyes to the new controlled world…

  2. maize is a cattlefeed in india in various places, when it is available. imagine what happens if we have GM maize in our country.

    btw i heard of cattle dying after they had eaten bt cotton from the fields. this is the reason why bt. cotton is never fed to animals. but it seems to be perfectly safe for human consumption, by some criminals, masquerading as scientists.

    near 100% cotton seed oil in the country is now made from bt cotton. this oil is refined and undergoes chemical processing such that it is no longer the oil that human body will recognize as food. this is the only oil that all sweet shops & farsan makers, use in gujarat i know. why ? it does not turn black easily after repeat use, & comes cheap. no wonder people end up with inflamed intestines in hospital. but wait, that must be a trivial issue, and who cares. afterall if hospitals do more business then it means more GDP, and more vikaas.

    and talking about edible oil, we as a nation have come a long way from being fully self sufficient in 80’s, to now, when we have to import more than 65% of our edible oil requirements. this must surely be a gift of our economomic liberalization & vikas models.

    and what do we import ? the cheapest and most unhealthy oils available worldwide, so that more we fall sick, more GDP rises. and in the process, we are fast losing hold on our own healthier, unrefined oils such as mustard, groundnut, sesame, coconut oils etc.

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