Learning from Delhi’s slutwalk

Some points to learn from while organizing Mumbai’s Maal Chaal. This post is more of a to-do list for me, not really an article. Feel free to read, follow or contribute or use the list to help you act. Stuff will keep getting added, removed.

  1. Remain open and available. Coordinate with main people so that all of us aren’t inaccessible at the same time on declared points of contact.
  2. Prepare better. There was little preparation in terms of working with the society before the walk and in communicating the need. More reach needs to be organized.
  3. Specifically target and ensure communication with a range of “groups” of people ensuring diversity of age, gender, caste, class, locality, religion, etc. The attempt is to create such a diversity of people, that the message becomes totally generic – moral judgments and victimization are not okay regardless of who does it to whom.
  4. Make sure that the scope of the slutshaming being protested as not limited to streets and public transport – it is in every aspect of lives – in how we treat each other at home, at work, in school, on the street, in public transport…
  5. Engage with disagreeing voices in genuine debate. Understand concerns, make real attempts to address them as far as possible.
  6. Create effective communication on why words like “slut” and “maal” are needed and what is their significance in this protest against the ills in society – help people reach beyond automatic denials to common interest.
  7. Communicate better with journalists to ensure that the message of the slutwalk reaches viewers unmangled.
  8. Create a few standard letters, photos, graphics, etc that supporters can use to spread the word.
  9. Keep the voice loud and clear all through right up to the walk.
  10. Keep an eye on the kinds of clothes people have in mind, so that there is an idea of the diversity or the lack of it and action may be taken if needed.
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4 thoughts on “Learning from Delhi’s slutwalk”

  1. all good, but my cynical self comes to the fore when i read point 7. journalism has reduced to a mess in this country, we can’t expect anything to remain undistorted before it reaches the newsprint

  2. all good, but my cynical self comes to the fore when i read point 7. journalism has reduced to a mess in this country, we can’t expect anything to remain undistorted before it reaches the newsprint

  3. Vidyut, you’ve got all the points. U have thought about it very rationally and well. Best of luck.When is it in Mumbai. What r thepoints from where to where is the walk taking place. 

  4. Vidyut, you’ve got all the points. U have thought about it very rationally and well. Best of luck.When is it in Mumbai. What r thepoints from where to where is the walk taking place. 

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