The role of women beside men : Afghan Life

Gity Yousafi speaks about the right of women to work as they wish, like men.

Women and men both of them have a special role in the society. Both of them have right to have their jobs that they want. It is their right no body can’t take it. But unfortunately in our society men took all the right from women they don’t let their girls and women work out side. Today it is the big problem in our society; men let their self and give right for their self to identify the job of women and limited jobs for them. For example when a girl study engineering, law or economic after finishing or graduating they want to get a job that they love and they study in their filed, but they faces with prevention of their families. They said it is not good for a girl to work as engineer or work in the court beside the men. You must be a teacher not more. Some of the girls try a lot to satisfy their families for works that they want some of them success but some of them have to accept it. It the problems of our people with their thoughts. I love my people and my country but I don’t love some of their thoughts and fanaticisms about women, I don’t know how they let their self to jail a woman in the house and don’t give them any right, or say you must do this and don’t do that, why? They are also human beside they are a woman, girl, mother, wife or sister they are human kind like others human they have their own right. It’s more happen in illiterate families.

Now a days people want to accept the women rights but their society and their thoughts don’t let them they must accept us as a human and give us all our rights if they don’t want to change, it is our job to change them. We also have power like men why we accept every thing that they say us. Now we see most of women try to get their positions if we see in our parliament, women are more than men it shows our abilities. We must never lose our self, no one come and gives our rights, and it is our job to get it. Because it is very important in our society and our future women must have a role beside the men, when we can make our society that both of us men/women work.

I hope one day I can see my country in peace with no war and violence.

(Gity Yosufi) Herat, Afghanistan


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8 thoughts on “The role of women beside men : Afghan Life”

  1. hi Gity how are you? i am very happy as a afghan person that you wirte such topics crealy and show the fact, all the best to you.

  2. hi Gity how are you? i am very happy as a afghan person that you wirte such topics crealy and show the fact, all the best to you.

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