My Babari Masjid Verdict

After much thinking, this is what I think should be done about the Babri Masjid conflict. All the arguing parties must be told to go home and forget it.

The whole land should be returned to the Earth – Nature. Nothing built. Left to grow wild. Totally wild. After all, before a Masjid, before a Temple, it belonged to the Earth. And there it should go back after her kids failed to be human in their devotion.

There should be no maintaining, nothing. Let it just be and go wild. Let trees and plants do what they will, animals find shelter, whatever.

It should be a monument to the price people demand and pay in the name of religion.

People who lose loved ones to religious conflict should be allowed to look in through gates and rest the memory of their loved ones here. As a country, as a world, it should be the only living monument and place of worship that can’t be entered. A monument of absence. The absence of humanity.


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12 thoughts on “My Babari Masjid Verdict”

  1. You’re brilliant and you know it!

    I haven’t seen anyone come up with a better idea. However, the govt. could plant a few trees and care for them for a while, until the trees could survive by themselves. Nobody would be allowed onto the property though. That stays. Then they can grow wild, as they please for all eternity or until both sides decide that they’d like to contribute the land to a good cause.

  2. You’re brilliant and you know it!

    I haven’t seen anyone come up with a better idea. However, the govt. could plant a few trees and care for them for a while, until the trees could survive by themselves. Nobody would be allowed onto the property though. That stays. Then they can grow wild, as they please for all eternity or until both sides decide that they’d like to contribute the land to a good cause.

  3. A complete novel solution, where I feel for first time the brain and heart have actually synchronized. I do have my reasons, and strong one that i disagree the solution. But in same breath and utmost respect, I really liked this line of thinking, and i shall not shy away from saying that. I agree that piece of Land was just a land before anything was buillt on it and scores of people have died in name of fake ego, either side responsible

    Yes I can come out as confused soul, when I say i liked your idea and yet disagreeing to it or I can b blamed for too rigid .. but its fact, this is the only solution I respect beyond my thinking not cuz it oppose construction which i m opposed to, but truly I feel its only in this solution some thought process has gone in as against the cliches that were thrown previously in name of school / garden / hospital.

    Your idea is truly nice n i will applaud it .. to interact with you is nice, but disagreement has its own teachings in store for me.. Thanks

  4. A complete novel solution, where I feel for first time the brain and heart have actually synchronized. I do have my reasons, and strong one that i disagree the solution. But in same breath and utmost respect, I really liked this line of thinking, and i shall not shy away from saying that. I agree that piece of Land was just a land before anything was buillt on it and scores of people have died in name of fake ego, either side responsible

    Yes I can come out as confused soul, when I say i liked your idea and yet disagreeing to it or I can b blamed for too rigid .. but its fact, this is the only solution I respect beyond my thinking not cuz it oppose construction which i m opposed to, but truly I feel its only in this solution some thought process has gone in as against the cliches that were thrown previously in name of school / garden / hospital.

    Your idea is truly nice n i will applaud it .. to interact with you is nice, but disagreement has its own teachings in store for me.. Thanks

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