A group of NRIs did what us local call people didn’t. They called up hundreds of MPs to rally opposition to the UPA governments attempts to amend the RTI and exclude political parties from its purview. Here is what the MPs said.

The markers showing skulls show that the MP for that area would prefer for political party workings to remain opaque from people they seek votes from (and get funds from). Star markers shows that the MP in that area supports transparency and the right of the people to seek accountability from political parties that are behind policies that run their lives. The sad faces are for people who believe in transparency but will go with whatever others decide or people who avoided answering. Potential for influencing?
Also, clicking on the marker will give details of the contact made, and provide contact information if you wish to call them or seek clarifications or praise or criticize.
Feel free to update with any information you have on individual MPs and their stand on the RTI Amendment. Connect with your MP, make sure they safeguard your interest.
The list of MPs is quite long, but because time is short, I am publishing this now, and it is being continuously updated in the background. Keep checking every hour or something if you are fighting for our rights and want to know who is on the right side of them.
special thanks to Bhanu Priya for compilation. Thank her on Twitter.
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