Alarming thinking disabilities among BJP supporters

Prime Minister Narendra Modi meeting Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

Political party supporters are usually biased in favor of parties they support, but BJP takes it to a whole new level with a complete disconnect with reason, dignity or even self-preservation. Some days it is like watching a road accident. It is horrifying and you can’t bear to watch and you can’t look away. Other days it is like a macabre dream, where you see someone walking off a cliff and you are only supposed to watch.

The election fervor comes with a lot of political and communal polarization. This is a time when it hits you that there is no level to which some of these will not fall, no sacrifice of own reasoning powers too great to see one person cannibalize not only political opposition, but own party as well.

BJP has lost its vision, all sense, decency and honor. Sometimes you just pity BJP supporters for the shit they have been fed. It is an alternate reality.

“No cases against Modi”

When do they see there is no Santa Claus? I don’t even feel anger. I feel concern and fear. How does one communicate with a person whose “facts” come from some place not verifiable? What do you feel angry about if a person has been informed things that aren’t true and taught suspicion about contradiction?

“clean chit” by Supreme Court.

They don’t even have the mental freedom to wonder when Modi appeared before SC. Forget us “sickulars”, but it would make some news even through the party pipeline if it was Modi’s hearing in the Supreme Court? Where does the clean chit come from?

The alternate world created by BJP is like the Hote California. Check out any time you like, but you can never leave. Entire “facts” warped. And in this imaginary world, everyone is Modi’s enemy, because basically most Indians hate India and he’s the only one trying to save the country.

The creepiest part is if you speak with them, there is no sense of finding anything odd with any of the contradictions. It is like every belief is standalone and not required to tally with other beliefs – even their own other beliefs from their wonderland. Hindus persecuted for thousands of years, converted, killed in vast numbers, Hindus reproduce less than Muslims… but Hindus are still majority – but they are at threat of extinction – must be defended or will go extinct.And they can discuss this for hours with complete seriousness with no visible indication that anything doesn’t tally up.

There is no perception of a logic mismatch between Hindus exterminated in their own land and continuing to be a majority. There is no mismatch between Hindus being a majority in spite of such extermination and them being under threat of extinction when they are not being slaughtered by the “millions”. There is no mismatch between a four thousand year old faith (your mileage may vary) surviving a history of repeated invasions but unlikely to survive the present government unless citizens rise up to defend it.

It is like a complete suspension of critical thinking. Unquestioning recording of facts as informed with no urge to put them together and see what the larger picture looks like. Or perhaps there is no awareness of completely contradictory ideas being a part of the same picture.

It extends to other beliefs as well. The defenders of one of the few civilizations in the world with several “prostitute” professions with well outlined civil rights and legal protections today use the “fallen woman” standard of the monotheist religions to insult a woman they hate, but see no incongruence in their adoption of a near identical stand from those they claim to viscerally hate. They hate everything Islam and Muslim, but their leaders recommend very Islamic rules for women. Woman’s place in the kitchen, school uniform with overcoat to prevent harassment of girls…

Their loudest accusations against those they hate, usually turn out to be their own practices – whether they are true about the accused or not. Funding from the “Ford Foudation” is a recent example. But there really are many. BJP supporters and leaders are found shouting the loudest on acts they have defended about the BJP. Weeks after officially persecuting South Africans in Goa AND defending the actions staunchly with an abundance of racist remarks, BJP had forgotten all about it, polished its halo and was accusing AAP of racism. BJP flip flops on free speech are too many to count. The irony of asking the country to move on from the 2002 riots while condemning the Mughal invasions is lost on BJP.

Their bizarre actions after the Delhi Elections were another example. Got most seats, refused to form government. Taunted AAP about not forming a government, but complained when it did. Told AAP to accept Congress support, accused AAP of accepting Congress support. Created a ruckus demanding resignations, accused of escapism when they resigned. Accused AAP of squanderinng public funds by not forming government, refused to form government in spite of having more seats. It is incomprehensible. This is party leadership in Delhi we are talking about, not your average supporter on Twitter.

It seems to be a brainwashing so determined that it leaves the brain damaged to even put two thoughts coherently side by side and get a sense of proportion. Without intending any insult, it is a scary symptom. You see basic coherence appear in under teenage children. What exactly is the level of regression we are talking about, and what goal is worth psyops of this scale that people have to completely destroy reasoning skills to support a cause that can’t make sense with functioning critical thinking skills?

I am not angry. I am alarmed at the primitive level of operating of the brain, where everything is basically reduced to a fight or flight instinct for political purposes and executed with animal cunning like methods of pack attacks and simple dismissal of what cannot be thought through. What will devolving to such a level offer even the cause it serves? Will it enhance the Hindu cause to have people unable to reason out complex concepts and evolve them further for enriching the civilization?

You see this among Pakistani right wings on the Internet. Growing up with realities like “Indians are cowards”, “India is the biggest threat to Pakistan”, “Hindus are cowards” and what not, you cannot make sense of what they talk when you encounter them online. There is no point asking what Bangladesh is doing as a separate country if Pakistan has never lost a war against India. There will be some conspiracy theories of treachery, some circular logic or outright detour from the subject to return right back to the “belief” – “Pakistan has never lost a war against India” – you cannot budge it, because there is no logic entering or exiting from it to engage with.

It is psychotic and dangerous, but how do you get angry at what basically amounts to deliberately cultivated schizophrenia? In BJP you see it strongest around Modi. Modi’s enemies are everywhere. Congress, Italian Sonia, Pope, CIA’s Ford Foundation, AAP… within BJP…. everywhere. Not one moment to pause and wonder how it is democratic for a leader “everyone” hates to lead the country. No sense of any verification. Modi is a great leader, except his greatness must be explained by PR agencies and you have the same descriptions over and over. Modi will be an accountable Prime Minister, but doesn’t like being questioned. Modi will make hundreds of new cities, but can’t name one in twelve years in Gujarat. Can go on and on, but it is basically like “hypnosis”. Where your critical thinking is suspended, and you believe whatever you are told.

Whatever you cannot explain is the conspiracy of “others” to turn you away from your true path and you must focus and return to it. It is the “others” without honor and liars, though fake pictures, pamphlets and propaganda are being used to support Modi, not others.

BJP coming to power in this primitive state of intellect is as good as turning country into mental asylum.

It is one of the reasons I rarely get angry with trolls. They are simply from an alternate reality, perceiving to be cornered and under threat. They believe the visions they are shown and what appears to us as hate and violence is them waging some imaginary desperate war for survival for most supporters – while the core criminals know exactly what they are doing.

To believe BJP propaganda is to believe that the party that never had a simple majority in the country is actually the true definiton of everything Indian and those who oppose it are not legitimate Indians. India has more anti-nationals than nationals in its population. Because basically most want to destroy their own country. There isn’t the slightest shock to hear that Hindutva leaders called for karsevaks to be killed to enrage people and build mometum for demolishing the Babri Masjid. This is the kind of behavior they attribute to terrorists – jihadi – willing to die for a cause. Yet there is no discomfort learning that supporters like them were calculatedly wasted and passed off as victims of resistance to their cause to get more people like them. It is chilling. The complete lack of self-preservation or even comprehension of betrayal.

It is a bizarre mishmash addicted to supremacy that admires Hitler for the same reason it admires Israel and the same reason it admires Modi. Modi’s biggest selling point, that will get bragged on the street, but never admitted officially is that it was under his rule that it was possible to teach the Muslims a comprehensive “lesson”. It is why the riots after 2002 do not register in memory, because rioting Hindus are not a problem. Muslims did not riot. The “development” is merely a civilized veneer. If you could dispute and debunk every single claim of Modi, you still would not be able to budge his core supporters, even if you could show someone else superior in all aspects. Because the development is the selling point to get others to allow their desired leader leading the country. It isn’t their reason. They will merely find another reason or allege a conspiracy or strike some deal that gives Modi something new to brag about.

The goal is that bloodlust. That addiction of annihilating lives and proving superior. Primitive. Reminds me of a comment about cannibals. They not just defeat their enemy, they eat him. That is how the subtle promises go. Riot accused given tickets. Statements that 30% of Muslims harbour terrorists. It sets the stage. it is a promise of an orgy to come. It is irrelevant whether it happens. Sooner or later it will. Moving in the right direction is all that matters to those seeking their supremacy fix.

There is no concept of the leadership owing them anything, even their own lives and safety – which, ironically is the reason they believe in the cause if asked openly. There is simply nothing to believe in that cannot be changed, no level of evil that must be avoided if it helps the cause. No amount of self-respect lost is too much. No sacrifice is too much – even if it is used to invent a lie for the cause where your own people kill you and turn you into a trophy to get more like you. It is all fine. There is a serene acceptance of the cause being right and everything else merely being the path to it.

It is sad that exploitative leaders destroy the minds of those supporting them. Ugly price of loyalty for mind to become unreliable. Bizarre as it seems, I feel angrier on behalf of BJP supporters than at them.

This is as disturbing a post to write, as it is to see the complete mental subjugation. I debated for a long time, tried to find better words. In the end decided to put it how I could, because this is the best I can express what I see, though I believe it falls short.

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2 thoughts on “Alarming thinking disabilities among BJP supporters”

  1. I don’t want to comment on Hindutva or other religion aspect …I have seen world with Hindu as both majority and minority … when you see it you have better details. Its not a world where people are living in an idealistic environment to be fair.

    Every political party started with some ideology .. it evolves .. becomes big if the ideology is strong … attracts a lot of other people who came without core ideology and things get changed … Now we are in life where we are telling all political parties are bad … AAP is the only solution …. According to AAP … all non AAP are corrupt .. when you join AAP he/she becomes clean — when you question AAP — their answer is other political parties are too bad or say it is paid media…. I don’t understand why people keep saying AAP is better than other political party .. it may be BJP or Congress .. or other …. why do we compare to political party which we claim is not good ? …

    If some one believe in AAP ideology – compare AAP with AAP ideology — do they keep changing words, make sure they are not doing vote bank politics … make sure they are in the right path to solve our problem … how can we make sure they don’t become another BJP,Congress,SP etc … ideology is great … but people are same … if we need better system … we need to build better system from the core … AAP can not be taken for granted … AAP should be questioned constantly … Do you need a better India ? or do you need another political party to support ? — its people’s choice …. showing finger towards others is easy and populistic since we love to criticising … solving the problem is not easy and it get criticised.

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