School Reloaded

This article takes off from the previous one exploring the natural rights of children that are abused casually. So here, I am looking at schools. Let me say upfront that I am not “designing an overhaul” and I don’t believe I should. Public services should always be designed by consensus, hopefully with some input or observation of children.

The following isn’t intended to be a working model of education, but a set of goals that should be incorporated into planning one, if at all we ever get around to making so much effort when kids are “perfectly fine” in their tidy boxes. I use this space to share ideas that occur to me. I hope many minds will join in in precious contribution.

  1. The duration. Cut it to a third. Currently, we have three to four years of pre-school, kindergarten, etc before school, plus the ten actual years of school. That’s too much. If you want kids ready for college at fifteen, put them in school by ten, get them out by fourteen and give them a year’s break before further organized study. This has the added bonus of tripling the national educational capacity instantly. More on this later.
  2. Get rid of compulsions. If the school thinks something is important, and the child doesn’t, its time to get real, and like real life, negotiate. And suck it up and accept that things don’t always go our way if the child still doesn’t agree. In other words, they are people.
  3. Memorizing must be so minimized, that if it can be noticed, its too much. Instead, teach kids how to find out. How to reference knowledge, how to rig up their own research, how to question the knowledge and test it before accepting or not. How to disagree, without inhibition.
  4. Banish syllabus and subjects. Have classrooms loosely defined by what is happening in them and let the children be free to use them or not.
  5. Get totally rid of this good and bad. If you have bad students, please remove them from school and let them join whatever they are good at – even if it is watching TV all day. They have one life and don’t deserve to suffer our hang ups.
  6. Knowledge must not be seggregated. A snowflake being beautiful, cold, inspiring poetry, geometrically interesting….. should not be unrelated. This cannot be designed. You will have to get rid of subjects and dive into whatever the kids seem interested in. Which brings me to….
  7. Teachers should be facilitators. Once we get rid of the idea of limited information, the idea of a teacher becomes impossible to provide. No one can know everything about everything. Thus, the teachers must have skills that get the knowledge flowing rather than delivering the final word on something.
  8. Drop the idea that kids did “nothing”. Nothing is what brainwashed adults do. A quiet kid has gears turning in his head, a mischiefmaker is figuring out out of the box ideas that no one thought of, so that he can do his mischief. There is absolutely no reason to plan every inch of the time and space a child spends in the learning center. On the other hand, there is every need to offer a variety of things around what is enjoyed or considered interesting.
  9. Which brings me to… don’t limit learning. If your classrooms are by subject, there is absolutely no reason why people can’t take life memberships and/or to multiple schools or walk into a government school at whim. If they don’t have to attend everyday, they can, you know? What more perfect thing on a boring afternoon than to discover something astonishing? To hop across and check out what’s “happening”? Or, to continue on to their specialized colleges, but feel free to supplement it with more holistic learning in the center? It would be great for the kids to have diversity in learning partners. More real, more practical. If something specific doesn’t support it, that can always be protected.
  10. You understand of course, that from tiny, regimented, stingy parcels of learning, I’m talking of throwing the world open to kids. Of helping them learn whatever they want, as far as possible. No compulsory subjects, no lectures, unless the teacher is gung ho about something and the kids find it interesting enough to not walk out.
  11. There is absolutely no reason why basic education can’t prepare one for a future in agriculture or hairdressing, if it truly offers freedom of learning. That is the whole idea of basic, you know? Education now is ridiculous. The foundation for never finding out their real passions, because they are supposed to do all kinds of things and anyway, its highly likely that what you want to do cannot be described as one out of eight subjects – and thus kids actually have no idea what to do after their board exams. If this nonsense were working, by the time they hit the age of college, children would have had a fair grip on what it was they wanted to do, instead of saying, “Oh, if I get good marks, I’ll take science, or commerce if i can’t do that, or arts if  I get no admission for either.” This horrible predicament of theirs is because they are taught fantasy subjects, which have no reality with what they can envison anyone actually doing. They haven’t actually done anything that gives them an idea of if they want to do it a lot in the future. And no, they never had an ambition for memorization, and if they did, it would be something more spectacular, not something everyone “had to” memorize.
  12. The so called “B.Ed” variety degrees should be replaced by more practical psychology experience and skills of resourcing things. Nothing currently teaches that, so it will have to be designed. The actual learning expertise can come from anything ranging from a bunch of kids taking things apart and finding out for themselves, or a nuclear physicist volunteering an afternoon. Or from the tomes of textbooks of a bygone era to the internet or whatever comes next.
  13. school like this ought to actually be LESS expensive. Resources are really vastly scalable – there is no need to standardize – whatever is available, its unique, and real, and likely influenced by what kids wanted. This money should be not saved, but used to add resources and pay teachers really well. Teachers who become teachers because they couldn’t get better jobs should not be trusted with shaping the future of very precious people.
  14. Exams should be banned at the “end” of schooling. There is no end to learning, and there is absolutely no realistic way of assessing learning. Attempts to do so should be considered an insult to learning itself.
  15. But…. but, how do we put people in college? ENTRANCE EXAMS. If a child WANTS to do something, it makes sense to train for it and pass an exam certifying it. Colleges already have entrance exams. What difference does it make to them if the kids didn’t do other exams before that? Skills considered essential can be tested, and that is that. Let’s stop these anal routines, as though assessments are the whole point of learning.
  16. For jobs, it makes more sense to have entrance exams based on the actual work expected. An accounts job shouldn’t need the same skill set and marksheet as a receptionist, for example, as is the current scenario. Someone interested in numbers can learn really cool things with them and become a far more exceptional accountant than a garden variety “some of everything”, so actually, it is a grounding for far more intense specialization.
  17. It has the added benefit of dignity of labour. If there isn’t an educational norm that you can study commerce and become an executive with 80% marks and a receptionist with 60% marks, there is no shame in choosing what your heart is comfortable with, or becoming a driver or a nuclear scientist. A child choosing to attend school a couple of days a week and focusing more on the garage on the corner because he’s interested in race cars is LEARNING. Will be good initial work for that mechanical engineering entrance exam. If this child is not condemned, he may want to use the learning center to be able to calculate the power of an engine better, or learn the correct spelling of some term the mechanic used. Such things should be seen as apprenticeships rather than wasting time.
  18. I am not saying organize nothing and let kids go wild and be complacent because you don’t have to show any results. There is a difference between nurture and neglect, just as there is between nurture and prison. . Something like this would be more difficult on the teachers, BECAUSE they are supposed to deliver more. The world, instead of ten chapters.
  19. Also not saying that no lectures should be organized. I am saying that they should have a purpose other than ramming an essay into a child’s brain. They should be free for anyone to learn from, not just one group of people doing it whether they want or not. A lecture designed for the sixth grade shouldn’t disallow anyone wanting to attend it, nor should it disallow a sixth grader from leaving, but there will have to be a target audience in designing it, of course.
  20. Obviously, this isn’t something that would work out of the box. For one, even if this idea were adopted, a transition would have to be worked out. This idea would have to be refined further. But that a basic education ought to be good enough to set many people up for basic jobs without having to do anything further exotic. A basic education ought to create a foundation for learning, which can be applied in any sphere of life, and a love for knowledge, which goes beyond proving worth in exams. It ought to give the children enough of a sampling of what happens in different kinds of work so that they have a fair idea of what they really want by the time they hit the age of eligibility for college. And no, you ambitious parents, this shouldn’t be an opportunity to lower the entrance age for college.

Ok, I’ll stop here, because again, the article must go on, but you get the idea. Measuring people, demeaning them, limiting their learning is not necessary at all.

~*~*~ Fun Break ~*~*~

A bubble of pure water without soap added – impossible on earth, because, in zero gravity, the film of water doesn’t collapse under its own weight. Syllabus? Everything from surface tension and gravity to forces shaping objects to the nature of a scientist’s mind or the beauty of bubble itself or how do they design the shuttle so that it doesn’t leak or collapse? A million learning conversation possibilities….. or…. we aren’t in space. Which brand of soap will make best bubbles? Or…. on earth, could zero gravity be “rigged” to make this possible? One interesting thing leads to a lot of thought. Thinking is going to get someone figuring out black holes or the latest laundry detergent patent.

~*~*~Ok, back to the topic~*~*~

This is a vision. An ideal. I share it, but there is little hope in me that the world we have has the guts to face raw learning. However, there are a few suggestions I have, that can be implemented, and MUST be implemented. If you have a child, or are a teacher ethically responsible for the harm of school, or are even more introspective and realize that we are responsible for the wrongs we allow to happen unchallenged, you MUST fight tooth and nail for these.

  1. Asking children to take complaint notes about them by their teachers to their parents should be declared a crime. High quality abuse. Enough humiliation already. Its the teacher being paid to make this teaching thing work, not the child. If s/he cannot handle the child, they have choices. Ideally, beginning with another job, but at the very least calling up the parent her/himself and not bullying a child into carrying demeaning words about themselves between people. Or even good words. A child is not a courier for gossip about itself.
  2. Design engaging and “cool” knowledge sharing. Encourage trying things out, based on the learning theme.
  3. Parent-Teacher meetings, staff meetings, etc must be totally open to whichever child wishes to observe them, possibly they can get permission to address the group if they have something important that they want to share. In any case, they must have the RIGHT to know what are the processes around them.
  4. Memorizing needs silence. Learning needs engagement. Engagement is frequently noisy. Noise must not be discouraged. In fact, I go ahead and say that if a teacher can get a class chattering excitedly, they are learning. Teachers MUST receive training on non-violent communication.
  5. Uniforms should be replaced by dress codes, which should be sufficiently tolerant of the intended age and context. There is no two ways around this. Just imagine this. The boss lining up all the women showing cleavage and telling them to “dress better”. Lawsuits would fly. What makes you think that a child is less bothered by being paraded for having untidy clothes? Trust me, just get rid of this shit. If they join the Army, they’ll figure it out fast enough. If they end up working in a place with such rules, they will be doing it out of choice and for a reason. Don’t just randomly fuck with their dignity like this.

I am, like the earlier article, leaving out the “obvious and accepted wrongs”. Use your brain. If I’m holding things up with such integrity, it goes without saying that children being punished and beaten and so on is out. Just out, unless the teacher is cool with being caned in front of the class for being such an insensitive ass. That’s it.

Note: Rather abrupt, but I don’t have it in me to polish anything. Too heartfelt. Maybe later, so you may want to return to this article in the future, which is  a good idea for any article of mine you like, because I have zero publishing ethics. I change them, update them, and in general keep making them better if something occurs to me. I will also do the italic/bold thing, so that quick scanners get all the importantest words at least. Later. Now, I must stay with this feeling of talked out. When I wrote A new look at child abuse, I had planned it as a two article thing. The second article to contain a vision and possibilities. After the article finally wrote itself, and I read it a few times, I realized that it was too long. And it still didn’t allow me the space I needed without risking people running away just at the length of the page. After all, an idea unspread is a tree that fell unseen, unheard. So this thing is snowballing. The three sections will have their own follow ups of alternatives. And if at all anything remains left in me to write, I’ll see. But I’m not leaving go of this subject.

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40 thoughts on “School Reloaded”

  1. grand… !!!.. I have one thought.. knowledge is probably a quantum event .. not a continuous one.. so.. big leaps in ‘knowing will happen at certain experiences.. like experimenting… the present school system.. shuns this aspect.. and rote … continuous method leads to just…. u know what.. 🙂 

    If learning is experience oriented .. just like it used to be in ancient times… then knowledge will be the target and way.. both. sadhana and sadhya.. ! just like old times..

  2. grand… !!!.. I have one thought.. knowledge is probably a quantum event .. not a continuous one.. so.. big leaps in ‘knowing will happen at certain experiences.. like experimenting… the present school system.. shuns this aspect.. and rote … continuous method leads to just…. u know what.. 🙂 

    If learning is experience oriented .. just like it used to be in ancient times… then knowledge will be the target and way.. both. sadhana and sadhya.. ! just like old times..

  3. Hi  Vidyut,

    Some excellent view points there, agree with most of them,  and my own take on some of them.

    1) I think the present duration is fine as is, gives time for kids to move over to college, maybe could be trimmed down.

    2)  Agree on the memorizing part, Syllabus is a kind of framework on which teachers can work on, provided it does not prove too restrictive.

    3) Most of the better schools actually conduct excursions, science fairs, cross school exchanges and interactions.

    Education should not be by rote, which is the major problem, let students explore, tinker, discover things on their own, let them make mistakes, let them fail, that is the only way one can grow ahead. Marks should not be the be all and end all of everything, I have seen toppers, who just can’t do a task properly and i have seen average students excel at the work place.

  4. Hi  Vidyut,

    Some excellent view points there, agree with most of them,  and my own take on some of them.

    1) I think the present duration is fine as is, gives time for kids to move over to college, maybe could be trimmed down.

    2)  Agree on the memorizing part, Syllabus is a kind of framework on which teachers can work on, provided it does not prove too restrictive.

    3) Most of the better schools actually conduct excursions, science fairs, cross school exchanges and interactions.

    Education should not be by rote, which is the major problem, let students explore, tinker, discover things on their own, let them make mistakes, let them fail, that is the only way one can grow ahead. Marks should not be the be all and end all of everything, I have seen toppers, who just can’t do a task properly and i have seen average students excel at the work place.

  5. Hi  Vidyut,

    Some excellent view points there, agree with most of them,  and my own take on some of them.

    1) I think the present duration is fine as is, gives time for kids to move over to college, maybe could be trimmed down.

    2)  Agree on the memorizing part, Syllabus is a kind of framework on which teachers can work on, provided it does not prove too restrictive.

    3) Most of the better schools actually conduct excursions, science fairs, cross school exchanges and interactions.

    Education should not be by rote, which is the major problem, let students explore, tinker, discover things on their own, let them make mistakes, let them fail, that is the only way one can grow ahead. Marks should not be the be all and end all of everything, I have seen toppers, who just can’t do a task properly and i have seen average students excel at the work place.

  6. Hi  Vidyut,

    Some excellent view points there, agree with most of them,  and my own take on some of them.

    1) I think the present duration is fine as is, gives time for kids to move over to college, maybe could be trimmed down.

    2)  Agree on the memorizing part, Syllabus is a kind of framework on which teachers can work on, provided it does not prove too restrictive.

    3) Most of the better schools actually conduct excursions, science fairs, cross school exchanges and interactions.

    Education should not be by rote, which is the major problem, let students explore, tinker, discover things on their own, let them make mistakes, let them fail, that is the only way one can grow ahead. Marks should not be the be all and end all of everything, I have seen toppers, who just can’t do a task properly and i have seen average students excel at the work place.

  7. Beyond anything, I think schools need to look at themselves as a “medium of change”. In a country like India, they are the builders of the bridge between “haves and have-nots” . Every money-minting school should have a quota to admit free students who cannot afford such education. And then their challenge will be create an environment where the two sections of the society can gel cordially and move forward with mutual respect and understanding.
    Now that will be a real challenge and a true achievement for education to bring about change that we all hope for in India.  

  8. Beyond anything, I think schools need to look at themselves as a “medium of change”. In a country like India, they are the builders of the bridge between “haves and have-nots” . Every money-minting school should have a quota to admit free students who cannot afford such education. And then their challenge will be create an environment where the two sections of the society can gel cordially and move forward with mutual respect and understanding.
    Now that will be a real challenge and a true achievement for education to bring about change that we all hope for in India.  

  9.  Sharing a touching email after removing personal details (with permission)

    Dear Vidyut,

    I found your article impractical. A school like this will be wonderful, but impossible to manage. But I agree with you that it would be better. I admire your courageous decision to ignore what the world says, and home school Nisarg.

    I was crying when I read the five things you said “MUST” be done. I completely agree.

    I want to share my story.

    When I was eight years old, my mother died and our family moved to Bangalore. I have one brother and one sister. My father was very hardworking. He took care of us and worked. I am sure it must have been difficult for him, but he never said.

    I was in a new school and I hated it. They were very strict, and I always got punished for not being in proper uniform. We had white shoes that had to be very spotless white or we were punished. My uniform was never ironed and my shoes were not completely white. I used to hate my father because I was getting punished because of him. He did not take it seriously (I am full of regret, because he was taking care of us three and mother had just expired). I couldn’t concentrate on studies, and I got bad marks, and my father used to shout at me and I used to shout at him in return for not preparing me properly for school.

    [paragraph removed]

    I finished studies with a lot of difficulty. I have a good job now and I am married and I have two children. I read your earlier article, and I saw that everything I hated when I was small I am doing to my sons now. And I shout at them, and they shout at me, and these days I feel very sorry for how I behaved with my father, but I am not able to tell him. I am losing my sons like this, but I am not able to tell them also.

    I know many people must be writing to you, but I wanted to say thank you for saving children from so much punishment.

    [paragraph removed]

    [name removed]

    1. And my reply:

      Hi [name removed],

      I am touched by your letter, and am honored that you read my writings so well, and that you remember Nisarga’s name. Thank you for this careful attention.

      I haven’t saved any child yet, other than Nisarga, though I wish to which is why I write these things, and I am hoping more people pay attention. I am deeply touched by your story, and your very real fractures with your father and sons. I believe that now that you have shared this with me, you may find it easier to speak about it to someone you trust, in real life, and perhaps eventually tell your father and sons personally. That seems to be the healing you seek. The apology, and the repair of distance.

      For what its worth, I think it is totally stupid to put white shoes on kids and expect either kids or busy parents to keep them spotless. Meaningless harassment. 

      I think your story is far more powerful in showing the other side of discipline than anything I wrote. With your permission, I would like to post it as a comment. I can remove your personal details if you wish. Let me know.


  10.  Sharing a touching email after removing personal details (with permission)

    Dear Vidyut,

    I found your article impractical. A school like this will be wonderful, but impossible to manage. But I agree with you that it would be better. I admire your courageous decision to ignore what the world says, and home school Nisarg.

    I was crying when I read the five things you said “MUST” be done. I completely agree.

    I want to share my story.

    When I was eight years old, my mother died and our family moved to Bangalore. I have one brother and one sister. My father was very hardworking. He took care of us and worked. I am sure it must have been difficult for him, but he never said.

    I was in a new school and I hated it. They were very strict, and I always got punished for not being in proper uniform. We had white shoes that had to be very spotless white or we were punished. My uniform was never ironed and my shoes were not completely white. I used to hate my father because I was getting punished because of him. He did not take it seriously (I am full of regret, because he was taking care of us three and mother had just expired). I couldn’t concentrate on studies, and I got bad marks, and my father used to shout at me and I used to shout at him in return for not preparing me properly for school.

    [paragraph removed]

    I finished studies with a lot of difficulty. I have a good job now and I am married and I have two children. I read your earlier article, and I saw that everything I hated when I was small I am doing to my sons now. And I shout at them, and they shout at me, and these days I feel very sorry for how I behaved with my father, but I am not able to tell him. I am losing my sons like this, but I am not able to tell them also.

    I know many people must be writing to you, but I wanted to say thank you for saving children from so much punishment.

    [paragraph removed]

    [name removed]

    1. And my reply:

      Hi [name removed],

      I am touched by your letter, and am honored that you read my writings so well, and that you remember Nisarga’s name. Thank you for this careful attention.

      I haven’t saved any child yet, other than Nisarga, though I wish to which is why I write these things, and I am hoping more people pay attention. I am deeply touched by your story, and your very real fractures with your father and sons. I believe that now that you have shared this with me, you may find it easier to speak about it to someone you trust, in real life, and perhaps eventually tell your father and sons personally. That seems to be the healing you seek. The apology, and the repair of distance.

      For what its worth, I think it is totally stupid to put white shoes on kids and expect either kids or busy parents to keep them spotless. Meaningless harassment. 

      I think your story is far more powerful in showing the other side of discipline than anything I wrote. With your permission, I would like to post it as a comment. I can remove your personal details if you wish. Let me know.


  11. The first step to “education” is marriage and the other birthing – only those people who really want kids should have them, not ki shaadi kiya, abh bachhe paida karo.  We need to know ourselves as to who we are and what we are capable of, so knowing how to do this is essential.  Kids need to stay with their parents (the horse baby horse example), not contractual parent who send kinds to aiyahs, servants, boarding schools, but the family learning/evolving together – like the ancient tribesman with a boomerang and a laptop 😉 24×7 – so if you want kids then you are together 24×7 … think about it not as society stand today.  You cannot out-source kids to schools, the concept of schools, class rooms et all is out-sourcing.  Look around, people buying plots and flats to rent them out, what have we accepted as living ? Education, Learning – a place like a gurukul with empathic resident or visiting experts form various disciplines, communal living of family together. maybe a private room and loo, but the rest communal so we learn to share and live together, abolish money as everything is provided anyway and we do for the joy of doing, not for survival or the extra buck to travel in First Class while the rest travel Cattle Class… I mean honestly; if everything is shared awe dont need a brokerage right ? Why this one-up-manship, are we that insecure ? Yup education, growing up, to becoming a secure and balance adult, and there will be no slackers, how can there a person knows they are worthy ?

  12. The first step to “education” is marriage and the other birthing – only those people who really want kids should have them, not ki shaadi kiya, abh bachhe paida karo.  We need to know ourselves as to who we are and what we are capable of, so knowing how to do this is essential.  Kids need to stay with their parents (the horse baby horse example), not contractual parent who send kinds to aiyahs, servants, boarding schools, but the family learning/evolving together – like the ancient tribesman with a boomerang and a laptop 😉 24×7 – so if you want kids then you are together 24×7 … think about it not as society stand today.  You cannot out-source kids to schools, the concept of schools, class rooms et all is out-sourcing.  Look around, people buying plots and flats to rent them out, what have we accepted as living ? Education, Learning – a place like a gurukul with empathic resident or visiting experts form various disciplines, communal living of family together. maybe a private room and loo, but the rest communal so we learn to share and live together, abolish money as everything is provided anyway and we do for the joy of doing, not for survival or the extra buck to travel in First Class while the rest travel Cattle Class… I mean honestly; if everything is shared awe dont need a brokerage right ? Why this one-up-manship, are we that insecure ? Yup education, growing up, to becoming a secure and balance adult, and there will be no slackers, how can there a person knows they are worthy ?

  13.  Looks Like You are going too much random, Lots of things are possible under current Structure. And no need for total makeover, Pickup things works and things doesn’t work. I would Still Prefer This Article could communicate better with Problem / Solution Format. 

    a) Still As A parent One can Home School His/Her Kid, and Give Outside 10th Exam / 12th Exams at certain Age eligibility, options are Still there. have you explored those???

    b) My Freind whose parents were Professor at Prestigious Colleges with Husand a PHD, experiment what you mentioned. They took Him out of School at Age of 18 and Put him into what he loved Dancing (KATHAK) and Studying part time. After So many years of Struggle he couldn’t do anything with Dancing now Struggling with Drama/Film Industry & Still waiting for Make Substancial Living for him & family. He may Succeed one day, But Point is, was his Decision Correct one?

    c) from Article Above one sentance came up in My Mind “IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO GO ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE.” Kids Has Some Great Energy which needs to be tranlated in Certain Direction, What you are offering is No Direction & Influenced by “TARE ZAMEEN PAR”, which is Partly true, but not entirely.

    d) If you Remember Vedic  History,
    We (Brahmin still has it) had Something Called Thread Ceremony which is performed at around age of 7,9,11. In which Kids are offered 4 things to Select from (Kind of IQ test) 1) Shawl ( represents Business), 2) Book ( represents teacher/Brahmin), 3) Knife (  represents Weapon – Protector / Army / Police) 4) Don’t remember.

    e) Is My favourite Place, I
    used to go to school even when i had Fever as a Kid, But As I grew Older Scores were Doing Down & Down, till Sudden Jum for 12th Grade & Engg Finals, The reason is not about Education System but reason was Motivation & Dedication. Yes, Education programs needs to be Cultivated & Teachers needs to be more innovative & Motivated to teach Different Students Differently.

    f) Why IITians, IIM graduates has more Success then Rest of the School? Now Bill gates / Steve Jobs were Dropouts but Wareen Buffet was Graduated & Worked under Benjamin Graham (Successful Investor in his Decade & His Principles Book – Intelligent investor still best Seller.) What it means is TEACHER is of importance in Teaching. 

    This were Jotted Down from Your Old Post,

    1) School (1-10th Standard) is Facility to Expose Kids with Different Subjects Like, Languages, Math, Science, Arts, Technocal Subjects, History, Geograpy, Civics, to Get/Give idea to Students what are their Strenghts Weakneses are to Pursue Further education.
    For e.g. My Calssmate was Scored around 85+ Markes in languages & Went for Engineering Program and Left Program Midway. Now Someone say When he socred 80%+ in 10th Grade Gave him Admission, But His majority Score was from languages, hence he failed in Engg. 

    2) Schools Kill learning – I disagree, Schools give you Structure to,

    1-10 the Grade – Overall Exposure to Select 
    11-12th Grade Primer for Specialization
    Bachelor Program to Introduce Subjects Further
    Masters Program to Introduce Subject in Detail
    PHD to Think on Subject in depth on Subject Picked.

    3) Memory Training is a method to Cultivate Mind How to remeber certain things, People needs to device their own System how to remeber subjects for e.g. My Friend related Everything by attaching Subjects with Events, Similar to VIBGYOR, rather then remembering all 7 Colors of rainbow by mugging 20 times, Crete a System (VIBGYOR) to remember everything in 1 time.

    4) My Uncle told his Daughter “Education is about Strengthening your Mind, not about Doing things you know, but about learn how to Do things you don’t know, How would you approach.” As Pointed Earlier, If one needs to understand how to Digest Information & Not to Ramify Information.

    5) Language is MODE of Communication & More Better you know Multiple Languages to Communicatite with Multiple People, It makes easy to Communicate & get connected. Problem of IIndian Education is Everything Foreign is Good, is that Mad Rush, I know My friends took French in their Missinory Schools & Not Sanskrit or marathi. Not Sure Out of 60 Students Class, if 5 would be using French in anyform. So Problem is not School, but Selection, 

    6) You are Contrdicting yourself, Language is about Communication, one need not go to School to learn Language of communication, if you had Cultivated 4 Freinds who would challenge each other for new Words and Correcting each others Language, Your Language would have grown many times. My Friend would learn Any Language in the Area he visits, He was able to communicate in Kannada, malyalaum, Tamil, telugu, Bengali, Urdu, After His Education in Engineering, and this all Languages he learn while working in those Area or Working with People who knew those languages, So If one has Aptitude one can learn Languages anytime anywhere ….

    7) We were using LogBooks in the School and Now a days people using Calculator, Point you are missing is School is method of training your mind how to use things in front of you and Devise mechanism to Use information. Everyone knows People with Real Knowledge Scores more marks then People who are Taking Open Book test.

    8) USA is Following Not Ranking Students and Its failing Miserably to Benchmark the Students to certain level. Or Motivate the Underperformers. Mr. kapil Sibal is Trying to Do the same will harm INDIAN education grately. What needs to be taught to students is they need to Improve in certain Subjects, where they are weak in Class of say 60 Students or May be Paretns can learn that this is not My kids Strength area, So i should be staying away from this Field for my Kid. Acceptance is the Key. 

  14.  Looks Like You are going too much random, Lots of things are possible under current Structure. And no need for total makeover, Pickup things works and things doesn’t work. I would Still Prefer This Article could communicate better with Problem / Solution Format. 

    a) Still As A parent One can Home School His/Her Kid, and Give Outside 10th Exam / 12th Exams at certain Age eligibility, options are Still there. have you explored those???

    b) My Freind whose parents were Professor at Prestigious Colleges with Husand a PHD, experiment what you mentioned. They took Him out of School at Age of 18 and Put him into what he loved Dancing (KATHAK) and Studying part time. After So many years of Struggle he couldn’t do anything with Dancing now Struggling with Drama/Film Industry & Still waiting for Make Substancial Living for him & family. He may Succeed one day, But Point is, was his Decision Correct one?

    c) from Article Above one sentance came up in My Mind “IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO GO ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE.” Kids Has Some Great Energy which needs to be tranlated in Certain Direction, What you are offering is No Direction & Influenced by “TARE ZAMEEN PAR”, which is Partly true, but not entirely.

    d) If you Remember Vedic  History,
    We (Brahmin still has it) had Something Called Thread Ceremony which is performed at around age of 7,9,11. In which Kids are offered 4 things to Select from (Kind of IQ test) 1) Shawl ( represents Business), 2) Book ( represents teacher/Brahmin), 3) Knife (  represents Weapon – Protector / Army / Police) 4) Don’t remember.

    e) Is My favourite Place, I
    used to go to school even when i had Fever as a Kid, But As I grew Older Scores were Doing Down & Down, till Sudden Jum for 12th Grade & Engg Finals, The reason is not about Education System but reason was Motivation & Dedication. Yes, Education programs needs to be Cultivated & Teachers needs to be more innovative & Motivated to teach Different Students Differently.

    f) Why IITians, IIM graduates has more Success then Rest of the School? Now Bill gates / Steve Jobs were Dropouts but Wareen Buffet was Graduated & Worked under Benjamin Graham (Successful Investor in his Decade & His Principles Book – Intelligent investor still best Seller.) What it means is TEACHER is of importance in Teaching. 

    This were Jotted Down from Your Old Post,

    1) School (1-10th Standard) is Facility to Expose Kids with Different Subjects Like, Languages, Math, Science, Arts, Technocal Subjects, History, Geograpy, Civics, to Get/Give idea to Students what are their Strenghts Weakneses are to Pursue Further education.
    For e.g. My Calssmate was Scored around 85+ Markes in languages & Went for Engineering Program and Left Program Midway. Now Someone say When he socred 80%+ in 10th Grade Gave him Admission, But His majority Score was from languages, hence he failed in Engg. 

    2) Schools Kill learning – I disagree, Schools give you Structure to,

    1-10 the Grade – Overall Exposure to Select 
    11-12th Grade Primer for Specialization
    Bachelor Program to Introduce Subjects Further
    Masters Program to Introduce Subject in Detail
    PHD to Think on Subject in depth on Subject Picked.

    3) Memory Training is a method to Cultivate Mind How to remeber certain things, People needs to device their own System how to remeber subjects for e.g. My Friend related Everything by attaching Subjects with Events, Similar to VIBGYOR, rather then remembering all 7 Colors of rainbow by mugging 20 times, Crete a System (VIBGYOR) to remember everything in 1 time.

    4) My Uncle told his Daughter “Education is about Strengthening your Mind, not about Doing things you know, but about learn how to Do things you don’t know, How would you approach.” As Pointed Earlier, If one needs to understand how to Digest Information & Not to Ramify Information.

    5) Language is MODE of Communication & More Better you know Multiple Languages to Communicatite with Multiple People, It makes easy to Communicate & get connected. Problem of IIndian Education is Everything Foreign is Good, is that Mad Rush, I know My friends took French in their Missinory Schools & Not Sanskrit or marathi. Not Sure Out of 60 Students Class, if 5 would be using French in anyform. So Problem is not School, but Selection, 

    6) You are Contrdicting yourself, Language is about Communication, one need not go to School to learn Language of communication, if you had Cultivated 4 Freinds who would challenge each other for new Words and Correcting each others Language, Your Language would have grown many times. My Friend would learn Any Language in the Area he visits, He was able to communicate in Kannada, malyalaum, Tamil, telugu, Bengali, Urdu, After His Education in Engineering, and this all Languages he learn while working in those Area or Working with People who knew those languages, So If one has Aptitude one can learn Languages anytime anywhere ….

    7) We were using LogBooks in the School and Now a days people using Calculator, Point you are missing is School is method of training your mind how to use things in front of you and Devise mechanism to Use information. Everyone knows People with Real Knowledge Scores more marks then People who are Taking Open Book test.

    8) USA is Following Not Ranking Students and Its failing Miserably to Benchmark the Students to certain level. Or Motivate the Underperformers. Mr. kapil Sibal is Trying to Do the same will harm INDIAN education grately. What needs to be taught to students is they need to Improve in certain Subjects, where they are weak in Class of say 60 Students or May be Paretns can learn that this is not My kids Strength area, So i should be staying away from this Field for my Kid. Acceptance is the Key. 

  15. Looks Like You are going too much random, Lots of things are possible under current Structure. And no need for total makeover, Pickup things works and things doesn’t work. I would Still Prefer This Article could communicate better with Problem / Solution Format.

    a) Still As A parent One can Home School His/Her Kid, and Give Outside 10th Exam / 12th Exams at certain Age eligibility, options are Still there. have you explored those???

    b) My Freind whose parents were Professor at Prestigious Colleges with Husand a PHD, experiment what you mentioned. They took Him out of School at Age of 18 and Put him into what he loved Dancing (KATHAK) and Studying part time. After So many years of Struggle he couldn’t do anything with Dancing now Struggling with Drama/Film Industry & Still waiting for Make Substancial Living for him & family. He may Succeed one day, But Point is, was his Decision Correct one?

    c) from Article Above one sentance came up in My Mind “IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO GO ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE.” Kids Has Some Great Energy which needs to be tranlated in Certain Direction, What you are offering is No Direction & Influenced by “TARE ZAMEEN PAR”, which is Partly true, but not entirely.

    d) If you Remember Vedic  History,
    We (Brahmin still has it) had Something Called Thread Ceremony which is performed at around age of 7,9,11. In which Kids are offered 4 things to Select from (Kind of IQ test) 1) Shawl ( represents Business), 2) Book ( represents teacher/Brahmin), 3) Knife (  represents Weapon – Protector / Army / Police) 4) Don’t remember.

    e) Is My favourite Place, I
    used to go to school even when i had Fever as a Kid, But As I grew
    Older Scores were Doing Down & Down, till Sudden Jum for 12th
    Grade & Engg Finals, The reason is not about Education System but
    reason was Motivation & Dedication. Yes, Education programs needs
    to be Cultivated & Teachers needs to be more innovative &
    Motivated to teach Different Students Differently.

    f) Why IITians, IIM graduates
    has more Success then Rest of the School? Now Bill gates / Steve Jobs
    were Dropouts but Wareen Buffet was Graduated & Worked under
    Benjamin Graham (Successful Investor in his Decade & His
    Principles Book – Intelligent investor still best Seller.) What it
    means is TEACHER is of importance in Teaching.

    This were Jotted Down from Your Old Post,

    1) School (1-10th
    Standard) is Facility to Expose Kids with Different Subjects Like,
    Languages, Math, Science, Arts, Technocal Subjects, History,
    Geograpy, Civics, to Get/Give idea to Students what are their
    Strenghts Weakneses are to Pursue Further education.

    For e.g. My Calssmate
    was Scored around 85+ Markes in languages & Went for Engineering
    Program and Left Program Midway. Now Someone say When he socred 80%+
    in 10th Grade Gave him Admission, But His majority Score was from
    languages, hence he failed in Engg.

    2) Schools Kill learning –
    I disagree, Schools give you Structure to,

    1-10 the Grade –
    Overall Exposure to Select

    11-12th Grade Primer
    for Specialization

    Bachelor Program to
    Introduce Subjects Further

    Masters Program to
    Introduce Subject in Detail

    PHD to Think on
    Subject in depth on Subject Picked.

    3) Memory Training is a
    method to Cultivate Mind How to remeber certain things, People needs
    to device their own System how to remeber subjects for e.g. My Friend
    related Everything by attaching Subjects with Events, Similar to
    VIBGYOR, rather then remembering all 7 Colors of rainbow by mugging
    20 times, Crete a System (VIBGYOR) to remember everything in 1 time.

    4) My Uncle told his
    Daughter “Education is about Strengthening your Mind, not about
    Doing things you know, but about learn how to Do things you don’t
    know, How would you approach.” As Pointed Earlier, If one needs
    to understand how to Digest Information & Not to Ramify

    5) Language is MODE of
    Communication & More Better you know Multiple Languages to
    Communicatite with Multiple People, It makes easy to Communicate &
    get connected. Problem of IIndian Education is Everything Foreign is
    Good, is that Mad Rush, I know My friends took French in their
    Missinory Schools & Not Sanskrit or marathi. Not Sure Out of 60
    Students Class, if 5 would be using French in anyform. So Problem is
    not School, but Selection,

    6) You are Contrdicting
    yourself, Language is about Communication, one need not go to School
    to learn Language of communication, if you had Cultivated 4 Freinds
    who would challenge each other for new Words and Correcting each
    others Language, Your Language would have grown many times. My Friend
    would learn Any Language in the Area he visits, He was able to
    communicate in Kannada, malyalaum, Tamil, telugu, Bengali, Urdu,
    After His Education in Engineering, and this all Languages he learn
    while working in those Area or Working with People who knew those
    languages, So If one has Aptitude one can learn Languages anytime
    anywhere ….

    7) We were using LogBooks
    in the School and Now a days people using Calculator, Point you are
    missing is School is method of training your mind how to use things
    in front of you and Devise mechanism to Use information. Everyone
    knows People with Real Knowledge Scores more marks then People who
    are Taking Open Book test.

    8) USA is Following Not
    Ranking Students and Its failing Miserably to Benchmark the Students
    to certain level. Or Motivate the Underperformers. Mr. kapil Sibal is
    Trying to Do the same will harm INDIAN education grately. What needs
    to be taught to students is they need to Improve in certain Subjects,
    where they are weak in Class of say 60 Students or May be Paretns can
    learn that this is not My kids Strength area, So i should be staying
    away from this Field for my Kid. Acceptance is the Key.

    1.  The way society is structured today is supported by the education system.  Kids specializing in Engineering fro say IIT or BITS then going and doing an MBA in the hope of being top-dog.  It’s good, but why can’t everyone be top-dog ? Simply because top means above, and society is programmed to create disparity between people, divide, divide and divide.  I come from and have moved in top echelons of society, and it’s great to have a better level of “basics” to enjoy – cars, servants, good food, nice bungalows, powerful friends.  I have moved in the lowest levels, and there is either an ambition to make it up or a quiet acceptance that they do not have the resources (money honey) for an engineering degree and an MBA, leave alone BITS + IIM.  Our social priority is me, like Seth Godin says, people want “me time”.  Give people that and you have them lapping out of your palm (sales/marketing – yeh I give MBA classes – just so you know what a smart alec I am 😉  )   Now after I have slogged my butt-off and my folks have invested dosh in my education, suddenly some lower-middle-class dude comes in with high philosophies of equal opportunity, changing the education system, blah blah, I am simply going to get pretty cheesed off, for one he/she is not even using a cologne and maybe speaks with an accent … Ha ! Ha !  Get lost Charlie, you try to shake my castle and I give you such a shake you will powder !!!  NO RAAM DAS, I see your points, well argued from the present system, and pretty much spot on, BUT MISSING THE WHOLE SHOW !  For example your pals son who learned Kathak, good for him, but when you are creating something fresh, the first thing is to recognise that you are an entrepreneur and must provide a value society finds useful, hopefully different as you forged a new path. He became a square peg and instead of creating a square hole want to fit in the existing round hole.  The point is that that blasted lowest of the low middle class nincompoop banging at the gates of my castle need not exist.  Earlier a Matriculate got you a good job, an office, today a double degree from snooty college gets you the same thing.  Kids are committing suicide, parents are going for school interviews, basically we are seeding the way for revolution.  Earlier it was monarchies that fell, now multinationals recess, either way people get killed.  I have trod a spiritual path and still do (ah, has the little mind branded me ?), the best things in life are free, is not true, because society is based on price.  I would love to have the life style of Vijay Mallaya, but for that I need dosh. Sure I can sink in or rise in dimensional meditation, but untill I master my well being at every level I am kidding myself.  The way I see it, in the present system I have to accept social, material, etc inequality to be peaceful, and this I am not prepared to do.  We need new systems, a Maruti 800 cannot become a Merc no matter how much you tweak it, and in my books every body deserves to travel 1st Class, in fact lets not call it First Class, everybody has the BEST humanity has.  The present system of education just extend the great divide.  Now that we question it, it will change, and already is.  Don’t scoff at your friend’s son, they had one thing for sure, and that is guts !  Most people are too damn scared.

      1. Thanks for Kind response. 

        As You Suggested, Spiritual & Meditation is the Way. But My Point is even if we see History there were Kings/Businessmen/Artists/Laborers in Old societies too. 

        What you are Suggesting is Form of Socialism. Not all Fingers are of Same Size, Not All Human beings are Same & they cannot be same everybody is unique in their own way that Acceptance is needed first. Why are we trying to Be Like VIJAY MALLAYA? Why can’t be we be happy in our Own Shoe? Happiness is is everything in LIFE, Look at Ambani Brothers Even being Richest in Country & top 5 Riches of he World, Brotherly Comfort or happiness is missing, Think of their Mother (Kokilaben.). IN A NUTSHELL MY GURU says OuterWorld (Materialistic) cannot bring Happiness. Happiness is Within & happiness is in Giving. 

        “There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that three things that we crave for most in life — happiness, freedom, and peace of mind — are always attained by giving them to someone else” —   Peyton Conway March

        This is How i see Study/sports/Work is like Meditation, Whichever individual Concentrates better will Succeed. Are we go to Same barber because he Cuts Hair good, or Same Handyman to Pain our Home, as He does Good Job. That is what Mother/father should be Guiding their Kids to Strive for putting best effort at anything without expecting Results.

        As I’ve stated earlier (Bill Gates / Steve Jobs) Didn’t completed their bachelors, But they had Foundation & they found their MOJO in doing something, which nobody else can do. So Education is Just w Tool to do certain things Consistently with Repeatability. 

        Indian Education is missing only in terms of Development of Students in thinking Out of Box. 

        Looks at this teaching method –  My Niece in USA Scores 100% marks in Subjects where teachers are teaching like link. Involving students & making Subject interesting.

        I was asked to leave School cause Shade of my Pent was not matching with Shade of Shcool affiliated store & kindly note that My father was in Clothing business.But we can’t hate teacher/School cause such things, We need to have right attitude which is important in LIFE. 

        SUMMARY: Parents / Teachers / Society should be guiding individuals to Excel in Chosen area/Field, without tagging the same to Materialistic Barometer. Happiness is within & WE CAME TO THIS WORLD WITH NOTHING & LEAVE WITH NOTHING. 

        1. I am honored my friend by this discussion you have obliged.  There are a couple of things I am clear on.  The example of Vijay Mallaya is for picking a guy who openly confesses to loving a good-time, he calls himself the King of Good Times, I love his guts, honesty and integrity here.  I am certain neither the path of accumulation nor renunciation brings happiness. Yes each finger is different, but they do belong to a hand; hands too are a powerful means of communication (hand-shakes, namaste, supplication, salaam, feeding, slapping, shooting, stabbing) … anyway this is on a tangent.  My contention in relation to Vidyuts’ blog is that our social systems foster inequality and servitude to live.  I am not speaking socialism, etc I am talking about AWARENESS of the Butterfly Effect to our Existence, knowing which finger we are and learning how to make the choices best for us.  Choices, knowing which are the ones worth making, realising that we now have the ability/consciousness/knowledge/reasons/happiness/wisdom to celebrate life collectively.  But people are scared, you stop being scared when you have nothing to loose, that is why a cornered mouse turns; but this is a base example of what is is now.  What if you knew your lovely home, food, airconditioning, transport, kids life, medical care, etc were a given, that your only “challenge” was to BE, to indeed KNOW you are GOD, and KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt what you DO.  NOW, if you can look at yourself this way, then this world is PERFECT, it has every conceivable ingredient, love, hatered, murder, medicine, richness, poorness, all expressions, because after all GOD will have limitless expressions, it is just that we judge them and get ourselves all messed up in the bargain.  Therefore I personally doubt there will ever be a time of PEACE or ACTION only, we can of course marvel as the Cinematography !  I would like a Society where we all are like Vijay Mallaya (not literally, but you get the drift), because I think a an EXISTENCE it has become pretty boring to have inequality and fear as the few prods to make us perform or rather BECOME all that we can BE – GOD.  So there is something definitely regressive holding us back, centuries of evolution and this is the best we can do, when like you and I many know we can do better, hence the focus on education (perhaps).    People use Spirituality as a bad word, akin to religion which is an alignment of beliefs among a group of people; or something you go uo into the mountains for.  For me LIFE is summed up in 3 words – Existence in Consciousness brings Bliss.  This is how I see it, being a Yogi, a person in awareness, a person who acts knowing the Cosmic Dance.  I am not running away, calling for revolution, I am working on myself, to get a better grip of my well being at all levels/dimensions, and the more I do this the more I realise I cannot celebrate alone.

          1. I wish to clarify.  I use the term GOD as not some entity up in the sky, the Almighty, NO.  Let’s say being a Yogi = God, awakening and using all faculties, taking responsibility for the choices.

          2. I felt like crying When i hear People Complain about School they have which is imperfect, and not even bothered to check the Statistics about 
            a) HOW MANY KIDS are Privileged in INDIA to go to school.
            b) Looking at USA where PUBLIC Park system is so good, that KIDS has Government Sponsored Sports Fields available for Free of cost, we Don;t have any Sports Support at SCHOOL level for underprivileged KIDS. Mr. Malaya Can OWN TEAM, But Nobody asking him How Many Cricket Fields he has Donated to People of India for Sports to Flourish?
            c) We have So many KIDS who are Malnourished, asn AS Gautam Buddha said, first Feed them & then only any teaching will go in their mind. Whenever we (me & my Siblings were complaining)  my DAD would point us to people leaving in Slums & used to say Count your blessings. NOW I RESPECT & LOVE HIM FOR HIS TEACHINGS for LOOK AT HAVES & not at HAVE NOTS.Common Minimum Program,1) Parents need to Bring Child to Earth only they are commited to raise on their own & Have sufficient time commitment for KIDS. 2)ALL KIDS have right to Education & KIDS should be attend Education till Grade 10 Compulsary, otherwise Paretns Law governing Bodies ( Babu’s / Police / Politicans) should be procecuted on failure of same. Curriculum from Grades 1-10 Should be as Diverse as possible for kids to explore different part of options avaialable. Parents / Teachers / Society should be guiding individuals to Excel in Chosen area/Field, without tagging the same to Materialistic Barometer. Happiness is within & WE CAME TO THIS WORLD WITH NOTHING & LEAVE WITH NOTHING3) KIDS needs to be trained in Meditation & Psychological aspects too. Study/sports/Work is like Meditation, Whichever individual Concentrates better will Succeed. 4) OuterWorld (Materialistic) cannot bring Happiness. Happiness is Within & happiness is in Giving. 5) USA is not following Exams Pass/Fail & Ranking kids, the Experiement has Failed miserably in terms of People pursuing higher education as there is not Benchmark to test. Parents Should be Considerate & Motivating KIDS rather then Pushing them to corner. 6) I see issue is not entirely in Education System, but Attiture of Paretns/Tecahers/Society towards results & parents Need to Understand they are not OUTSOURCING education to school. they have to actively engage with students & their needs.7) With 1.2Billion People with around 15-20% Kids, Can we afford to wonder around streets or Give them Structured Guidance to achieve in Global Society. AS KIDS have tremendous energy that energy needs Guidance, otherwise Society might look like AFGHANISTAN where Youth doesn’t excpet using guns.8) Once again during my Visit to school in USA, i’ve seen Guy at age of 70+ Attending Bachelor Programme, as he missed during his Prime time, now just completing his Wish.9) We need to Cultivate Positive attitude in Kids & Expose them to lots of things, Arts, Music, Sports, Apart from School & Do they have Bandwidth to do that Yes, i guess. 10) Teacher should be innovative in teaching kids. kids need to be taught how to find out. How to reference knowledge, how to rig up their own research, how to question the knowledge and test it before accepting or not. How to disagree, without inhibition.11) If parents find out their their KID has special talent, they can stop pursuing standard Education patter & start Focusing on Talent without FEAR.12) KIDS can pursue Parallel acivities after school, like Drawing, Singing, Dancing, Reading Languages & Parents should encourage the same.13) Parents can Guide their KIDS to pursue various options in Study, Like Trade School ITI, Part time schools, Distant learning on various subjects.14) Teach KIDS to be Innovator / Think Out of the BOX / Be enterpreneur. Most successful people in the worlds are not Educated, but People who has dared to Dream Big Diferently & Followed their passion.

          3. Makes sense, in a few points I wish to share my views. Your points 10 to 14 is covered in your CMP 2, that is point 2 takes care of 10 to 14.  I STRONGLY disagree we come and go empty handed and that the outer gives no happiness – metaphysics brings insights; one is that there is no distinction between the inner or outer, this just IS.  I will agree that pleasure of that which lies outside the body mind combine is experienced within the body mind combine.  I do agree that we need metaphysics.  

  16. Looks Like You are going too much random, Lots of things are possible under current Structure. And no need for total makeover, Pickup things works and things doesn’t work. I would Still Prefer This Article could communicate better with Problem / Solution Format.

    a) Still As A parent One can Home School His/Her Kid, and Give Outside 10th Exam / 12th Exams at certain Age eligibility, options are Still there. have you explored those???

    b) My Freind whose parents were Professor at Prestigious Colleges with Husand a PHD, experiment what you mentioned. They took Him out of School at Age of 18 and Put him into what he loved Dancing (KATHAK) and Studying part time. After So many years of Struggle he couldn’t do anything with Dancing now Struggling with Drama/Film Industry & Still waiting for Make Substancial Living for him & family. He may Succeed one day, But Point is, was his Decision Correct one?

    c) from Article Above one sentance came up in My Mind “IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO GO ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE.” Kids Has Some Great Energy which needs to be tranlated in Certain Direction, What you are offering is No Direction & Influenced by “TARE ZAMEEN PAR”, which is Partly true, but not entirely.

    d) If you Remember Vedic  History,
    We (Brahmin still has it) had Something Called Thread Ceremony which is performed at around age of 7,9,11. In which Kids are offered 4 things to Select from (Kind of IQ test) 1) Shawl ( represents Business), 2) Book ( represents teacher/Brahmin), 3) Knife (  represents Weapon – Protector / Army / Police) 4) Don’t remember.

    e) Is My favourite Place, I
    used to go to school even when i had Fever as a Kid, But As I grew
    Older Scores were Doing Down & Down, till Sudden Jum for 12th
    Grade & Engg Finals, The reason is not about Education System but
    reason was Motivation & Dedication. Yes, Education programs needs
    to be Cultivated & Teachers needs to be more innovative &
    Motivated to teach Different Students Differently.

    f) Why IITians, IIM graduates
    has more Success then Rest of the School? Now Bill gates / Steve Jobs
    were Dropouts but Wareen Buffet was Graduated & Worked under
    Benjamin Graham (Successful Investor in his Decade & His
    Principles Book – Intelligent investor still best Seller.) What it
    means is TEACHER is of importance in Teaching.

    This were Jotted Down from Your Old Post,

    1) School (1-10th
    Standard) is Facility to Expose Kids with Different Subjects Like,
    Languages, Math, Science, Arts, Technocal Subjects, History,
    Geograpy, Civics, to Get/Give idea to Students what are their
    Strenghts Weakneses are to Pursue Further education.

    For e.g. My Calssmate
    was Scored around 85+ Markes in languages & Went for Engineering
    Program and Left Program Midway. Now Someone say When he socred 80%+
    in 10th Grade Gave him Admission, But His majority Score was from
    languages, hence he failed in Engg.

    2) Schools Kill learning –
    I disagree, Schools give you Structure to,

    1-10 the Grade –
    Overall Exposure to Select

    11-12th Grade Primer
    for Specialization

    Bachelor Program to
    Introduce Subjects Further

    Masters Program to
    Introduce Subject in Detail

    PHD to Think on
    Subject in depth on Subject Picked.

    3) Memory Training is a
    method to Cultivate Mind How to remeber certain things, People needs
    to device their own System how to remeber subjects for e.g. My Friend
    related Everything by attaching Subjects with Events, Similar to
    VIBGYOR, rather then remembering all 7 Colors of rainbow by mugging
    20 times, Crete a System (VIBGYOR) to remember everything in 1 time.

    4) My Uncle told his
    Daughter “Education is about Strengthening your Mind, not about
    Doing things you know, but about learn how to Do things you don’t
    know, How would you approach.” As Pointed Earlier, If one needs
    to understand how to Digest Information & Not to Ramify

    5) Language is MODE of
    Communication & More Better you know Multiple Languages to
    Communicatite with Multiple People, It makes easy to Communicate &
    get connected. Problem of IIndian Education is Everything Foreign is
    Good, is that Mad Rush, I know My friends took French in their
    Missinory Schools & Not Sanskrit or marathi. Not Sure Out of 60
    Students Class, if 5 would be using French in anyform. So Problem is
    not School, but Selection,

    6) You are Contrdicting
    yourself, Language is about Communication, one need not go to School
    to learn Language of communication, if you had Cultivated 4 Freinds
    who would challenge each other for new Words and Correcting each
    others Language, Your Language would have grown many times. My Friend
    would learn Any Language in the Area he visits, He was able to
    communicate in Kannada, malyalaum, Tamil, telugu, Bengali, Urdu,
    After His Education in Engineering, and this all Languages he learn
    while working in those Area or Working with People who knew those
    languages, So If one has Aptitude one can learn Languages anytime
    anywhere ….

    7) We were using LogBooks
    in the School and Now a days people using Calculator, Point you are
    missing is School is method of training your mind how to use things
    in front of you and Devise mechanism to Use information. Everyone
    knows People with Real Knowledge Scores more marks then People who
    are Taking Open Book test.

    8) USA is Following Not
    Ranking Students and Its failing Miserably to Benchmark the Students
    to certain level. Or Motivate the Underperformers. Mr. kapil Sibal is
    Trying to Do the same will harm INDIAN education grately. What needs
    to be taught to students is they need to Improve in certain Subjects,
    where they are weak in Class of say 60 Students or May be Paretns can
    learn that this is not My kids Strength area, So i should be staying
    away from this Field for my Kid. Acceptance is the Key.

    1.  The way society is structured today is supported by the education system.  Kids specializing in Engineering fro say IIT or BITS then going and doing an MBA in the hope of being top-dog.  It’s good, but why can’t everyone be top-dog ? Simply because top means above, and society is programmed to create disparity between people, divide, divide and divide.  I come from and have moved in top echelons of society, and it’s great to have a better level of “basics” to enjoy – cars, servants, good food, nice bungalows, powerful friends.  I have moved in the lowest levels, and there is either an ambition to make it up or a quiet acceptance that they do not have the resources (money honey) for an engineering degree and an MBA, leave alone BITS + IIM.  Our social priority is me, like Seth Godin says, people want “me time”.  Give people that and you have them lapping out of your palm (sales/marketing – yeh I give MBA classes – just so you know what a smart alec I am 😉  )   Now after I have slogged my butt-off and my folks have invested dosh in my education, suddenly some lower-middle-class dude comes in with high philosophies of equal opportunity, changing the education system, blah blah, I am simply going to get pretty cheesed off, for one he/she is not even using a cologne and maybe speaks with an accent … Ha ! Ha !  Get lost Charlie, you try to shake my castle and I give you such a shake you will powder !!!  NO RAAM DAS, I see your points, well argued from the present system, and pretty much spot on, BUT MISSING THE WHOLE SHOW !  For example your pals son who learned Kathak, good for him, but when you are creating something fresh, the first thing is to recognise that you are an entrepreneur and must provide a value society finds useful, hopefully different as you forged a new path. He became a square peg and instead of creating a square hole want to fit in the existing round hole.  The point is that that blasted lowest of the low middle class nincompoop banging at the gates of my castle need not exist.  Earlier a Matriculate got you a good job, an office, today a double degree from snooty college gets you the same thing.  Kids are committing suicide, parents are going for school interviews, basically we are seeding the way for revolution.  Earlier it was monarchies that fell, now multinationals recess, either way people get killed.  I have trod a spiritual path and still do (ah, has the little mind branded me ?), the best things in life are free, is not true, because society is based on price.  I would love to have the life style of Vijay Mallaya, but for that I need dosh. Sure I can sink in or rise in dimensional meditation, but untill I master my well being at every level I am kidding myself.  The way I see it, in the present system I have to accept social, material, etc inequality to be peaceful, and this I am not prepared to do.  We need new systems, a Maruti 800 cannot become a Merc no matter how much you tweak it, and in my books every body deserves to travel 1st Class, in fact lets not call it First Class, everybody has the BEST humanity has.  The present system of education just extend the great divide.  Now that we question it, it will change, and already is.  Don’t scoff at your friend’s son, they had one thing for sure, and that is guts !  Most people are too damn scared.

      1. Thanks for Kind response. 

        As You Suggested, Spiritual & Meditation is the Way. But My Point is even if we see History there were Kings/Businessmen/Artists/Laborers in Old societies too. 

        What you are Suggesting is Form of Socialism. Not all Fingers are of Same Size, Not All Human beings are Same & they cannot be same everybody is unique in their own way that Acceptance is needed first. Why are we trying to Be Like VIJAY MALLAYA? Why can’t be we be happy in our Own Shoe? Happiness is is everything in LIFE, Look at Ambani Brothers Even being Richest in Country & top 5 Riches of he World, Brotherly Comfort or happiness is missing, Think of their Mother (Kokilaben.). IN A NUTSHELL MY GURU says OuterWorld (Materialistic) cannot bring Happiness. Happiness is Within & happiness is in Giving. 

        “There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that three things that we crave for most in life — happiness, freedom, and peace of mind — are always attained by giving them to someone else” —   Peyton Conway March

        This is How i see Study/sports/Work is like Meditation, Whichever individual Concentrates better will Succeed. Are we go to Same barber because he Cuts Hair good, or Same Handyman to Pain our Home, as He does Good Job. That is what Mother/father should be Guiding their Kids to Strive for putting best effort at anything without expecting Results.

        As I’ve stated earlier (Bill Gates / Steve Jobs) Didn’t completed their bachelors, But they had Foundation & they found their MOJO in doing something, which nobody else can do. So Education is Just w Tool to do certain things Consistently with Repeatability. 

        Indian Education is missing only in terms of Development of Students in thinking Out of Box. 

        Looks at this teaching method –  My Niece in USA Scores 100% marks in Subjects where teachers are teaching like link. Involving students & making Subject interesting.

        I was asked to leave School cause Shade of my Pent was not matching with Shade of Shcool affiliated store & kindly note that My father was in Clothing business.But we can’t hate teacher/School cause such things, We need to have right attitude which is important in LIFE. 

        SUMMARY: Parents / Teachers / Society should be guiding individuals to Excel in Chosen area/Field, without tagging the same to Materialistic Barometer. Happiness is within & WE CAME TO THIS WORLD WITH NOTHING & LEAVE WITH NOTHING. 

        1. I am honored my friend by this discussion you have obliged.  There are a couple of things I am clear on.  The example of Vijay Mallaya is for picking a guy who openly confesses to loving a good-time, he calls himself the King of Good Times, I love his guts, honesty and integrity here.  I am certain neither the path of accumulation nor renunciation brings happiness. Yes each finger is different, but they do belong to a hand; hands too are a powerful means of communication (hand-shakes, namaste, supplication, salaam, feeding, slapping, shooting, stabbing) … anyway this is on a tangent.  My contention in relation to Vidyuts’ blog is that our social systems foster inequality and servitude to live.  I am not speaking socialism, etc I am talking about AWARENESS of the Butterfly Effect to our Existence, knowing which finger we are and learning how to make the choices best for us.  Choices, knowing which are the ones worth making, realising that we now have the ability/consciousness/knowledge/reasons/happiness/wisdom to celebrate life collectively.  But people are scared, you stop being scared when you have nothing to loose, that is why a cornered mouse turns; but this is a base example of what is is now.  What if you knew your lovely home, food, airconditioning, transport, kids life, medical care, etc were a given, that your only “challenge” was to BE, to indeed KNOW you are GOD, and KNOW beyond a shadow of doubt what you DO.  NOW, if you can look at yourself this way, then this world is PERFECT, it has every conceivable ingredient, love, hatered, murder, medicine, richness, poorness, all expressions, because after all GOD will have limitless expressions, it is just that we judge them and get ourselves all messed up in the bargain.  Therefore I personally doubt there will ever be a time of PEACE or ACTION only, we can of course marvel as the Cinematography !  I would like a Society where we all are like Vijay Mallaya (not literally, but you get the drift), because I think a an EXISTENCE it has become pretty boring to have inequality and fear as the few prods to make us perform or rather BECOME all that we can BE – GOD.  So there is something definitely regressive holding us back, centuries of evolution and this is the best we can do, when like you and I many know we can do better, hence the focus on education (perhaps).    People use Spirituality as a bad word, akin to religion which is an alignment of beliefs among a group of people; or something you go uo into the mountains for.  For me LIFE is summed up in 3 words – Existence in Consciousness brings Bliss.  This is how I see it, being a Yogi, a person in awareness, a person who acts knowing the Cosmic Dance.  I am not running away, calling for revolution, I am working on myself, to get a better grip of my well being at all levels/dimensions, and the more I do this the more I realise I cannot celebrate alone.

          1. I wish to clarify.  I use the term GOD as not some entity up in the sky, the Almighty, NO.  Let’s say being a Yogi = God, awakening and using all faculties, taking responsibility for the choices.

          2. I felt like crying When i hear People Complain about School they have which is imperfect, and not even bothered to check the Statistics about 
            a) HOW MANY KIDS are Privileged in INDIA to go to school.
            b) Looking at USA where PUBLIC Park system is so good, that KIDS has Government Sponsored Sports Fields available for Free of cost, we Don;t have any Sports Support at SCHOOL level for underprivileged KIDS. Mr. Malaya Can OWN TEAM, But Nobody asking him How Many Cricket Fields he has Donated to People of India for Sports to Flourish?
            c) We have So many KIDS who are Malnourished, asn AS Gautam Buddha said, first Feed them & then only any teaching will go in their mind. Whenever we (me & my Siblings were complaining)  my DAD would point us to people leaving in Slums & used to say Count your blessings. NOW I RESPECT & LOVE HIM FOR HIS TEACHINGS for LOOK AT HAVES & not at HAVE NOTS.Common Minimum Program,1) Parents need to Bring Child to Earth only they are commited to raise on their own & Have sufficient time commitment for KIDS. 2)ALL KIDS have right to Education & KIDS should be attend Education till Grade 10 Compulsary, otherwise Paretns Law governing Bodies ( Babu’s / Police / Politicans) should be procecuted on failure of same. Curriculum from Grades 1-10 Should be as Diverse as possible for kids to explore different part of options avaialable. Parents / Teachers / Society should be guiding individuals to Excel in Chosen area/Field, without tagging the same to Materialistic Barometer. Happiness is within & WE CAME TO THIS WORLD WITH NOTHING & LEAVE WITH NOTHING3) KIDS needs to be trained in Meditation & Psychological aspects too. Study/sports/Work is like Meditation, Whichever individual Concentrates better will Succeed. 4) OuterWorld (Materialistic) cannot bring Happiness. Happiness is Within & happiness is in Giving. 5) USA is not following Exams Pass/Fail & Ranking kids, the Experiement has Failed miserably in terms of People pursuing higher education as there is not Benchmark to test. Parents Should be Considerate & Motivating KIDS rather then Pushing them to corner. 6) I see issue is not entirely in Education System, but Attiture of Paretns/Tecahers/Society towards results & parents Need to Understand they are not OUTSOURCING education to school. they have to actively engage with students & their needs.7) With 1.2Billion People with around 15-20% Kids, Can we afford to wonder around streets or Give them Structured Guidance to achieve in Global Society. AS KIDS have tremendous energy that energy needs Guidance, otherwise Society might look like AFGHANISTAN where Youth doesn’t excpet using guns.8) Once again during my Visit to school in USA, i’ve seen Guy at age of 70+ Attending Bachelor Programme, as he missed during his Prime time, now just completing his Wish.9) We need to Cultivate Positive attitude in Kids & Expose them to lots of things, Arts, Music, Sports, Apart from School & Do they have Bandwidth to do that Yes, i guess. 10) Teacher should be innovative in teaching kids. kids need to be taught how to find out. How to reference knowledge, how to rig up their own research, how to question the knowledge and test it before accepting or not. How to disagree, without inhibition.11) If parents find out their their KID has special talent, they can stop pursuing standard Education patter & start Focusing on Talent without FEAR.12) KIDS can pursue Parallel acivities after school, like Drawing, Singing, Dancing, Reading Languages & Parents should encourage the same.13) Parents can Guide their KIDS to pursue various options in Study, Like Trade School ITI, Part time schools, Distant learning on various subjects.14) Teach KIDS to be Innovator / Think Out of the BOX / Be enterpreneur. Most successful people in the worlds are not Educated, but People who has dared to Dream Big Diferently & Followed their passion.

          3. Makes sense, in a few points I wish to share my views. Your points 10 to 14 is covered in your CMP 2, that is point 2 takes care of 10 to 14.  I STRONGLY disagree we come and go empty handed and that the outer gives no happiness – metaphysics brings insights; one is that there is no distinction between the inner or outer, this just IS.  I will agree that pleasure of that which lies outside the body mind combine is experienced within the body mind combine.  I do agree that we need metaphysics.  

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