The media is dead. Long live the stenographers #paidmedia #OperationLoksabha


News Express channel, under the leadership of Vinod Kapri made a remarkable achievement yesterday. They broadcast a five hour long expose of abject election rigging, complete with buying off candidates, putting up fake candidates to divide votes of opponents, accepting funding for obstructing policies that don’t favor corporates by organized disruption of Parliament through protests and more. That wasn’t the achievement.

The achievement was in a relatively minor channel doing something only the Press Council had achieved before. A total blackout of news on the very nation being sold out under your feet.

While most of the revelations are what people already suspect to be happening, there were clear names and verifiable instances of previous election rigging.

Media managed a remarkable achievement that has only one precedent in history that I remember – the Press Council report on paid media and the magnificent blackout on it. A relatively unheard of channel managed solo and in five hours something that is a comparable threat to the collective three ring circus.

As I write this, there isn’t a single article on Operation Loksabha in Google news search, or, in other words, Indian mainstream media has not reported it. At all.

So the declaration is clear. The people must not know the truth. The motive is clear too.

Media died. The stenographer zombies need their fat salary accounts and Air Conditioned lives so that the rotting bodies don’t stink.

If you are one, remember that the tail wagging journalist never reached the hall of fame of journalism that changed the world and nor will you.

The media is dead. Long live the stenographers!

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3 thoughts on “The media is dead. Long live the stenographers #paidmedia #OperationLoksabha”

  1. jasbirsingh grover

    Agreed—–but i had realised this view long back–meedia is dead & there is only advertisement left

  2. Deafening silence from the media. Only 4 results on Google – all from News Express/ youtube. Don’t the so-called mainstream newspaper editors have to face themseleves in their mirrors? Where is the “journalism of courage”? Where is the grand old Times? I despair of finding any one man in a powerful position today worthy of the title “man”.

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