Keenan Santos could be you

The Murder of Keenan Santos

For those with our typical ADHD attention spans, here’s what happened. On 23rd October 2011, group of cricket fans came together to enjoy a match on a big screen, have dinner at Amboli Kitchen and Bar, eat pan and have fun. What followed didn’t quite work out that way.

Dinner done, as they were at the paan shop, a drunk man stumbled against one of the girls. Thinking that this is your average garden variety drunk, one of the men in the group, Avinash Bali, slapped him. Got into a verbal spat, another friend, Reuben Fernandes, hit him too. However, this was no garden variety drunk lecher (which are kind of common on streets). This man had two murder cases pending against him, and he was a barber and roaming around scot free.

He was accompanied by a few other men. Angry and wanting revenge, he swore he’d be back, and the group dismissed him. Shaken over what happened, but not expecting trouble, they continued to stand there. Meanwhile, said man returned with a group of people in three rickshaws – thirteen, many said – and his original companions. They were armed with swords and knives. Keenan and Reuben tried to reason with them while the others got the girls out of the way to safety. Keenan Santos was stabbed viciously, and his intestines spilled out. As Bejnamin tried to get the girls into the restaurant, some of the thugs followed them. Reuben Fernandes got in their way and was viciously stabbed too. As onlookers watched in shock, Avinash Bali hurled a nearby ladder at them and pulled Keenan and Reuben into the restaurant. The thugs did not follow them into the restaurant, and left.

Still without assistance, Avinash and Benjamin struggled to get Keenan and Reuben to the hospital on time. Many excuses were heard in the media, but the bottom line is, onlookers DID NOT HELP. Keenan’s girlfriend informed his parents, who arrived just in time to watch him die 20 minutes after being admitted. A week later, Reuben is still fighting for life. One life lost, one life hanging on by a thread. Because a crazy drunk didn’t see anything wrong in molesting a woman or to attack her friends for defending her. The first thought that came to my mind was if I would ever want my friends to come to my rescue if it would mean them paying with their lives. Then I wondered, what kind of a world would it be, if we can’t count on each other to help…

The Arrests of Rana & Co

In other news, the police investigated, etc and arrested four people – Rana, and the three others who were with him. Despite witness statements and CCTV footage, it seems the thirteen odd goons who landed up with swords and knives did not exist. Rana & Co were cocksure on arrest and confident that they would be out within months and said so openly.

The murder weapon was found at Rana’s home in Valmiki Nagar in the presence of two witnesses whose statements are on record, the friends witnessed Rana stabbing him, Rana’s own companions say Rana stabbed Keenan. Rana says he didn’t do it. He says it was someone else. These are the messages coming in through chatter from those doing the rounds of police stations.

And of course, everyone has forgotten about the thriteen odd rent-a-goons complete with professional equipment that landed up within 10 minutes of Rana’s threat of returning. Who were they? Why did they never come into the picture with the cops in spite of the presence of video footage?

Politicians getting involved

In still other news, politicians were quick to step into the limelight. They visited Keenan’s and Reuben’s families, made appropriate noises, and then – pay attention – visited Valmiki Nagar to assure that the killers families that they would get justice. Ashok Bhau Jadhav Congress MLA from Andheri W is said to be sponsoring the killers lawyers.

One would think that with the assailants being migrants, MNS would at least condemn them, but apparently not. An article in DNA quotes Jassi Singh, a local from Valimiki Nagar “So far, political activists and leaders from Congress, Shiv Sena and MNS have visited our area”.

Reuben Fernandes

Reuben, in the meanwhile has been struggling to recover. He is still in the ICCU and has undergone surgery to repair damage and minimize internal bleeding. Sedated, high on pain killers, he drifts in and out of consciousness, barely getting a grip on all the chaos that has unfolded. He did not know about Keenan’s death until last night. Here is what happened.

Last night, policemen forced their way into – pay attention – the ICCU to interrogate Reuben. Drifting in and out of consciousness, still in critical condition, weak… he overheard something of Keenan’s death from them. He was agitated all night and concerned about Keenan and his internal bleeding resumed, and as I write this post, he has been taken to emergency surgery again in a bid to save his life.

A call has gone out requesting for blood type O+ for him tomorrow.

An important question to ask here is what did the cops hope to hear from him that they forced their way into an ICCU? Did they have a warrant? What authority did they have to do this at all?


Reuben passes away

Reuben passed away on the 31st October after battling for life for a week.

Questions remain

Why are politicians so concerned about these killers? The answer is in upcoming elections. Valmiki Nagar is a vote bank. The goons rule it. The assumption is that favors done to them will reap political profit. And it can’t even actually be any favor to the people of the area, because with these goons having such violent power, they can’t be safe either. Who stands to profit then?

Why did the cops not arrest the other goons who arrived later for the sole purpose of attack? It can’t be that impossible to find them – they came in rickshaws!

Why was a man with two murder cases against him not only roaming free and killing one more man (possibly two) but also confident that he would be out free in a few months? Why was an MP rushing to provide him with a lawyer within a day?

Why did no one among the bystanders come to the aid of the victims? Can understand shock and fear during the fight, but why not help get them to hospital?

What options do we have, as citizens to create reasonable safety for us?

Most importantly, what do you do if you get molested, or see someone getting molested by a random person on the street?


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298 thoughts on “Keenan Santos could be you”

  1. I appreciate that all feel strongly on the subject, and indeed it is good we do, or we’d be a little less human. However, you are going to stop the personal attacks, or this comments on this post will be closed. Everyone has a right to think whatever they think and express it. You have to respect that on this blog.

  2. I appreciate that all feel strongly on the subject, and indeed it is good we do, or we’d be a little less human. However, you are going to stop the personal attacks, or this comments on this post will be closed. Everyone has a right to think whatever they think and express it. You have to respect that on this blog.

  3. ohhhhhh my god!!!!!!! fuck india especially after reading that those ************* are getting political support. so disgusted at this.

    nothing good is gonna happen to this country. So much agony after reading this. feels so pathetic, so ashamed that i live in such a country. Currently, i have been living in australia for the past three years and now m a resident over there. I and my other indian friends over their have this dialouge from rang de basanti, “koi bhi desh perfect nahi hota, use banana padta hai” very common among us. We always think that one day India will become a better country, (free from corruption). But where people cannot even live safely, then thinking about the country progressing and developing in other fields is a thing that should not even be thought about. we talk about our system saving us from terrorist attacks, hahaha, they cant even save us from local thugs and goons. literally my heart is sobbing at the moment. I wish something could have been done to our system………………………………………

  4. ohhhhhh my god!!!!!!! fuck india especially after reading that those ************* are getting political support. so disgusted at this.

    nothing good is gonna happen to this country. So much agony after reading this. feels so pathetic, so ashamed that i live in such a country. Currently, i have been living in australia for the past three years and now m a resident over there. I and my other indian friends over their have this dialouge from rang de basanti, “koi bhi desh perfect nahi hota, use banana padta hai” very common among us. We always think that one day India will become a better country, (free from corruption). But where people cannot even live safely, then thinking about the country progressing and developing in other fields is a thing that should not even be thought about. we talk about our system saving us from terrorist attacks, hahaha, they cant even save us from local thugs and goons. literally my heart is sobbing at the moment. I wish something could have been done to our system………………………………………

  5. Words cannot describe how devastating it is to hear this news.  It is sad to hear that crowds of people were watching two guys getting murdered right in front of their eyes.  It is times like these that makes me wonder what has the world come to, that we can just stand around and not help someone who is in great danger?  Pathetic.  For future reference, if a situation like this were to occur again, THINK. what if the person was your father/mother, husband/wife, son/daughter,uncle/aunt, or brother/sister?  Would you still be watching on the side and not helping?  My prayers go out to Keenan’s and Reuben’s  families, May God be with you in this tragic time and fill the void that is burdening your hearts.  Justice will be served. 

    1. Now where does this GOD come from ?? There is no God who can help/save people like us who are common man.Stop spreading your INHERITED faith which you have got from your parents/forefathers about God.have you yourself seen/felt the presence of any so-called God ? We know you have not, none of us have.Stop spreading this fake consolation and faith that God will help them sail through this difficult time.As far as India is concerned, this is doomed country and if you educated please leave for the sake of your future generations.

  6. Words cannot describe how devastating it is to hear this news.  It is sad to hear that crowds of people were watching two guys getting murdered right in front of their eyes.  It is times like these that makes me wonder what has the world come to, that we can just stand around and not help someone who is in great danger?  Pathetic.  For future reference, if a situation like this were to occur again, THINK. what if the person was your father/mother, husband/wife, son/daughter,uncle/aunt, or brother/sister?  Would you still be watching on the side and not helping?  My prayers go out to Keenan’s and Reuben’s  families, May God be with you in this tragic time and fill the void that is burdening your hearts.  Justice will be served. 

    1. Now where does this GOD come from ?? There is no God who can help/save people like us who are common man.Stop spreading your INHERITED faith which you have got from your parents/forefathers about God.have you yourself seen/felt the presence of any so-called God ? We know you have not, none of us have.Stop spreading this fake consolation and faith that God will help them sail through this difficult time.As far as India is concerned, this is doomed country and if you educated please leave for the sake of your future generations.

  7. People in india and as an india are weak and fearful and just like they call it in bhai log language FATU…. Understadning not fighting or getting ni middle of it but not helping them after everyone left is just a shame…wear some bangles.. as for the goons and ministers of india and all are in one word biggest scumbags on earth… Our ministers are such scumbags that even terrorist are more faithful to what they do then the ministers… and i have no doubt that these people are gonna go free for sur enad if not they will just like that vikas yadav guy will keep filing paperworks and keep getting out of jail for one reason or another… to the parents of the deceased u r notgoing to get justice and i would recommemd doing something yourself like they do in movies and save u r self some time and money and get more satifsfaction… this blogs and news paper and all only know how to write they will not do anything for you…..

  8. People in india and as an india are weak and fearful and just like they call it in bhai log language FATU…. Understadning not fighting or getting ni middle of it but not helping them after everyone left is just a shame…wear some bangles.. as for the goons and ministers of india and all are in one word biggest scumbags on earth… Our ministers are such scumbags that even terrorist are more faithful to what they do then the ministers… and i have no doubt that these people are gonna go free for sur enad if not they will just like that vikas yadav guy will keep filing paperworks and keep getting out of jail for one reason or another… to the parents of the deceased u r notgoing to get justice and i would recommemd doing something yourself like they do in movies and save u r self some time and money and get more satifsfaction… this blogs and news paper and all only know how to write they will not do anything for you…..

  9. I totally agree with u, Mr. Anon… It seems we are so ‘up in arms against injustice’, that if someone even
    suggests an alternative approach to a similar situation in future; we will label them cowards or silly or
    shameless. These so called vehement supporters of brute bravado against eve-teasers and  ‘Standing up for
    whats right’ kinda people are just venting. Ah; yes…”what wud u do if the same happened to ur mom/sis/gf?”
    seems to be a talking point for them. Arrey Bosss…atleast understand in what context one is suggesting
    discretion to be the better part of valour . But nope…now that would make them appear spineless cowards.
    And any parent who advises his/her child to walk away does not respect the woman kind …right guys??
    Not once has Mr. Anon set any aspertions on the actions of Mr. Keenan (God bless his truly brave soul in
    Heaven). a drunk [forget “falls” on; I’ll say for a fact]molests ur GF; ur in group of abt 6-7 at the
    moment outnumbering the drunks trio. So I agree; in the heat of the moment and please NOT BECOZ we
    have the fairer sex for company; any hot blooded male wud respond the way Avinash did … I wud
    too,probably(though I agree with Mr. Anon that in hindsight or future similar incidents with my mom/sis/gf/wife
    I would/should hav just shoved the guy away ; infact even make sure the guy has his bearings in order and
    help him out so as to prevent him from falling on some other guy/gal along the way out….or I should just kill
    him so he can never get back at me or my family). But in this unfortunate incident the drunk is an actual
    gunda who probably gets his kicks getting into such altercations. So I’ll say for a fact ; the goon already
    humiliated by the slap in front of his sidekicks shows off whose boss by hurling verbal abuses towards the girl
    in question. Mr. Reuben (may he RIP) joins in and lands another tight one on him…DESERVEDLY SO. Now the
    local goon ; on the brink of becoming the laughing stock among his minions flares his nostrils and dares this
    group of friends to stand their ground while he returns with his army to give it back to them. Now this is
    where I have a real problem with this whole incident. A guy has moletsted a girl for which he has been
    slapped twice and at the point in time instant justice has been meted out. If the girl still felt that this was not
    compensation enough for outraging her modesty…the group should have immediately approached the
    nearest police station with the inabbreviated goon in tow. They outnumbered these gundas anyways.That
    would have been THE right thing to do . If you believe in vigilante justice ;u should be prepared when it is
    meted out to you…Now,now…before some one goes off on a tangent; I am not saying this is justice being
    meted out by the goons; thats what vigilantism is …the bigger group feels…believes what they are doing is
    right and thats why they are able to carry out such heinous acts without any remorse. Ergo there is no
    difference between the goon and the girl; forget the guys. Yeah; I know I’m already being hated for saying
    this. But this was one oppurtunity where the girl could have done the right thing even after the goon was
    slapped. She had the resources. But obviously we want to revel in our act of bravery…and mind you Bravery
    it is. Please try and understand the viewpoint. Nobody is denying what happened to girl was wrong.Nobody is
    denying what Avinash and Reuben did was wrong. Anyone would / could do that…it could happen with / to
    anyone. But once that happened ; then what?? Oh, yes the path of Bravery once tread upon can seldom be
    undone.  The group has been threatened by the goons that they will be back to “square things up”. Good
    sense would atleast warrant to ensure the safety of the girls in the group. Okay ‘ u have done the right
    thing;the brave thing; great !!!. WALK AWAY… ATLEAST NOW;WALK AWAY FROM CONFLICT. At this moment
    the issue of eve-teasing has already been dealt with.If the group felt that the eve-teasing incident had not
    been dealt with in kind; then for GOD’s sake ; why not go to the cops at that point? WHAT THE F*** were they
    waiting at the same spot  for  ? But ofcourse…The path of Bravery once tread upon can seldom be undone.
    Why should we be afraid and flee this spot? We live in a free country; we have done no wrong ? And I’ve got
    the guts to stand  my ground in front of those A**h****? Let him come ; I’ll land a couple more blows on
    him…I dont need the cops; I showed him before; I’ll show him again. But my friend ; when u go down this path
    u have follow only one principle. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT. The girl who was molested
    surely must have felt a rush when her friend slapped the goon. But madam; with all due respect; that was the
    time to approach the law ; not when they gutted ur BF. I know ; shame on me for saying this; its horrendously
    rude. But you knew your friends were right in slapping the basterd; you should have involved the law at that
    point in time. But at that point in time ; u didnt. Why? The point is slapping the molester was justified; but
    then waiting outside for a period of time (not for them to return; But to reassure urselves we are not afraid of
    anyone? ) was a bad judgement call. Now is this the bravery that is expected from every family man??My
    heart bleeds for Keenan who got sliced for actually doing the bravest act of all.  The outrage in this incident should not be on the eve-teasing part. That was taken care of before the gutting
    of the brave souls. That a group of goons can just come and slice up anyone without any fear of
    consequence is what should shock us.If one had slapped the eve-teaser and then even fled away with the girls to safety would that be termed as
    cowardice?  Then maybe people like me are definitely spineless cowards. Considering the number of blogs
    I’ve read advocating violence towards the goons or resorting to violence when one of our own is molested; I
    would have thought by now all these brave people wud have taken hold of the police station where the
    accused is held and chopped him up.Don’t whats stopping these brave souls who rather kill and die for their woman’s honour? Oh wait ; but now that the accused is behind bars we will whine about
    our system / our police / our country. Now we will not take the law into our own hands or resort to vigilantism.
    But hey, if a group of 4 goons molest my mom in public I rather die standing my ground beating the shit
    outta them. Coz thats the brave thing to do, right? If i put me n her in a rick n flee away ; Im such a frickin
    coward!!Yeah; we all love escapist movies. But this debate sounds like the guys who have taken the moral highground
    saying ” Hey what? U didn’t like Baghban – the movie ” and then thinkin ” Oh… he must not love his parents!!”
    WTFSTOP Being judgemental of others. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    1. Fact is, Drunk man molested a girl, guys beat up the drunk man and dealt out their own idea of instant justice. Drunk man threatened, returned, nobody else helped and two brave boys lost their lives protecting others but the goon’s were anyways primarily coming for the boys who hit the drunk man. As much as we debate about how a man could just molest a girl or eve-teasing, we should also debate why stick around after being threatened by a hoodlum ? followed by, how the f**k can a man, gather 13 people so fast, with weapons and charge towards young boys with intent to kill ? And then finally why didn’t the onlookers help. It’s easy to say “if i was there, i would have surely called the cops and picked up whatever weapon i could find and help the boys/girls” but doing that in reality is really a personal choice of the bystander, its SAD that none of them helped, most likely they felt its a fight they don’t deserve to be a part of or a part of their mind thought about their family at home and that it all happened so fast that they were sadly left judging the scenario. Same way, why didn’t a bystander come by and ask why the boys were beating the drunk man(if you believe in and want to follow the law, hit the guy once/twice and drag him to the cops) ? i’m sure if a lot of people noticed a girl being molested, our mob loves to go wash their frustration by thrashing people on the road. Its pathetic, the events that transpired that night are sad except for the brave hearted acts of keenan and reuben and avinash (and others who im not aware of). Its a question we all need to ask ourselves(unless you have no family/friends) what would ‘ I ‘ do if i was in that situation and think about it real hard because thats the only way your brain will cope with ego/anger if and when such a situation arises. Btw im particularly glad you understood what im trying to convey, quite interesting though that the author did comment when some idiot made a comment about women and stuff like that but not on stuff like what you or i and some other’s have posted. i guess we all choose ? by standers until the cause is a little more personal. aye ?

  10. I totally agree with u, Mr. Anon… It seems we are so ‘up in arms against injustice’, that if someone even
    suggests an alternative approach to a similar situation in future; we will label them cowards or silly or
    shameless. These so called vehement supporters of brute bravado against eve-teasers and  ‘Standing up for
    whats right’ kinda people are just venting. Ah; yes…”what wud u do if the same happened to ur mom/sis/gf?”
    seems to be a talking point for them. Arrey Bosss…atleast understand in what context one is suggesting
    discretion to be the better part of valour . But nope…now that would make them appear spineless cowards.
    And any parent who advises his/her child to walk away does not respect the woman kind …right guys??
    Not once has Mr. Anon set any aspertions on the actions of Mr. Keenan (God bless his truly brave soul in
    Heaven). a drunk [forget “falls” on; I’ll say for a fact]molests ur GF; ur in group of abt 6-7 at the
    moment outnumbering the drunks trio. So I agree; in the heat of the moment and please NOT BECOZ we
    have the fairer sex for company; any hot blooded male wud respond the way Avinash did … I wud
    too,probably(though I agree with Mr. Anon that in hindsight or future similar incidents with my mom/sis/gf/wife
    I would/should hav just shoved the guy away ; infact even make sure the guy has his bearings in order and
    help him out so as to prevent him from falling on some other guy/gal along the way out….or I should just kill
    him so he can never get back at me or my family). But in this unfortunate incident the drunk is an actual
    gunda who probably gets his kicks getting into such altercations. So I’ll say for a fact ; the goon already
    humiliated by the slap in front of his sidekicks shows off whose boss by hurling verbal abuses towards the girl
    in question. Mr. Reuben (may he RIP) joins in and lands another tight one on him…DESERVEDLY SO. Now the
    local goon ; on the brink of becoming the laughing stock among his minions flares his nostrils and dares this
    group of friends to stand their ground while he returns with his army to give it back to them. Now this is
    where I have a real problem with this whole incident. A guy has moletsted a girl for which he has been
    slapped twice and at the point in time instant justice has been meted out. If the girl still felt that this was not
    compensation enough for outraging her modesty…the group should have immediately approached the
    nearest police station with the inabbreviated goon in tow. They outnumbered these gundas anyways.That
    would have been THE right thing to do . If you believe in vigilante justice ;u should be prepared when it is
    meted out to you…Now,now…before some one goes off on a tangent; I am not saying this is justice being
    meted out by the goons; thats what vigilantism is …the bigger group feels…believes what they are doing is
    right and thats why they are able to carry out such heinous acts without any remorse. Ergo there is no
    difference between the goon and the girl; forget the guys. Yeah; I know I’m already being hated for saying
    this. But this was one oppurtunity where the girl could have done the right thing even after the goon was
    slapped. She had the resources. But obviously we want to revel in our act of bravery…and mind you Bravery
    it is. Please try and understand the viewpoint. Nobody is denying what happened to girl was wrong.Nobody is
    denying what Avinash and Reuben did was wrong. Anyone would / could do that…it could happen with / to
    anyone. But once that happened ; then what?? Oh, yes the path of Bravery once tread upon can seldom be
    undone.  The group has been threatened by the goons that they will be back to “square things up”. Good
    sense would atleast warrant to ensure the safety of the girls in the group. Okay ‘ u have done the right
    thing;the brave thing; great !!!. WALK AWAY… ATLEAST NOW;WALK AWAY FROM CONFLICT. At this moment
    the issue of eve-teasing has already been dealt with.If the group felt that the eve-teasing incident had not
    been dealt with in kind; then for GOD’s sake ; why not go to the cops at that point? WHAT THE F*** were they
    waiting at the same spot  for  ? But ofcourse…The path of Bravery once tread upon can seldom be undone.
    Why should we be afraid and flee this spot? We live in a free country; we have done no wrong ? And I’ve got
    the guts to stand  my ground in front of those A**h****? Let him come ; I’ll land a couple more blows on
    him…I dont need the cops; I showed him before; I’ll show him again. But my friend ; when u go down this path
    u have follow only one principle. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT. The girl who was molested
    surely must have felt a rush when her friend slapped the goon. But madam; with all due respect; that was the
    time to approach the law ; not when they gutted ur BF. I know ; shame on me for saying this; its horrendously
    rude. But you knew your friends were right in slapping the basterd; you should have involved the law at that
    point in time. But at that point in time ; u didnt. Why? The point is slapping the molester was justified; but
    then waiting outside for a period of time (not for them to return; But to reassure urselves we are not afraid of
    anyone? ) was a bad judgement call. Now is this the bravery that is expected from every family man??My
    heart bleeds for Keenan who got sliced for actually doing the bravest act of all.  The outrage in this incident should not be on the eve-teasing part. That was taken care of before the gutting
    of the brave souls. That a group of goons can just come and slice up anyone without any fear of
    consequence is what should shock us.If one had slapped the eve-teaser and then even fled away with the girls to safety would that be termed as
    cowardice?  Then maybe people like me are definitely spineless cowards. Considering the number of blogs
    I’ve read advocating violence towards the goons or resorting to violence when one of our own is molested; I
    would have thought by now all these brave people wud have taken hold of the police station where the
    accused is held and chopped him up.Don’t whats stopping these brave souls who rather kill and die for their woman’s honour? Oh wait ; but now that the accused is behind bars we will whine about
    our system / our police / our country. Now we will not take the law into our own hands or resort to vigilantism.
    But hey, if a group of 4 goons molest my mom in public I rather die standing my ground beating the shit
    outta them. Coz thats the brave thing to do, right? If i put me n her in a rick n flee away ; Im such a frickin
    coward!!Yeah; we all love escapist movies. But this debate sounds like the guys who have taken the moral highground
    saying ” Hey what? U didn’t like Baghban – the movie ” and then thinkin ” Oh… he must not love his parents!!”
    WTFSTOP Being judgemental of others. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    1. Fact is, Drunk man molested a girl, guys beat up the drunk man and dealt out their own idea of instant justice. Drunk man threatened, returned, nobody else helped and two brave boys lost their lives protecting others but the goon’s were anyways primarily coming for the boys who hit the drunk man. As much as we debate about how a man could just molest a girl or eve-teasing, we should also debate why stick around after being threatened by a hoodlum ? followed by, how the f**k can a man, gather 13 people so fast, with weapons and charge towards young boys with intent to kill ? And then finally why didn’t the onlookers help. It’s easy to say “if i was there, i would have surely called the cops and picked up whatever weapon i could find and help the boys/girls” but doing that in reality is really a personal choice of the bystander, its SAD that none of them helped, most likely they felt its a fight they don’t deserve to be a part of or a part of their mind thought about their family at home and that it all happened so fast that they were sadly left judging the scenario. Same way, why didn’t a bystander come by and ask why the boys were beating the drunk man(if you believe in and want to follow the law, hit the guy once/twice and drag him to the cops) ? i’m sure if a lot of people noticed a girl being molested, our mob loves to go wash their frustration by thrashing people on the road. Its pathetic, the events that transpired that night are sad except for the brave hearted acts of keenan and reuben and avinash (and others who im not aware of). Its a question we all need to ask ourselves(unless you have no family/friends) what would ‘ I ‘ do if i was in that situation and think about it real hard because thats the only way your brain will cope with ego/anger if and when such a situation arises. Btw im particularly glad you understood what im trying to convey, quite interesting though that the author did comment when some idiot made a comment about women and stuff like that but not on stuff like what you or i and some other’s have posted. i guess we all choose ? by standers until the cause is a little more personal. aye ?

  11. God give me d courage lyk dat of keenan-reuben…morover is it gona do any gud by jst showng our suport on facebook n twiter..smthng gud can only hapen if v c smthng lyk ths hapening in frnt of us n v stand against it..den is d only use of all ths..n im going to stnd against it..
    its beter to die bravly rathr to live cowardly..

  12. God give me d courage lyk dat of keenan-reuben…morover is it gona do any gud by jst showng our suport on facebook n twiter..smthng gud can only hapen if v c smthng lyk ths hapening in frnt of us n v stand against it..den is d only use of all ths..n im going to stnd against it..
    its beter to die bravly rathr to live cowardly..

  13. Living in the country of eunuchs! All those cheap b@$#% who think they will get away dont think that Keenan and Reuben are dead. They have multiplied in all of us. Will fight back with the same force and courage as they did if there’s any such incident. Let the Eunuchs keep watching and protecting the criminals.

  14. Living in the country of eunuchs! All those cheap b@$#% who think they will get away dont think that Keenan and Reuben are dead. They have multiplied in all of us. Will fight back with the same force and courage as they did if there’s any such incident. Let the Eunuchs keep watching and protecting the criminals.

  15. you know what… India is filled with scumbags like these… even educated people.. little do they have any respect for women.. and eve teasing.. its everywhere, all across the country.. from the point a girl steps outside her home.. either it be a young man or a old rougue.. they keeping looking like they have never seen a girl before.. even when a girl is wearing proper indian shalwar kameez with full sleeves.. they look like.. wish i get a piece of her.

    What is important is for the people to accept the responsibility.. the responsibility of leading the nation to be better than what it is today. Attitude of people in our country is like.. “hame kya padi hain”. How many of you writing comments have never teased a girl walking on road or in your class room or anywhere.. how narrow is the thinking of the people.. ‘ek ladki ne tight jeans pehni.. kehtey hain.. ye character less hain’
    Seriously the thinking of the people should change.. nothing will change till then..

    The role of media.. talk about the hot topic for few day.. until the TRP’s are high.. their attitude after that” who cares about what has happened or if justice is done or not, TRP’s are what we need”.

    Film industry… exploitation tow yahi se shuru hoyi hain.. har movie mein galiya do.. ladki ko shedo.. batamizi karo.. yahi sekhatey hain. Don’t the actors know that they have a huge impact on the people in India.. how they behave, what they show.. even they……… all they want is to make money.. kiski ki hume kya..

    1. Off topic – ladki tight jeans kyun pehen ti hai ? Just like that ..OR she wants some other kind of attention ? Come on, we all are not fools.What will go so wrong if she is not wearing a tight jeans but a decent pant/suit instead ? you are what you wear,if you wear mini skirt in Indian streets then you face the music also.It cannot be heads I win,tails you lose.

  16. you know what… India is filled with scumbags like these… even educated people.. little do they have any respect for women.. and eve teasing.. its everywhere, all across the country.. from the point a girl steps outside her home.. either it be a young man or a old rougue.. they keeping looking like they have never seen a girl before.. even when a girl is wearing proper indian shalwar kameez with full sleeves.. they look like.. wish i get a piece of her.

    What is important is for the people to accept the responsibility.. the responsibility of leading the nation to be better than what it is today. Attitude of people in our country is like.. “hame kya padi hain”. How many of you writing comments have never teased a girl walking on road or in your class room or anywhere.. how narrow is the thinking of the people.. ‘ek ladki ne tight jeans pehni.. kehtey hain.. ye character less hain’
    Seriously the thinking of the people should change.. nothing will change till then..

    The role of media.. talk about the hot topic for few day.. until the TRP’s are high.. their attitude after that” who cares about what has happened or if justice is done or not, TRP’s are what we need”.

    Film industry… exploitation tow yahi se shuru hoyi hain.. har movie mein galiya do.. ladki ko shedo.. batamizi karo.. yahi sekhatey hain. Don’t the actors know that they have a huge impact on the people in India.. how they behave, what they show.. even they……… all they want is to make money.. kiski ki hume kya..

    1. Off topic – ladki tight jeans kyun pehen ti hai ? Just like that ..OR she wants some other kind of attention ? Come on, we all are not fools.What will go so wrong if she is not wearing a tight jeans but a decent pant/suit instead ? you are what you wear,if you wear mini skirt in Indian streets then you face the music also.It cannot be heads I win,tails you lose.



  19. best thing is kill them on d spot those who do wrong so that they next time no one does that by know that they kill on d spot n no one will do it an all is done by d cm son,s or d mp sons,or d ips son,s an that is y they r leaving freely if small person does than he is put to jail for years n they r been harassed n they r put to death but who ever has done this will lead a good life, no never already the peace is gone they will die a worse death i seen with my own eyes like this kind people when they travels they bang d car into a tree or they go deep into d mountains an they get finish some of them they come out with their half d body out from d fallen place so don’t think it is easily over just because yr father or godfather is with you u have to give yr answer in this world n now after five days not more than that.just see it.  

  20. best thing is kill them on d spot those who do wrong so that they next time no one does that by know that they kill on d spot n no one will do it an all is done by d cm son,s or d mp sons,or d ips son,s an that is y they r leaving freely if small person does than he is put to jail for years n they r been harassed n they r put to death but who ever has done this will lead a good life, no never already the peace is gone they will die a worse death i seen with my own eyes like this kind people when they travels they bang d car into a tree or they go deep into d mountains an they get finish some of them they come out with their half d body out from d fallen place so don’t think it is easily over just because yr father or godfather is with you u have to give yr answer in this world n now after five days not more than that.just see it.  

  21. What happened to kenan and reuben was shocking and more shaocking was what followed afterwards.AS a country we have failed, as a citizen we should hang our heads in shame for being mute spectator as 2 innocent people were buthcered to death. As politicians they hsould be gutted in tandoors for showing solidarity and support to such kind of criminals…I feel sad today to see such downgrade of humanity ..:(

  22. What happened to kenan and reuben was shocking and more shaocking was what followed afterwards.AS a country we have failed, as a citizen we should hang our heads in shame for being mute spectator as 2 innocent people were buthcered to death. As politicians they hsould be gutted in tandoors for showing solidarity and support to such kind of criminals…I feel sad today to see such downgrade of humanity ..:(

  23. Along with the goons, the bystanders should also be prosecuted or sued out of their minds. This is the law in many countries.

    The public in India is as good as heel of a shoe.  They live in filth, watch bollywood movies to escape this filth for few hours and then are back to the filth. By filth I mean this routine corruption etc..

    The college/school where these youths went to school should organize protests. Involve UN as this breaches “Humane Laws.”  Each citizen should carry some form of protection with them – “Pepper Spray” and Use it.

    I have another idea-Create a FB/Twitter group – “Help! Mumbai”. Each time a person is in this situation will simply send a tweet for help and their location. People that are following this Twitter Group/Facebook Group will come to Rescue.  We really need strong bravehearts. Strenght in numbers.

  24. Along with the goons, the bystanders should also be prosecuted or sued out of their minds. This is the law in many countries.

    The public in India is as good as heel of a shoe.  They live in filth, watch bollywood movies to escape this filth for few hours and then are back to the filth. By filth I mean this routine corruption etc..

    The college/school where these youths went to school should organize protests. Involve UN as this breaches “Humane Laws.”  Each citizen should carry some form of protection with them – “Pepper Spray” and Use it.

    I have another idea-Create a FB/Twitter group – “Help! Mumbai”. Each time a person is in this situation will simply send a tweet for help and their location. People that are following this Twitter Group/Facebook Group will come to Rescue.  We really need strong bravehearts. Strenght in numbers.

  25. Keenan R.I.P and I hope Reuben stays safe…seriously der is no need of being physical…laws are made…deyll tke care of it….it all leads to such cases…dis is not the first case….there are so many cases pending….and are still out of justice…watever incident happened was sad and a lesson leqarning one… i hope next tym others would be alert enough!!!
    stay alert,stay safe…. 🙁

  26. Keenan R.I.P and I hope Reuben stays safe…seriously der is no need of being physical…laws are made…deyll tke care of it….it all leads to such cases…dis is not the first case….there are so many cases pending….and are still out of justice…watever incident happened was sad and a lesson leqarning one… i hope next tym others would be alert enough!!!
    stay alert,stay safe…. 🙁

  27. these are the things govt must think on, else thinking on rebuilding Mumbai sea shore ,which is already beautiful, make the society beautiful

  28. these are the things govt must think on, else thinking on rebuilding Mumbai sea shore ,which is already beautiful, make the society beautiful

  29. what the heck is going on!!! where, which direction we are heading to?!? Country is getting ruled by corrupted leaders, womens not safe to go out on the streets,innocent guys getting killed by murderer gansta that too everything so openly!! I wonder! what’d those onlookers were doing, and what will they do when the same rana’s, would do the same thing with their mother,girlfriend or a sister infront of their own Eyes!where is the value of human life security left in the city?  Mumbai Police has to take some serious action against the brutality suffered and paid by keenan and Reuben.If not now then Never! Unity is the best policy.we all need to get our act together if nothing works out! Feels Proud for the BraveHearts(which we ‘hv very few & now 2 more less) and condolences of the Huge loss by their Family and nearndearones. I pray to god,those Goons should be punished asap for what they ‘hv done!!! but shouldn’t be able to escape out of this scene!!!!! May Keenan and Reuben soul rest in peace. Amen.

  30. what the heck is going on!!! where, which direction we are heading to?!? Country is getting ruled by corrupted leaders, womens not safe to go out on the streets,innocent guys getting killed by murderer gansta that too everything so openly!! I wonder! what’d those onlookers were doing, and what will they do when the same rana’s, would do the same thing with their mother,girlfriend or a sister infront of their own Eyes!where is the value of human life security left in the city?  Mumbai Police has to take some serious action against the brutality suffered and paid by keenan and Reuben.If not now then Never! Unity is the best policy.we all need to get our act together if nothing works out! Feels Proud for the BraveHearts(which we ‘hv very few & now 2 more less) and condolences of the Huge loss by their Family and nearndearones. I pray to god,those Goons should be punished asap for what they ‘hv done!!! but shouldn’t be able to escape out of this scene!!!!! May Keenan and Reuben soul rest in peace. Amen.

  31. what the heck is going on!!! where, which direction we are heading to?!? Country is getting ruled by corrupted leaders, womens not safe to go out on the streets,innocent guys getting killed by murderer gansta that too everything so openly!! I wonder! what’d those onlookers were doing, and what will they do when the same rana’s, would do the same thing with their mother,girlfriend or a sister infront of their own Eyes!where is the value of human life security left in the city?  Mumbai Police has to take some serious action against the brutality suffered and paid by keenan and Reuben.If not now then Never! Unity is the best policy.we all need to get our act together if nothing works out! Feels Proud for the BraveHearts(which we ‘hv very few & now 2 more less) and condolences of the Huge loss by their Family and nearndearones. I pray to god,those Goons should be punished asap for what they ‘hv done!!! but shouldn’t be able to escape out of this scene!!!!! May Keenan and Reuben soul rest in peace. Amen.

  32. what the heck is going on!!! where, which direction we are heading to?!? Country is getting ruled by corrupted leaders, womens not safe to go out on the streets,innocent guys getting killed by murderer gansta that too everything so openly!! I wonder! what’d those onlookers were doing, and what will they do when the same rana’s, would do the same thing with their mother,girlfriend or a sister infront of their own Eyes!where is the value of human life security left in the city?  Mumbai Police has to take some serious action against the brutality suffered and paid by keenan and Reuben.If not now then Never! Unity is the best policy.we all need to get our act together if nothing works out! Feels Proud for the BraveHearts(which we ‘hv very few & now 2 more less) and condolences of the Huge loss by their Family and nearndearones. I pray to god,those Goons should be punished asap for what they ‘hv done!!! but shouldn’t be able to escape out of this scene!!!!! May Keenan and Reuben soul rest in peace. Amen.

    for those who want to know a little more about Brave Keenan, he truly stood up for what he believed is right and as should everyone.Sadly time’s have changed but it is encouraging to know that men like Keenan and Reuben did what they had to in the time of desperation.Many will misconstrue my posts saying they preach no-violence etc, but thats wrong. I too would consider myself lucky if i died fighting for justice and for that what is right especially if it meant saving other’s lives, much preferred over cancer or never waking up from my sleep.Point’s i have brought forward, i can assure you are not undermining the actions of the two brave boys.

    for those who want to know a little more about Brave Keenan, he truly stood up for what he believed is right and as should everyone.Sadly time’s have changed but it is encouraging to know that men like Keenan and Reuben did what they had to in the time of desperation.Many will misconstrue my posts saying they preach no-violence etc, but thats wrong. I too would consider myself lucky if i died fighting for justice and for that what is right especially if it meant saving other’s lives, much preferred over cancer or never waking up from my sleep.Point’s i have brought forward, i can assure you are not undermining the actions of the two brave boys.

  35. If everyone is really serious about taking action, those who are already bent on taking violent action i wont try and deter you, those who feel strongly and are wishing to do something to bring justice to Keenan and Reuben, i suggest you take out a rally and protest the minister’s involvement in the case and also denounce the lack of action by the cops(though its not their fault, they are pressurised) AND you and everyone else who supports the cause goes on a “NO VOTE UNTIL JUSTICE IS SERVED” campaign. This will give you strength that simply shouting “Justice” will not. Quite frankly our entire system needs a fundamental inspection and change.

  36. If everyone is really serious about taking action, those who are already bent on taking violent action i wont try and deter you, those who feel strongly and are wishing to do something to bring justice to Keenan and Reuben, i suggest you take out a rally and protest the minister’s involvement in the case and also denounce the lack of action by the cops(though its not their fault, they are pressurised) AND you and everyone else who supports the cause goes on a “NO VOTE UNTIL JUSTICE IS SERVED” campaign. This will give you strength that simply shouting “Justice” will not. Quite frankly our entire system needs a fundamental inspection and change.

  37. And to whom so ever this concerns, Bravery/Heroism/Courage/Respect are important even beyond wealth and success. But Bravery in the hand’s of an Idiot is Stupidity and for all those who have posted that real men with balls should stand up fight and retaliate without ‘considering the consequences’ for a matter that could be ‘prevented from escalating’ then you talk and think exactly the way the murderer and this goon’s did. The murderer molested a girl, the guys beat him up, he did exactly what you said, he used all the madness and courage in his balls and came back with henchmen and swords. Does that help you understand that people suggesting something for other’s to avoid meeting the same fate is not a moral science lesson? Or do you still believe that being a ‘ Hot Head ‘ and proving that i am stronger than you is more important ? Its a good thing you aren’t in the army because you could be the reason an entire nation goes to war. My mother was stabbed in the shoulder in broad daylight over 20 years ago in mumbai for her mangalsootra and NOBODY came to help her and when she told me this story, of course my blood was boiling, i asked her mom why didn’t you tell me earlier ? She said “son, today i feel comfortable telling you about this because i believe you will asses the situation better and even if you do chase those criminals who stabbed me 20 years ago, then you will know the consequences for your actions”. Im not saying what Keenan and Reuben did was wrong, they were brave and stood up for the right cause and saved other’s lives and i wish their sacrifice does not go in vain and that justice prevails(either within or beyond the norms of the law). But people need to realise that not everything can or should be handled with physical or verbal violence because you and i know, all over our country and maybe even all over the world, everyone believes they can just hit someone, like when there’s a road accident, people just start hitting the driver but thats not right, more than often a innocent person is beaten up and then those people on the road disappear and nobody is held responsible just the way these goons have disappeared from this event.

  38. And to whom so ever this concerns, Bravery/Heroism/Courage/Respect are important even beyond wealth and success. But Bravery in the hand’s of an Idiot is Stupidity and for all those who have posted that real men with balls should stand up fight and retaliate without ‘considering the consequences’ for a matter that could be ‘prevented from escalating’ then you talk and think exactly the way the murderer and this goon’s did. The murderer molested a girl, the guys beat him up, he did exactly what you said, he used all the madness and courage in his balls and came back with henchmen and swords. Does that help you understand that people suggesting something for other’s to avoid meeting the same fate is not a moral science lesson? Or do you still believe that being a ‘ Hot Head ‘ and proving that i am stronger than you is more important ? Its a good thing you aren’t in the army because you could be the reason an entire nation goes to war. My mother was stabbed in the shoulder in broad daylight over 20 years ago in mumbai for her mangalsootra and NOBODY came to help her and when she told me this story, of course my blood was boiling, i asked her mom why didn’t you tell me earlier ? She said “son, today i feel comfortable telling you about this because i believe you will asses the situation better and even if you do chase those criminals who stabbed me 20 years ago, then you will know the consequences for your actions”. Im not saying what Keenan and Reuben did was wrong, they were brave and stood up for the right cause and saved other’s lives and i wish their sacrifice does not go in vain and that justice prevails(either within or beyond the norms of the law). But people need to realise that not everything can or should be handled with physical or verbal violence because you and i know, all over our country and maybe even all over the world, everyone believes they can just hit someone, like when there’s a road accident, people just start hitting the driver but thats not right, more than often a innocent person is beaten up and then those people on the road disappear and nobody is held responsible just the way these goons have disappeared from this event.

  39. I won’t feel sorry for the loss of your son becoz I am
    very proud that they have done a very good job. They are real heroes like the
    army man who fight at the border battle and die. So they can be called as


    Now I don’t want people to just read and then click on like
    comment or do any such stupid thing becoz all ppl can do is like or comment on
    someone’s comment.


    If you really don want any more Ruben Or Keena Santos to die then
    come out of your house and form a group against Eve teasers. If we start a
    group and have at least 20-30 people in each area then eve teasing matters won’t
    come up whether it is schools or colleges or workplaces whatsoever.


    We juz need to start a forum or an organization where strong
    ppl can come up who can fight with guys like these who do such things in open
    public. No matter whatever the consequences happen later. Do not think about
    that but we need to teach such hooligans a lesson. If we do once twice or
    thrice the next time such ppl will think 10-100 times before even staring at a


    This is not the first time such incident has happened and we
    Indians have a habit to always blame cops for that for not taking action. Why
    the fuck should we blame them always and why the crowd. The crowd must be knowing
    by the dressing sense of these guys who got killed that they are from big
    families and their parents will do anything to take them out of this mess.
    Thinking in that manner the crowd must have backed off.


    If you check day before yesterday’s newspapers the crime
    rate in Mumbai has become high. The second comes Delhi and this is only on
    females most of the time. But the answer is Y Y Y…. Y only Ladies, oldies. Young
    gals all the time. Becoz they do not fight the way foreigners do. If all Indian
    ladies, gals and oldies learn some physical things or how to defend themselves
    then it would be good for their entire life. They need to grow up their nails,
    need to learn to fight, if someone is eve teasing then pick up a bamboo or an
    iron rod and beat those guys then and there. Do not think about the results.
    Teach them a lesson. Once the girl does it alone the public comes in on its own
    for support if the female is alone. Cops wont come every time to help you even
    if they are there.


    Now a days if you watch TV9 News channel you must have seen
    that there are many issues which the chawl ppl are experiencing from past so
    many yrs. But all we do is juz blame the government and nothing else. We need
    to stand up and fight against it but only thing we do is juz comment on
    Facebook, Twitter and that is done. But that is not enough. We need to go to
    that area see the people how do they live, how they survive and help them out.
    If you require help from the locals learn to help them in return.


    Ppl living in chawls are not getting even proper drinking or
    bathing water. They do not have proper toilets; they have to pay more than 300
    Rs everyday juz to get buckets of water. Do the building ppl pay that much
    amount or help these poor people to come and take the water from their own house.
    The answer is NO you don’t. If you really want to help someone then these are
    the things we all need to follow.


    1. Start an organization where 20-30 strong volunteers can
    come in each area. The number can be much more this is the minimum I am saying.
     (Strong Females also included)


    2. This 30 ppl should be from that particular area and
    should be in charge from Churchgate to Mumbai central. So 3 stations. Anywhere
    any problem these 30 ppl should come forward with all the things like hockey
    sticks, bamboos iron rods and everything. Also First aid should be available
    with them and they should fight with such guys who do such eve teasing things.


    3. We need like this in every 3 stations. (Harbour, Western
    and Central) People specially Ladies should come forward to help and be a part
    of it. We need Lawyers from Supreme and High court to help us like if we are
    fighting and anything happens to the eve teasers then to save our friends.


    4. We need people who can’t come forward then they can send
    us funds in order to build up our organization so that we can buy sophisticated
    and latest equipment’s for protection.


    5. We also need local ppl from Chawls for help. For that
    reason we need to help them in their personal problems also like water not
    coming in their houses, water logging, BMC not picking up the waste and
    everything near their house whatsoever etc. etc. their problems we need to help


    We are young youth. If we do not come forward and fight and just
    blame on the government then nothing can happen. All we do is just blame them
    and write comments on FB and if someone writes then we click on Like and
    nothing else.


    People juz say we need to do something but juz by saying
    this nothing can happen. Come forward form an organization and start it. I can
    assure you more than 5000 college students will come forward it we start an anti-eve
    teasing organization.


    We just need to distribute them in each and every area where
    they stay so that its easier for them to reach out soon if any such activity


    Second thing females learn some physical activities. We also
    need some trainers who can teach ladies, aunties, females boxing, martial arts,
    kickboxing and all such things that can help them.


    We need to make banners and stick them in each and every
    area so that the people are aware. The Banners and their contact numbers should
    be for that particular area only I mean juz those 3 stations. One person gets
    the call he can send a sms to those 20-30 ppl of that particular area to get
    ready and bring all the gears for fight.

    Note:  (Females &
    Males you have time to go out on a date but we need to take out time for this
    also. Its our society and we need to keep it safe and clean. Aunties and Uncles
    if we spend some time on physical activities it would be good and juz missing 1
    day TV programme or a drinking session with Friends. Oldies rather then
    gossiping about whats happening in someone’s house or going to temples and
    Satsangs and Church or Masjid if we spend juz 5 hrs in a week on training it
    would be beneficial


    In this way we can try to protect our Mumbai. Fund providers
    can give funds by seeing the performance of the organization. This way we can
    have a clean and free Mumbai from any such anti-social elements. I apologize if
    my English is not good but juz thing fellows if we can start this. It would be
    a great boon to the Indian Society.

  40. I won’t feel sorry for the loss of your son becoz I am
    very proud that they have done a very good job. They are real heroes like the
    army man who fight at the border battle and die. So they can be called as


    Now I don’t want people to just read and then click on like
    comment or do any such stupid thing becoz all ppl can do is like or comment on
    someone’s comment.


    If you really don want any more Ruben Or Keena Santos to die then
    come out of your house and form a group against Eve teasers. If we start a
    group and have at least 20-30 people in each area then eve teasing matters won’t
    come up whether it is schools or colleges or workplaces whatsoever.


    We juz need to start a forum or an organization where strong
    ppl can come up who can fight with guys like these who do such things in open
    public. No matter whatever the consequences happen later. Do not think about
    that but we need to teach such hooligans a lesson. If we do once twice or
    thrice the next time such ppl will think 10-100 times before even staring at a


    This is not the first time such incident has happened and we
    Indians have a habit to always blame cops for that for not taking action. Why
    the fuck should we blame them always and why the crowd. The crowd must be knowing
    by the dressing sense of these guys who got killed that they are from big
    families and their parents will do anything to take them out of this mess.
    Thinking in that manner the crowd must have backed off.


    If you check day before yesterday’s newspapers the crime
    rate in Mumbai has become high. The second comes Delhi and this is only on
    females most of the time. But the answer is Y Y Y…. Y only Ladies, oldies. Young
    gals all the time. Becoz they do not fight the way foreigners do. If all Indian
    ladies, gals and oldies learn some physical things or how to defend themselves
    then it would be good for their entire life. They need to grow up their nails,
    need to learn to fight, if someone is eve teasing then pick up a bamboo or an
    iron rod and beat those guys then and there. Do not think about the results.
    Teach them a lesson. Once the girl does it alone the public comes in on its own
    for support if the female is alone. Cops wont come every time to help you even
    if they are there.


    Now a days if you watch TV9 News channel you must have seen
    that there are many issues which the chawl ppl are experiencing from past so
    many yrs. But all we do is juz blame the government and nothing else. We need
    to stand up and fight against it but only thing we do is juz comment on
    Facebook, Twitter and that is done. But that is not enough. We need to go to
    that area see the people how do they live, how they survive and help them out.
    If you require help from the locals learn to help them in return.


    Ppl living in chawls are not getting even proper drinking or
    bathing water. They do not have proper toilets; they have to pay more than 300
    Rs everyday juz to get buckets of water. Do the building ppl pay that much
    amount or help these poor people to come and take the water from their own house.
    The answer is NO you don’t. If you really want to help someone then these are
    the things we all need to follow.


    1. Start an organization where 20-30 strong volunteers can
    come in each area. The number can be much more this is the minimum I am saying.
     (Strong Females also included)


    2. This 30 ppl should be from that particular area and
    should be in charge from Churchgate to Mumbai central. So 3 stations. Anywhere
    any problem these 30 ppl should come forward with all the things like hockey
    sticks, bamboos iron rods and everything. Also First aid should be available
    with them and they should fight with such guys who do such eve teasing things.


    3. We need like this in every 3 stations. (Harbour, Western
    and Central) People specially Ladies should come forward to help and be a part
    of it. We need Lawyers from Supreme and High court to help us like if we are
    fighting and anything happens to the eve teasers then to save our friends.


    4. We need people who can’t come forward then they can send
    us funds in order to build up our organization so that we can buy sophisticated
    and latest equipment’s for protection.


    5. We also need local ppl from Chawls for help. For that
    reason we need to help them in their personal problems also like water not
    coming in their houses, water logging, BMC not picking up the waste and
    everything near their house whatsoever etc. etc. their problems we need to help


    We are young youth. If we do not come forward and fight and just
    blame on the government then nothing can happen. All we do is just blame them
    and write comments on FB and if someone writes then we click on Like and
    nothing else.


    People juz say we need to do something but juz by saying
    this nothing can happen. Come forward form an organization and start it. I can
    assure you more than 5000 college students will come forward it we start an anti-eve
    teasing organization.


    We just need to distribute them in each and every area where
    they stay so that its easier for them to reach out soon if any such activity


    Second thing females learn some physical activities. We also
    need some trainers who can teach ladies, aunties, females boxing, martial arts,
    kickboxing and all such things that can help them.


    We need to make banners and stick them in each and every
    area so that the people are aware. The Banners and their contact numbers should
    be for that particular area only I mean juz those 3 stations. One person gets
    the call he can send a sms to those 20-30 ppl of that particular area to get
    ready and bring all the gears for fight.

    Note:  (Females &
    Males you have time to go out on a date but we need to take out time for this
    also. Its our society and we need to keep it safe and clean. Aunties and Uncles
    if we spend some time on physical activities it would be good and juz missing 1
    day TV programme or a drinking session with Friends. Oldies rather then
    gossiping about whats happening in someone’s house or going to temples and
    Satsangs and Church or Masjid if we spend juz 5 hrs in a week on training it
    would be beneficial


    In this way we can try to protect our Mumbai. Fund providers
    can give funds by seeing the performance of the organization. This way we can
    have a clean and free Mumbai from any such anti-social elements. I apologize if
    my English is not good but juz thing fellows if we can start this. It would be
    a great boon to the Indian Society.

  41. Its a real pity those kids were killed and hope God gives their parents courage and strength.Jesus Christ taught us”Donot be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul  rather be afraid of God who can destroy both  body and soul  in hell.”Have faith,these boys will be seated at the right hand of Jesus along with the angels in heaven.May this sorrow bring you all closer to Christ and remember how he died for us.Spend more time in prayer.Your comfort will come from Christ who said “I will be with you till the end of the age”.can somebody pls pass this message to the bereaved families?

  42. Its a real pity those kids were killed and hope God gives their parents courage and strength.Jesus Christ taught us”Donot be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul  rather be afraid of God who can destroy both  body and soul  in hell.”Have faith,these boys will be seated at the right hand of Jesus along with the angels in heaven.May this sorrow bring you all closer to Christ and remember how he died for us.Spend more time in prayer.Your comfort will come from Christ who said “I will be with you till the end of the age”.can somebody pls pass this message to the bereaved families?

  43. Panwalla shop owner was a witness so also restaurant workers where they went to see the cricket match as they are local boys as they came within minutes of the incident to attack Kenan and his friends.
    What took the police to take action against them immediately.
    Its a vote bank….. vote vote vote….and let us die for it.

  44. Panwalla shop owner was a witness so also restaurant workers where they went to see the cricket match as they are local boys as they came within minutes of the incident to attack Kenan and his friends.
    What took the police to take action against them immediately.
    Its a vote bank….. vote vote vote….and let us die for it.

  45. I cant get over it… thinking about the incident… My heart felt sympathy to both the parents of Ruben and Keenan..  We have lost… our dear ones… May their Souls Rest in Peace. I know what is a personal loss when we loose dear ones in an unpredicted incident. I lost my 22 year old son Avy 3 years back in Karwar who had been on holidays with his friends. Post Mortem reported axphalsia.. The goons are still freely roaming the mumbai roads.No results, no investigations… I weep when I write to you as I share your sorrows with mine.  Lets prays.. and prayers will give us strength. We are still pondering as to what happened to our son Avy…

  46. I cant get over it… thinking about the incident… My heart felt sympathy to both the parents of Ruben and Keenan..  We have lost… our dear ones… May their Souls Rest in Peace. I know what is a personal loss when we loose dear ones in an unpredicted incident. I lost my 22 year old son Avy 3 years back in Karwar who had been on holidays with his friends. Post Mortem reported axphalsia.. The goons are still freely roaming the mumbai roads.No results, no investigations… I weep when I write to you as I share your sorrows with mine.  Lets prays.. and prayers will give us strength. We are still pondering as to what happened to our son Avy…

  47. my heartfelt condolenses to reuben n keenan ..its really touching to know dat they were murdered so brutally..time n again its proved in mumbai no one comes to help u ween u r in need of it….but really proud of these two kids who stood there n fought against it ..i wish thse culprits shld face severe punishment…rip

  48. my heartfelt condolenses to reuben n keenan ..its really touching to know dat they were murdered so brutally..time n again its proved in mumbai no one comes to help u ween u r in need of it….but really proud of these two kids who stood there n fought against it ..i wish thse culprits shld face severe punishment…rip

  49. I was watching times now LIVE.. and Mr. Santos clearly mentioned that no politician helped him a bit and what ever was in the Afternoon news paper is all rubbish facts and complete non sense… This politician just wants this goons who stays in his locality cleared from all charges so that they can work for him and support all his wrong doings, thats all a politician wants a criminal who can threaten innocent people and bow down before these useless politicians… the heights off all the politician Ashok Bhau Jadhav did in order to get fame was that he distributed pamphlets outside the church after keenans funeral mentioning on the pamphlets that he helped the family and was there all the time… Bullshit theses politicians should be kicked by their butt “assholes”…. Really shocked by this incident. HOW CAN SOME 1 TAKE A LIFE OF AN INNOCENT PERSON? WHERE ARE THE COPS WHY DO THEY SLEEP? 
    Thanks to the media and the people around the world, people of mumbai for their support for keenan and Reuben and hope justice be given soon. We all should hope that all the 4 main accused to be hanged to death and not given life in prisonment because behind bars they will get all the best treatment by politician Ashok Bhau Jadhav.

  50. I was watching times now LIVE.. and Mr. Santos clearly mentioned that no politician helped him a bit and what ever was in the Afternoon news paper is all rubbish facts and complete non sense… This politician just wants this goons who stays in his locality cleared from all charges so that they can work for him and support all his wrong doings, thats all a politician wants a criminal who can threaten innocent people and bow down before these useless politicians… the heights off all the politician Ashok Bhau Jadhav did in order to get fame was that he distributed pamphlets outside the church after keenans funeral mentioning on the pamphlets that he helped the family and was there all the time… Bullshit theses politicians should be kicked by their butt “assholes”…. Really shocked by this incident. HOW CAN SOME 1 TAKE A LIFE OF AN INNOCENT PERSON? WHERE ARE THE COPS WHY DO THEY SLEEP? 
    Thanks to the media and the people around the world, people of mumbai for their support for keenan and Reuben and hope justice be given soon. We all should hope that all the 4 main accused to be hanged to death and not given life in prisonment because behind bars they will get all the best treatment by politician Ashok Bhau Jadhav.

  51. Common man needs to take law in his hands .. If I am in such a situation i will make sure before i DIE I take some of these with me … 

    police will not do anything 
    politicians definitely wont and people around they get to watch a LIVE show what else would they want .. 

    The boys did the right thing helping there friend.. thats what friends do.. people who say avoid this or that will they avoid if their sis or mother is teased or molested .. Will they say do what you want to and AVOID it all 

    No wonder the goons have upper hand they know this i what people do, if you stand up to them they leave we indians have this mentality never stand up for anything .. we did not stand up against the british and got ruled when a few took up arms we called them terrorists.. 

    how can 13 people come and kill two and people keep watching PATHETIC..  why leave it to police or someone else ..
    Really Sad this has happened 

    What do you do if you get molested.. well get a gun and shoot the bastard.. and the answer if you see HA.. no one does anything never have never will… 

    we are a nation who beleive that if we have a child he should be like Mahatama Gandhi and if neighbours have a son he chould be Bhagat singh or chandrashekhar Azaad for its them who will suffer 🙂 

  52. Common man needs to take law in his hands .. If I am in such a situation i will make sure before i DIE I take some of these with me … 

    police will not do anything 
    politicians definitely wont and people around they get to watch a LIVE show what else would they want .. 

    The boys did the right thing helping there friend.. thats what friends do.. people who say avoid this or that will they avoid if their sis or mother is teased or molested .. Will they say do what you want to and AVOID it all 

    No wonder the goons have upper hand they know this i what people do, if you stand up to them they leave we indians have this mentality never stand up for anything .. we did not stand up against the british and got ruled when a few took up arms we called them terrorists.. 

    how can 13 people come and kill two and people keep watching PATHETIC..  why leave it to police or someone else ..
    Really Sad this has happened 

    What do you do if you get molested.. well get a gun and shoot the bastard.. and the answer if you see HA.. no one does anything never have never will… 

    we are a nation who beleive that if we have a child he should be like Mahatama Gandhi and if neighbours have a son he chould be Bhagat singh or chandrashekhar Azaad for its them who will suffer 🙂 

  53. Comments From B, C, & D and probably many others said, they would not have got into a fight. Think of it this way, what if you were standing with your sister or wife or mother..and this incident happened to you. would you just walk out of it..
    Last night 2nd November, My friend travelling from Kandivali to Charni road @9pm in a ladies first class, where the ladies 1st class and 2 nd class is seperated by a see through partition, the train stops midway just before dadar arrives, there are these 3-4 goons who get into the ladies second class compartment with knives and choppers, they looted the ladies present in the compartment (my friend assumed there were about 10-12 ladies presnt in second class and she was alone in the first class) they robbed their chains money mobiles whatever they could, also tore one of the ladies dress as she refused to give them money..Luckily my friend closed all the doors of the compartment and as she reached dadar got in to the gents compartment.
    How many such cases do happen in trains but today im concern because it happened to someone near and dear to me.
    Don’t wait for soemthing to happen to your loved one’s its better to act now.
    Post this to as many as possible and write to as many newspaper and media as possible, Sacrifice of Reuben and Keenan wont go Unnoticed.

    1. I have already said, that if my mother/sister/gf/wife/daughter were involved in the event. Of course i would take physical action against the perpetrator, please realise that my suggestions towards avoiding the situation are for situations that really can be avoided instead of provoked further till they erupt. My words are not to demean what Keenan and Reuben did, they are heroes and deserve nothing short of justice, remembrance and recognition of their bravery.

  54. Comments From B, C, & D and probably many others said, they would not have got into a fight. Think of it this way, what if you were standing with your sister or wife or mother..and this incident happened to you. would you just walk out of it..
    Last night 2nd November, My friend travelling from Kandivali to Charni road @9pm in a ladies first class, where the ladies 1st class and 2 nd class is seperated by a see through partition, the train stops midway just before dadar arrives, there are these 3-4 goons who get into the ladies second class compartment with knives and choppers, they looted the ladies present in the compartment (my friend assumed there were about 10-12 ladies presnt in second class and she was alone in the first class) they robbed their chains money mobiles whatever they could, also tore one of the ladies dress as she refused to give them money..Luckily my friend closed all the doors of the compartment and as she reached dadar got in to the gents compartment.
    How many such cases do happen in trains but today im concern because it happened to someone near and dear to me.
    Don’t wait for soemthing to happen to your loved one’s its better to act now.
    Post this to as many as possible and write to as many newspaper and media as possible, Sacrifice of Reuben and Keenan wont go Unnoticed.

    1. I have already said, that if my mother/sister/gf/wife/daughter were involved in the event. Of course i would take physical action against the perpetrator, please realise that my suggestions towards avoiding the situation are for situations that really can be avoided instead of provoked further till they erupt. My words are not to demean what Keenan and Reuben did, they are heroes and deserve nothing short of justice, remembrance and recognition of their bravery.

  55. My blood is boiling.. im filled with rage… i feel lik  m gona xplode …
    i wana burn alive those responsible …. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    whose with me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. me. 
      infact I wish those guys be released due to the wrong reasons.

      Do you think we can meet someplace, all of us who are feeling this way. Would be great if you can put a time and place.

        1. Guys, I recommend you continue this conversation privately with whoever else is ready to join you. You don’t want to leave any evidence trail.

  56. My blood is boiling.. im filled with rage… i feel lik  m gona xplode …
    i wana burn alive those responsible …. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    whose with me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. me. 
      infact I wish those guys be released due to the wrong reasons.

      Do you think we can meet someplace, all of us who are feeling this way. Would be great if you can put a time and place.

        1. Guys, I recommend you continue this conversation privately with whoever else is ready to join you. You don’t want to leave any evidence trail.

  57. Which politician are supporting the criminals? can u give the specific which politician are supporting the criminals?

  58. Which politician are supporting the criminals? can u give the specific which politician are supporting the criminals?

  59. while I am really sorry for Keenan and Rueben’s fate and appreciate that only few people would have the guts to stand up against molestors and goons .. however, I seriously think some of the comments sympathising the incident are misplaced … India is not the best country nor is it the worst in terms of quality of society… people get killed by muggers even in developed countries, women get whipped for just driving a car in some Arab nations and there is little value of human life in most of the 3rd world/developing countries like ours be it Pakistan, China, South America, Africa … I am not trying to trivialise the incident but one should not start blaming the country or society for not doing/harbouring such rogue elements in our cities … I think life is too precious to risk on taking up a fight with a drunk guy at 1am in a lawless neighbourhood (anywhere in the world!) … such things border on bravado and stupidity … fellows, if you really believe in standing up for issues of other people there are millions of other reasons (corruption, human rights, plight of farmers, education) in India which are of much greater seriousness than showing bravado in front of some junk guys!

  60. while I am really sorry for Keenan and Rueben’s fate and appreciate that only few people would have the guts to stand up against molestors and goons .. however, I seriously think some of the comments sympathising the incident are misplaced … India is not the best country nor is it the worst in terms of quality of society… people get killed by muggers even in developed countries, women get whipped for just driving a car in some Arab nations and there is little value of human life in most of the 3rd world/developing countries like ours be it Pakistan, China, South America, Africa … I am not trying to trivialise the incident but one should not start blaming the country or society for not doing/harbouring such rogue elements in our cities … I think life is too precious to risk on taking up a fight with a drunk guy at 1am in a lawless neighbourhood (anywhere in the world!) … such things border on bravado and stupidity … fellows, if you really believe in standing up for issues of other people there are millions of other reasons (corruption, human rights, plight of farmers, education) in India which are of much greater seriousness than showing bravado in front of some junk guys!

  61. please encourage everyone to stop patronising this reataurant ‘amboli’ at amboli . if they could not stand for their regular patrons just a small thig we can do to make  these guys feel the city’s ire against them.
    My condolences to the families and as all souls day happened yesterday may their souls rest in peace.
    Also a lesson for us not to linger around after teaching such treachorous people who have no fear of anything. there’s a fine line between admonishing the terror maniacs and then staying in their field of vision to aggravate things. if Somebody had guided them to leave the place immidiately some of this could have been averted.
    our system is still not equipped to defend the right so we have to defend ourselves as life has no value here. we ourselves are our own protectors , not the cops , nor the government.

  62. please encourage everyone to stop patronising this reataurant ‘amboli’ at amboli . if they could not stand for their regular patrons just a small thig we can do to make  these guys feel the city’s ire against them.
    My condolences to the families and as all souls day happened yesterday may their souls rest in peace.
    Also a lesson for us not to linger around after teaching such treachorous people who have no fear of anything. there’s a fine line between admonishing the terror maniacs and then staying in their field of vision to aggravate things. if Somebody had guided them to leave the place immidiately some of this could have been averted.
    our system is still not equipped to defend the right so we have to defend ourselves as life has no value here. we ourselves are our own protectors , not the cops , nor the government.



  65. There are too many comments to reply individually. I appreciate you taking the time to read, and make your response known in the conversations around this incident. I am reading all comments, even if I may not reply. I value your voices, because this is the one big plus we do have in our favor – the very human shock, compassion and outrage – that magnifies our voice so that an indifferent machinery cannot drown it.

    I think it is situations like this when we are forced to look deep within and see ourselves for what we are. Often, we don’t like what we see, and sometimes we prefer to blame the world and keep pretending that we didn’t see it… because it hurts too much to see ourselves as those we do not respect. It takes courage to face it and be different, and not everyone has it.

    I have no reply to the people who are insisting that what I am writing is false. I think the words speak their truth. They don’t need me to defend anything. I said what I said.

  66. There are too many comments to reply individually. I appreciate you taking the time to read, and make your response known in the conversations around this incident. I am reading all comments, even if I may not reply. I value your voices, because this is the one big plus we do have in our favor – the very human shock, compassion and outrage – that magnifies our voice so that an indifferent machinery cannot drown it.

    I think it is situations like this when we are forced to look deep within and see ourselves for what we are. Often, we don’t like what we see, and sometimes we prefer to blame the world and keep pretending that we didn’t see it… because it hurts too much to see ourselves as those we do not respect. It takes courage to face it and be different, and not everyone has it.

    I have no reply to the people who are insisting that what I am writing is false. I think the words speak their truth. They don’t need me to defend anything. I said what I said.

  67. OH MY GOD,This is a shocker.I literally had goosebumps reading this.I have had so many bad arguments with strangers.This issue- where two guys were killed in a public place with tons of witnesses over PROTECTING a girl from a CHEAP MOLESTER is SICK.Nowadays it seems like we are proud to be wrong and ashamed to be right.The rickshaw wallas calling a strike because they were busted for tampering their meters and bringing the PUBLIC on their knees,govt bending over to help them exploit us further and now supports those killers with lawyers.
    Recently I saw MAUSAM and the think that sat with me was those JERKS who were walking on the streets burning people as if its their god given right to kill people in the name of religion.
    Everywhere you go BRUTALITY,we have all become selfish ANIMALS.
    While boarding a train we stamp on people who are fallen and don’t help them up and dont even feel ashamed about it.Infact,WE BLAME THEM for not jumping out of the train before it reaches to a stop,because we are in HURRY.ME,ME,ME that all WE care about.

    I am ashamed of myself first because I too am obsessed in my own world to interfere in other people’s matters.If we want thing to change now,WE NEED TO START THINKING ABOUT US and NOT ME.

    Today,it was them…I dont want to wait for a tommorow where its’ ME.’
    BURN in HELL you killers,and HEAVEN and HELL Both are on EARTH.WE the PUBLIC need to FIGHT for Right.STOP becoming bystanders.

    Giselle. LET me know how I can help in getting them justice.

  68. OH MY GOD,This is a shocker.I literally had goosebumps reading this.I have had so many bad arguments with strangers.This issue- where two guys were killed in a public place with tons of witnesses over PROTECTING a girl from a CHEAP MOLESTER is SICK.Nowadays it seems like we are proud to be wrong and ashamed to be right.The rickshaw wallas calling a strike because they were busted for tampering their meters and bringing the PUBLIC on their knees,govt bending over to help them exploit us further and now supports those killers with lawyers.
    Recently I saw MAUSAM and the think that sat with me was those JERKS who were walking on the streets burning people as if its their god given right to kill people in the name of religion.
    Everywhere you go BRUTALITY,we have all become selfish ANIMALS.
    While boarding a train we stamp on people who are fallen and don’t help them up and dont even feel ashamed about it.Infact,WE BLAME THEM for not jumping out of the train before it reaches to a stop,because we are in HURRY.ME,ME,ME that all WE care about.

    I am ashamed of myself first because I too am obsessed in my own world to interfere in other people’s matters.If we want thing to change now,WE NEED TO START THINKING ABOUT US and NOT ME.

    Today,it was them…I dont want to wait for a tommorow where its’ ME.’
    BURN in HELL you killers,and HEAVEN and HELL Both are on EARTH.WE the PUBLIC need to FIGHT for Right.STOP becoming bystanders.

    Giselle. LET me know how I can help in getting them justice.

  69. I’d rather fight and kill or die than live like a bystander seeing someone molesting my friend or family member. 

  70. I’d rather fight and kill or die than live like a bystander seeing someone molesting my friend or family member. 

  71. these pieces of Sh*T goons..should be rounded up…kept in the midde of the street and each of the family members of both these brave and wonderful men…should be handed a gun!!….and slowly…very slowly…they should be shot…first make them suffer…a bullet to the leg, then to the hand then to the shoulder…and finally…straight to the head!!…

    .RIP Reuben and Keenan!..and wonderful post Vidyut!…

  72. these pieces of Sh*T goons..should be rounded up…kept in the midde of the street and each of the family members of both these brave and wonderful men…should be handed a gun!!….and slowly…very slowly…they should be shot…first make them suffer…a bullet to the leg, then to the hand then to the shoulder…and finally…straight to the head!!…

    .RIP Reuben and Keenan!..and wonderful post Vidyut!…

  73. the road to justice is long and painful, but it is not impossible. Please do not loose hope, and fight for justice. There are plenty of people who would be willing to fight the cause, please collaborate with them, form a group and fight. Take help of national news channels, I know most of them are paid, but still they are looking for good stories and still some of them are honest.

    What has happened is unfortunate, but If justice doesn’t happen now, it would be even more unfortunate.

    and for people who are giving moral science lecture about do this or that, F*** Off and hide in your Mumma’s lap. Teach your kids to be brave, respect is most important in life and proud of these boys who fought like real Men. I would have done the same and expect my son to do the same too !

    on the other side, people should start carrying gun’s now for self defense.

  74. the road to justice is long and painful, but it is not impossible. Please do not loose hope, and fight for justice. There are plenty of people who would be willing to fight the cause, please collaborate with them, form a group and fight. Take help of national news channels, I know most of them are paid, but still they are looking for good stories and still some of them are honest.

    What has happened is unfortunate, but If justice doesn’t happen now, it would be even more unfortunate.

    and for people who are giving moral science lecture about do this or that, F*** Off and hide in your Mumma’s lap. Teach your kids to be brave, respect is most important in life and proud of these boys who fought like real Men. I would have done the same and expect my son to do the same too !

    on the other side, people should start carrying gun’s now for self defense.



  77. I was so angry when i heard this news! It seems the common man has become the most expendable commodity… the rich folks can buy anything they want and the lower classes dont have anything to lose….so both dont care!!

  78. I was so angry when i heard this news! It seems the common man has become the most expendable commodity… the rich folks can buy anything they want and the lower classes dont have anything to lose….so both dont care!!

  79. Who Ever has written this seems to be a good narrator and i am pretty sure ul get good work in the film industry….but i am not sure if ul earn as much as u earn from you blogging thing (world wide web u see ) no of visitors and all tht …dude u have enough brain to blog but u forgot to do ur home work …after reading wht ever happened specially written by you ..i was surpised . thr ‘s some one who died and ur making it dramatic  and filmy ….its not a film its life …and ya u ve described it as if u were right there standing and watching what happened …”onlookers” like a cowered… and why dint u do your home work….. in ur article u mentioned  an MLA”s name  .first of all make sure if it was an MLA or an MP . cos u mention it  as an MLA in the beginning of the article and MP at the end …..who was it was it an MLA OR MP ? just cross check with ur article .u dnt seem to be sure ….and blogging is not enough keep in touch with current affairs read news papers …..cos Mr.MLA has helped the victim ….read the statement given by the victims family …….

    .And guys this is not to favor some body these ppl have made it a business they write any thing and every thing to  provoke ppl  but there should a base and we people are not dumb to blindly follow wht u wrote in ur filmy style suspense thriller story a human being first .i feel really sorry for wht happened..the saddest part is no one came for help …why cnt we human’s help each other, till when are we gonna be selfish …..we all need to join hands and stand in each others support to make our country a better place to stay and if we dont thn…..people like this ,gundas ,rowdy’s ,,,,,,and thr corrupt side of our country ………..sab milkar desh ko demak ke tarha kha jayenge ….we people should join hand and stand against s  such thing ………we need an ANNA  HAZARE  in every thing to set things right ..we all should realise before its too late 

    1. I really think people need to pass an IQ test before posting comments here. Filmy? If this were filmy my friend the hero (Keenan) would not have died!

    2. What is this Mr. Maishayar ? U are too much Positive about being Negative. Do you feel proud for being the odd one out ?  

    3. What is this Mr. Maishayar ? U are too much Positive about being Negative. Do you feel proud for being the odd one out ?  

  80. Who Ever has written this seems to be a good narrator and i am pretty sure ul get good work in the film industry….but i am not sure if ul earn as much as u earn from you blogging thing (world wide web u see ) no of visitors and all tht …dude u have enough brain to blog but u forgot to do ur home work …after reading wht ever happened specially written by you ..i was surpised . thr ‘s some one who died and ur making it dramatic  and filmy ….its not a film its life …and ya u ve described it as if u were right there standing and watching what happened …”onlookers” like a cowered… and why dint u do your home work….. in ur article u mentioned  an MLA”s name  .first of all make sure if it was an MLA or an MP . cos u mention it  as an MLA in the beginning of the article and MP at the end …..who was it was it an MLA OR MP ? just cross check with ur article .u dnt seem to be sure ….and blogging is not enough keep in touch with current affairs read news papers …..cos Mr.MLA has helped the victim ….read the statement given by the victims family …….

    .And guys this is not to favor some body these ppl have made it a business they write any thing and every thing to  provoke ppl  but there should a base and we people are not dumb to blindly follow wht u wrote in ur filmy style suspense thriller story a human being first .i feel really sorry for wht happened..the saddest part is no one came for help …why cnt we human’s help each other, till when are we gonna be selfish …..we all need to join hands and stand in each others support to make our country a better place to stay and if we dont thn…..people like this ,gundas ,rowdy’s ,,,,,,and thr corrupt side of our country ………..sab milkar desh ko demak ke tarha kha jayenge ….we people should join hand and stand against s  such thing ………we need an ANNA  HAZARE  in every thing to set things right ..we all should realise before its too late 

    1. I really think people need to pass an IQ test before posting comments here. Filmy? If this were filmy my friend the hero (Keenan) would not have died!

    2. What is this Mr. Maishayar ? U are too much Positive about being Negative. Do you feel proud for being the odd one out ?  

    3. What is this Mr. Maishayar ? U are too much Positive about being Negative. Do you feel proud for being the odd one out ?  

  81. @531428d0e4adfcef6de7fe11e3161afa:disqus  and anyone else who has a problem with facts presented here. I have published a rebuttal of the Afternoon articles (there are two, not one) here Please stop flooding the comments and go there with any data you may have.

    1. Why ? is it effecting the no of hits and visit on ur web site …. ya i understand its business …..if this is for aamjanta right ….aamjanata will comment . ya it might effect the usp though  ,…..hmmm if u really care bout the whole thing , why dont you just visit the family of the victim and get some fresh update for urself …ur being a hypocrite using  the word  and misguiding amjanata  and doing ur business  . do some kalyand  of aamjanata visit the family and get facts …….

      1. Sir are you related to or a friend of the honourable Mr.Rana when everyone knows who is sponsoring lawyers for this killer with 2 murder cases pending against him and who openly boasted that with political backing he will be out safe and sound in a couple of months. mera bharat mahan

  82. @531428d0e4adfcef6de7fe11e3161afa:disqus  and anyone else who has a problem with facts presented here. I have published a rebuttal of the Afternoon articles (there are two, not one) here Please stop flooding the comments and go there with any data you may have.

    1. Why ? is it effecting the no of hits and visit on ur web site …. ya i understand its business …..if this is for aamjanta right ….aamjanata will comment . ya it might effect the usp though  ,…..hmmm if u really care bout the whole thing , why dont you just visit the family of the victim and get some fresh update for urself …ur being a hypocrite using  the word  and misguiding amjanata  and doing ur business  . do some kalyand  of aamjanata visit the family and get facts …….

      1. Sir are you related to or a friend of the honourable Mr.Rana when everyone knows who is sponsoring lawyers for this killer with 2 murder cases pending against him and who openly boasted that with political backing he will be out safe and sound in a couple of months. mera bharat mahan

  83.  We all know the disparity between what is reported and what actually happens so please be considerate enough not to insult the intelligence of people who care enough to give the common public the lowdown of what actually transpired.
    Four months ago a responsible young aspiring pilot who was an upstanding citizen of society was projected by the papers as irresponsible and ‘heavily drunk’ only to be rectified once the post-mortem showed no alcohol in his system.
    The political system is a sham and newpapers can be bought. And how is this MLA helping the family? By ensuring that the wrongdoers are detained for A WHOLE 14 DAYS?? After this whole incident happened in public among a throng of witnesses?

    Clearly, we must bow our heads in respect to the system. It is just and we are lucky to have it.

  84.  We all know the disparity between what is reported and what actually happens so please be considerate enough not to insult the intelligence of people who care enough to give the common public the lowdown of what actually transpired.
    Four months ago a responsible young aspiring pilot who was an upstanding citizen of society was projected by the papers as irresponsible and ‘heavily drunk’ only to be rectified once the post-mortem showed no alcohol in his system.
    The political system is a sham and newpapers can be bought. And how is this MLA helping the family? By ensuring that the wrongdoers are detained for A WHOLE 14 DAYS?? After this whole incident happened in public among a throng of witnesses?

    Clearly, we must bow our heads in respect to the system. It is just and we are lucky to have it.

  85. Kindly check “Afternoon Newspaper” which clearly states that MLA Ashok Bhau Jadhav has been helping the family with police and hospital processes and that he was there from the beginning to the end. Author Vidhyut should write responsibly after having a complete in & out knowledge of the story …. Rather then sensationalising the issue by connecting it to politics.

    1. Seriously?!! You think people will buy this tripe? Like Afternoon is the most credible paper in the world. As credible as you are, Kjsaint.

      1. Do u stay in Amboli ?? Have u been with the victim’s relative … Have u been 2 Kokilaben Ambani Hospital ??? Do u really know how much help the locals and the MLA has given … Right from the hospital bills 2 police support … Y don’t u go & offer your help rather then posting on blogs Xtina ?? I might not be credible but probably the relatives facing such tough times really are

        1. i dont know why we dignify people like you with a response…but it is the right thing to do….
          Benjamin(Reuben’s brother,and very much a part of the Fernandez family) has clearly stated the MLA is not doing anything for them, and neither do they want anything from him….
          so there are your facts,simple and straight, as you wanted them to be!

        2. Damn, I don’t know where do you get your facts from? Yes, I haven’t been to the hospital to get my facts right, but I bet neither did you. So lets base our facts based on the source we got them. You based your facts on print media, and I did based on the LIVE interview of the victim’s family on TV. So unless you really think, and probably you can think, that the victim’s family were paid to deny that no politician helped them in any way. Know what? You and me are lucky that the incidence didn’t happen with us or any of our close ones, otherwise you would have stood on the other side of the story today.

    2. are you denying that ashokbhau is sponsoring lawyers for the killers.Helping the victims’ families is just an eyewash. Everyone knows where the the politician’s sympathy really lies after all the elections are not far

  86. Kindly check “Afternoon Newspaper” which clearly states that MLA Ashok Bhau Jadhav has been helping the family with police and hospital processes and that he was there from the beginning to the end. Author Vidhyut should write responsibly after having a complete in & out knowledge of the story …. Rather then sensationalising the issue by connecting it to politics.

    1. Seriously?!! You think people will buy this tripe? Like Afternoon is the most credible paper in the world. As credible as you are, Kjsaint.

      1. Do u stay in Amboli ?? Have u been with the victim’s relative … Have u been 2 Kokilaben Ambani Hospital ??? Do u really know how much help the locals and the MLA has given … Right from the hospital bills 2 police support … Y don’t u go & offer your help rather then posting on blogs Xtina ?? I might not be credible but probably the relatives facing such tough times really are

        1. i dont know why we dignify people like you with a response…but it is the right thing to do….
          Benjamin(Reuben’s brother,and very much a part of the Fernandez family) has clearly stated the MLA is not doing anything for them, and neither do they want anything from him….
          so there are your facts,simple and straight, as you wanted them to be!

        2. Damn, I don’t know where do you get your facts from? Yes, I haven’t been to the hospital to get my facts right, but I bet neither did you. So lets base our facts based on the source we got them. You based your facts on print media, and I did based on the LIVE interview of the victim’s family on TV. So unless you really think, and probably you can think, that the victim’s family were paid to deny that no politician helped them in any way. Know what? You and me are lucky that the incidence didn’t happen with us or any of our close ones, otherwise you would have stood on the other side of the story today.

    2. are you denying that ashokbhau is sponsoring lawyers for the killers.Helping the victims’ families is just an eyewash. Everyone knows where the the politician’s sympathy really lies after all the elections are not far

  87. i read in a newspaper that the RESTAURANT officials have said that the CCTV was not working wen dis happnd…….its really sad… india human life has no value……

  88. i read in a newspaper that the RESTAURANT officials have said that the CCTV was not working wen dis happnd…….its really sad… india human life has no value……

  89. Congrats India , you showed yet again that justice can be sold for cash and votes. Luckily the international media has not heard this story yet or else India would have had to give reasons as they have been doing since 1947

  90. Congrats India , you showed yet again that justice can be sold for cash and votes. Luckily the international media has not heard this story yet or else India would have had to give reasons as they have been doing since 1947

  91. Reuben and keenan ……………. i am greatly touched by your story and what happened to you guys. I dont have words to express how bad i feel for your family and friends. you guys battled for your life and stood fearlessly for what was right.  I believe if the people around you watching what was happening if they could have come forward to help you guys and then probably we would have two brave heroes still with us. i hope we get justice and those heartless and mercyless rascals should get the worst punishment and i personally want them to suffer 100 times more what you guys went through. I dont want that your sacrifice to go in vain. i know what would happen as per law they might get released and they might roam around killing more innocents but if court cannot do justice….. i am sure God above who love you guys so much and missed you so much , called you to be with him…………. knows and would definetly do justice. we  all love you and pray for your family and friends to come out of this shock and May Your Soul Rest In Peace.

  92. Reuben and keenan ……………. i am greatly touched by your story and what happened to you guys. I dont have words to express how bad i feel for your family and friends. you guys battled for your life and stood fearlessly for what was right.  I believe if the people around you watching what was happening if they could have come forward to help you guys and then probably we would have two brave heroes still with us. i hope we get justice and those heartless and mercyless rascals should get the worst punishment and i personally want them to suffer 100 times more what you guys went through. I dont want that your sacrifice to go in vain. i know what would happen as per law they might get released and they might roam around killing more innocents but if court cannot do justice….. i am sure God above who love you guys so much and missed you so much , called you to be with him…………. knows and would definetly do justice. we  all love you and pray for your family and friends to come out of this shock and May Your Soul Rest In Peace.

  93. Ye shahar ye gali ab nahin lagti suhaani,
    Har gharaunda ab ek khandhar sa lagta hai
    Samajhta tha main ke log zinda hain yahan par
    Lekin ye murdon ka bas jamghat sa lahta hai,

    Kash ke ye log Zinda hote, yun na hote, beraham
    Kash ke ye log zinda hote, dekh sakte ye sitam
    Is lahoo ko dekh sakte jo beh gaya insaan ka, bewajaz
    Ye jahan bemurravat lashon ka samandar sa lagta hai!

    Is sitam ko dekh kar bhi, gar lahoo na Uble tumhaari
    Tum bhi murda ho unhi lashon ki tarha,beraham
    Bas bhaa dene se do Aansoo nahin badlega khuch,
    Inquilabi rang hi bas ek hal sa lagta hai!
                                                             …………Dilip Kumar….
                                                       Unko mera sandesh pahunche jo so rahe hain!

  94. Ye shahar ye gali ab nahin lagti suhaani,
    Har gharaunda ab ek khandhar sa lagta hai
    Samajhta tha main ke log zinda hain yahan par
    Lekin ye murdon ka bas jamghat sa lahta hai,

    Kash ke ye log Zinda hote, yun na hote, beraham
    Kash ke ye log zinda hote, dekh sakte ye sitam
    Is lahoo ko dekh sakte jo beh gaya insaan ka, bewajaz
    Ye jahan bemurravat lashon ka samandar sa lagta hai!

    Is sitam ko dekh kar bhi, gar lahoo na Uble tumhaari
    Tum bhi murda ho unhi lashon ki tarha,beraham
    Bas bhaa dene se do Aansoo nahin badlega khuch,
    Inquilabi rang hi bas ek hal sa lagta hai!
                                                             …………Dilip Kumar….
                                                       Unko mera sandesh pahunche jo so rahe hain!

  95. Well by the information this man is really  someone who works for the Andheri MLA .If he was just a goon, then Keenan’s family would have won the case but as the MLA is supporting him, even if the family wins the case , the MLA due to this influence will try to get him out. It this happens then as a common man, there will be only one solution left-ie to remove a rally as it was in Jessica Lal’s case. And if we do that , it will work to a great extent bcos in Jessica’s case , it was the MP’s son and even witnesses were less, well as here this fellow is just a goon and we have witness. Lets just pray that justice be done

    1. Kindly check this newspaper “Afternoon” dated nov 2nd. It is straight from the horses mouth(victims of the murder) that the Local Andheri MLA has supported the Victims with regards to hospital & police processes and that he is trying with the police to make sure that the goons responsible for this get a hard punishment under the law

      1. It’s so easy to get PR articles written these days!! and thank you for clarifying which HORSES MOUTH…its obvious after watching timesnow who the real horse is

  96. Well by the information this man is really  someone who works for the Andheri MLA .If he was just a goon, then Keenan’s family would have won the case but as the MLA is supporting him, even if the family wins the case , the MLA due to this influence will try to get him out. It this happens then as a common man, there will be only one solution left-ie to remove a rally as it was in Jessica Lal’s case. And if we do that , it will work to a great extent bcos in Jessica’s case , it was the MP’s son and even witnesses were less, well as here this fellow is just a goon and we have witness. Lets just pray that justice be done

    1. Kindly check this newspaper “Afternoon” dated nov 2nd. It is straight from the horses mouth(victims of the murder) that the Local Andheri MLA has supported the Victims with regards to hospital & police processes and that he is trying with the police to make sure that the goons responsible for this get a hard punishment under the law

      1. It’s so easy to get PR articles written these days!! and thank you for clarifying which HORSES MOUTH…its obvious after watching timesnow who the real horse is

  97. This is shocking. May their souls rest in peace and may their families get the justice they rightly deserve. I don’t live in India but I’m from Mumbai and it’s heart rending to read about what’s happening there.
    I’ve blogged my views about this and linked your post to it – all those saying someone should do something – Be the change you want to see. We’ve been onlookers for too long. Emancipate yourselves with social media – I suggest organizing a tweet up.

  98. This is shocking. May their souls rest in peace and may their families get the justice they rightly deserve. I don’t live in India but I’m from Mumbai and it’s heart rending to read about what’s happening there.
    I’ve blogged my views about this and linked your post to it – all those saying someone should do something – Be the change you want to see. We’ve been onlookers for too long. Emancipate yourselves with social media – I suggest organizing a tweet up.

  99. Gr8 intellectual mas*****tion on the blog from the author and from zillions of reader comment… fact, as I make out is, these guys picked the fight and paid disproportionately for it…. hopefully the cops will do their job and justice will preval… and while that happens all you mumbaikars should get on with your lives with the now famous “Spirit of Mumbai”

    1. Want to know what your comments would have brrn if it it was your girlfriend or wife who was molested and your relative got stabbed to death trying to protect them.Shame on you talking about the Spirit of Mumbai??????

    2. ‘Spirit of Mumbai’ really ? Shame of Mumbai more likely. If you have no balls to stand up for the right then you deserve to be the next victims of the Rana’s of this world. People of this country – we must unite. Unity is the only strength we have.

  100. Gr8 intellectual mas*****tion on the blog from the author and from zillions of reader comment… fact, as I make out is, these guys picked the fight and paid disproportionately for it…. hopefully the cops will do their job and justice will preval… and while that happens all you mumbaikars should get on with your lives with the now famous “Spirit of Mumbai”

    1. Want to know what your comments would have brrn if it it was your girlfriend or wife who was molested and your relative got stabbed to death trying to protect them.Shame on you talking about the Spirit of Mumbai??????

    2. ‘Spirit of Mumbai’ really ? Shame of Mumbai more likely. If you have no balls to stand up for the right then you deserve to be the next victims of the Rana’s of this world. People of this country – we must unite. Unity is the only strength we have.

  101. This is a very infuriating incident… How can people murder others in such cold blood… Keenan and Reuben were just doing what any of my friends would have done if I were there… Having said that, sometimes it’s best to walk away when something like this happens… we will never be able to tell the difference between a harmful and harmless drunk! Onlookers are the worse kind. If all got together and helped, maybe these 2 would have been alive…Pussys!!! 
    I hope both their souls rest in peace!

  102. This is a very infuriating incident… How can people murder others in such cold blood… Keenan and Reuben were just doing what any of my friends would have done if I were there… Having said that, sometimes it’s best to walk away when something like this happens… we will never be able to tell the difference between a harmful and harmless drunk! Onlookers are the worse kind. If all got together and helped, maybe these 2 would have been alive…Pussys!!! 
    I hope both their souls rest in peace!

  103. I m a resident of veera desai azad ngr r. Nd I m ashamed of wat has happend I jus pray gods peace b wid kennan nd rubens family for the huge lost nd may god gve sum brains to people around watchn nd the dirty politicians I nvr knew till today tht I m surrounded by such people who r a live threat to society. I may not knw kennan and reuben but I m sad nd ma heart cries

  104. I m a resident of veera desai azad ngr r. Nd I m ashamed of wat has happend I jus pray gods peace b wid kennan nd rubens family for the huge lost nd may god gve sum brains to people around watchn nd the dirty politicians I nvr knew till today tht I m surrounded by such people who r a live threat to society. I may not knw kennan and reuben but I m sad nd ma heart cries

    1. Firstly this was a very small matter which could have been solved easily. Next I am pretty sure that these boys and girls in the Amboli bar must also have atleast taken beer. After coming out as they say a unknown person misbehaved , so being much educated they could have just moved away from that place. But these guys wanted to show their respective girlfriends their tough side so they slapped the unknown drunk guy. Now any chap will surely try to retaliate. So the drunk guy got all his bhangi gang and did what they felt was right. Bhangis ( sweeper community) mostly hail from Haryana side and r very dangerous as they are not educated and can go to any extent.
      Moral of the story is young girls plz stay at home after 9 pm and young boys plz do not under estimate even a ragpicker in Mumbai or go for it and RIP.

    1. Firstly this was a very small matter which could have been solved easily. Next I am pretty sure that these boys and girls in the Amboli bar must also have atleast taken beer. After coming out as they say a unknown person misbehaved , so being much educated they could have just moved away from that place. But these guys wanted to show their respective girlfriends their tough side so they slapped the unknown drunk guy. Now any chap will surely try to retaliate. So the drunk guy got all his bhangi gang and did what they felt was right. Bhangis ( sweeper community) mostly hail from Haryana side and r very dangerous as they are not educated and can go to any extent.
      Moral of the story is young girls plz stay at home after 9 pm and young boys plz do not under estimate even a ragpicker in Mumbai or go for it and RIP.

  105. dese goons shld be hanged till death!!but b4 dat taken to d streets n tortured n beaten till dey suffer!!dis may nt put an end to thngs but deff a start!!

    1. I know human right activists(really?) won’t like this, but IMO, goons like these should be punished taliban style. Cut the limbs and private parts in full public view. Trust me, you will see a steep fall in crime rate within a matter of days.

  106. dese goons shld be hanged till death!!but b4 dat taken to d streets n tortured n beaten till dey suffer!!dis may nt put an end to thngs but deff a start!!

    1. I know human right activists(really?) won’t like this, but IMO, goons like these should be punished taliban style. Cut the limbs and private parts in full public view. Trust me, you will see a steep fall in crime rate within a matter of days.

  107. Madam, I don’t think this kind of article will make any change in anyone’s life… People get killed here in many kind of different incidences.. What we all do is read, protest online, zada se zada koi article likho… thats it… did anyone bother to know why this happen??? Do you know what kind of people stay in this area…?? Kuch malum nahi and we start commenting thats it… With no offense to your article… Please get the complete picture of this area and the make this kind of articles..


    1. Jayesh,

      You seem to be more enlightened in this subject, why dont you help us with the rib tickling details. Since most of us dont have the privilege of residing in your locality, it be best you be our local guide to the death of these two boys.

      Listen Jayesh, people may abuse, slap, fight, but death is the podium, you dont need more details after that. All I know is that two young boys died, I dont care much about the kind of people or their mental issues.

  108. Madam, I don’t think this kind of article will make any change in anyone’s life… People get killed here in many kind of different incidences.. What we all do is read, protest online, zada se zada koi article likho… thats it… did anyone bother to know why this happen??? Do you know what kind of people stay in this area…?? Kuch malum nahi and we start commenting thats it… With no offense to your article… Please get the complete picture of this area and the make this kind of articles..


    1. Jayesh,

      You seem to be more enlightened in this subject, why dont you help us with the rib tickling details. Since most of us dont have the privilege of residing in your locality, it be best you be our local guide to the death of these two boys.

      Listen Jayesh, people may abuse, slap, fight, but death is the podium, you dont need more details after that. All I know is that two young boys died, I dont care much about the kind of people or their mental issues.

  109. This pain, is not going down. Wonder how, wonder what is it that I can do to ease this pain. Weeping for two brave friends I din’t know.
    Thinking about that something that will help us help ourselves, ideas anybody ??

    Its still paining. . . .

  110. This pain, is not going down. Wonder how, wonder what is it that I can do to ease this pain. Weeping for two brave friends I din’t know.
    Thinking about that something that will help us help ourselves, ideas anybody ??

    Its still paining. . . .

  111. 2 brave men died !! No one will be punished( as indians we r used to it eg Qusab) lesson for girls dress behave do wht u like no one will come to protect you & if they come it won be the justice league but a human who can barley save himself !!

  112. 2 brave men died !! No one will be punished( as indians we r used to it eg Qusab) lesson for girls dress behave do wht u like no one will come to protect you & if they come it won be the justice league but a human who can barley save himself !!

  113. i hate dis country i hate dis city n i hate these politicians they r all in d money making racket… RIP Reuben… v all salute u 4 standing up 4 d right!!!

    1. dont hate country cuz it has both type of people who r just goons but still der r some brave who stand up for right

      1. I totally agree with you Magali. Instead of hating the country, it would be better if we, as youth, did something to change it. There is crime everywhere in the world, doesn’t mean we start hating our Mother Nation. We are a democracy, we choose who rules us. So why not be more vigilant in appointing our future leaders to come? 

        1. I do agree with you. But with the current state of politics we just have to choose the lesser of evils. I don’t see anyone who seems worthy of being a leader.

  114. i hate dis country i hate dis city n i hate these politicians they r all in d money making racket… RIP Reuben… v all salute u 4 standing up 4 d right!!!

    1. dont hate country cuz it has both type of people who r just goons but still der r some brave who stand up for right

      1. I totally agree with you Magali. Instead of hating the country, it would be better if we, as youth, did something to change it. There is crime everywhere in the world, doesn’t mean we start hating our Mother Nation. We are a democracy, we choose who rules us. So why not be more vigilant in appointing our future leaders to come? 

        1. I do agree with you. But with the current state of politics we just have to choose the lesser of evils. I don’t see anyone who seems worthy of being a leader.

  115. I thought Reuben was out of danger, it is terrible that he died. This is such senseless violence. May their souls rest in peace & may their families get justice, & may those murderous thugs get a proper punishment.
    The law enforcement agencies/justice system etc has to show us citizens that people cannot do things like this & get away with it. 🙁

  116. I thought Reuben was out of danger, it is terrible that he died. This is such senseless violence. May their souls rest in peace & may their families get justice, & may those murderous thugs get a proper punishment.
    The law enforcement agencies/justice system etc has to show us citizens that people cannot do things like this & get away with it. 🙁

  117. What do  we expect from politicians &Cops in 2days world ….. they only need votes n money why will they care for a common man unless if dis would happen in their family….. they them self are half  murderers instead of standing for truth they r helping the murderers to crate more havoc … why will they fear for the law when these type of politicians & cops  are helping them to be free……are we living in a free country….. there is no safety for a woman……NO…….we are living in a blind, deaf & mute world were we see lots of Does it mean that we have to carry a weapon and roam on the street if I am out with my wife, sister or friends for self defence?
    is happening to Mumbai? Floods, bomb blast, traffic, pollution,
    politicians and many other things that lingers and now adding to that we
    are heading to 1980 where people used to run on the streets with swords
    and had their so called marked territories.  


  118. What do  we expect from politicians &Cops in 2days world ….. they only need votes n money why will they care for a common man unless if dis would happen in their family….. they them self are half  murderers instead of standing for truth they r helping the murderers to crate more havoc … why will they fear for the law when these type of politicians & cops  are helping them to be free……are we living in a free country….. there is no safety for a woman……NO…….we are living in a blind, deaf & mute world were we see lots of Does it mean that we have to carry a weapon and roam on the street if I am out with my wife, sister or friends for self defence?
    is happening to Mumbai? Floods, bomb blast, traffic, pollution,
    politicians and many other things that lingers and now adding to that we
    are heading to 1980 where people used to run on the streets with swords
    and had their so called marked territories.  


  119. What do  we expect from politicians &Cops in 2days world ….. they only need votes n money why will they care for a common man unless if dis would happen in their family….. they them self are half  murderers instead of standing for truth they r helping the murderers to crate more havoc … why will they fear for the law when these type of politicians & cops  are helping them to be free……are we living in a free country….. there is no safety for a woman……NO…….we are living in a blind, deaf & mute world were we see lots of Does it mean that we have to carry a weapon and roam on the street if I am out with my wife, sister or friends for self defence?
    is happening to Mumbai? Floods, bomb blast, traffic, pollution,
    politicians and many other things that lingers and now adding to that we
    are heading to 1980 where people used to run on the streets with swords
    and had their so called marked territories.  


  120. What do  we expect from politicians &Cops in 2days world ….. they only need votes n money why will they care for a common man unless if dis would happen in their family….. they them self are half  murderers instead of standing for truth they r helping the murderers to crate more havoc … why will they fear for the law when these type of politicians & cops  are helping them to be free……are we living in a free country….. there is no safety for a woman……NO…….we are living in a blind, deaf & mute world were we see lots of Does it mean that we have to carry a weapon and roam on the street if I am out with my wife, sister or friends for self defence?
    is happening to Mumbai? Floods, bomb blast, traffic, pollution,
    politicians and many other things that lingers and now adding to that we
    are heading to 1980 where people used to run on the streets with swords
    and had their so called marked territories.  


  121. This deserves to be shared. I don’t know the culprits or the victims personally but yes this could be anyone of us or our family members. More people need to know what is going on. Will share it on my facebook page. 

    1. The police should be given an ultimatum to take action. They stick has to be put their ass. The MLA should be stripped n molested by Chaakaas on the road in public and lastly the goons should be chopped in fine peices with a butchers knife and fed to the road side dogs.

      1. Before blaming the MLA get your basics right n get d info correct. Please go and read the newspapers specially “Afternoon” newspaper dated 2nd Nov where the victims family have clearly stated that the MLA has been helping with regards to the police & hospital processes and has been with the family in their support … The MLA is putting pressure on the police so as to give the goons who have murdered innocent people stringent & sever punishment. Evry time politicians can’t be blamed for everything specially whn they are helping victims.

        1. why do you’ll not get your faccts right….???will you believe anything that a newspaper prints,especially something like the Afternoon,when even the AP have printed nonsense at some point (Jonathan-the aspiring pilot’s case)….or would you choose to believe the victims family members….
          say whatever you have to say….but don’t try and tell us we haven’t got our facts right….I’d rather listen to Reuben’s brother Benjamin than a bunch of weirdos at the newspaper publications like the Afternoon….

        2. Mr. Santos clearly mentioned on Times Now, if you have watched the LIVE interview yesterday. Mr. Santos said no politician helped him and the news which was the front story in the Afternoon newspaper is all rubbish and false story.  I Believe MLA Ashok Jadhav has paid the writer who wrote this article on Afternoon newspaper making people to believe it. So Dudes who ever is supporting the MLA please..Take a hike and dnt support these Bast**d politicians they are of no use… when they need votes they will join hands in front of the  public and when their work is done their existence disappears… MLA Ashok Jadhav wants these goons out and walk away free so that they can work for him and help him in all his wrong doings…. 

      2. Dude get ur facts right rather than immitain d same action tht those goons did. Im sure u can walk dwn ur lane n buy d news paper n read fr ur own eyes, the MLA tht ur blaming has actually tried to help d victims and is forcin d police to take action. Bcuz of insane ppl like u n d blame game tht ppl like u play sme genuine helpers also run away. I easy to sit homein frnt of ur pc n typ wht evr u feel like. U dnt even knw hw scary tht place is n wht kind of ppl live there. I use to live wit my family n shifted to a better plc.ppl there r exactly like d wrds u hv used in ur comment. “chopped in fine pieces with a buthers knife” .its ppl like u need to wait fr a second n think wht ur doin. Im sure if u wud b present there u wud be one of d looker n wudn move a finger. Think before u speak.n like kjsaint said-(Get ur facts right).

        1. Arre yaar you guys are so lame. People here are not stupid that they’ll buy your ‘good samaritan MLA story’. You can try all you want to spread your fake ‘facts’ but everyone out there knows the truth. Why don’t you go pay a few more newspapers to publish some more fake stories about your dear saintly MLA?

      3. Its been last 30 years this mla has been workin for the society…his reputation has been always neat…ppl who are trying to blame him are I guess the guilty ones..I think they are related to the crime scene tht occured on 23 oct amboli (kitchen and bar).,I think cops shud get to them and look into it.I’ll will def take care of the posters and blogs…coz its clearly stated by the victims relatives tht the mla has been been supporting them in all the means…the hospital bills are also been taken care of..I’m one of the frnd of the relative of the ppl plz stop discouraging the politicians…if few are wrong tht doznt mean each and every politician shud be blamed !

  122. This deserves to be shared. I don’t know the culprits or the victims personally but yes this could be anyone of us or our family members. More people need to know what is going on. Will share it on my facebook page. 

    1. The police should be given an ultimatum to take action. They stick has to be put their ass. The MLA should be stripped n molested by Chaakaas on the road in public and lastly the goons should be chopped in fine peices with a butchers knife and fed to the road side dogs.

      1. Before blaming the MLA get your basics right n get d info correct. Please go and read the newspapers specially “Afternoon” newspaper dated 2nd Nov where the victims family have clearly stated that the MLA has been helping with regards to the police & hospital processes and has been with the family in their support … The MLA is putting pressure on the police so as to give the goons who have murdered innocent people stringent & sever punishment. Evry time politicians can’t be blamed for everything specially whn they are helping victims.

        1. why do you’ll not get your faccts right….???will you believe anything that a newspaper prints,especially something like the Afternoon,when even the AP have printed nonsense at some point (Jonathan-the aspiring pilot’s case)….or would you choose to believe the victims family members….
          say whatever you have to say….but don’t try and tell us we haven’t got our facts right….I’d rather listen to Reuben’s brother Benjamin than a bunch of weirdos at the newspaper publications like the Afternoon….

        2. Mr. Santos clearly mentioned on Times Now, if you have watched the LIVE interview yesterday. Mr. Santos said no politician helped him and the news which was the front story in the Afternoon newspaper is all rubbish and false story.  I Believe MLA Ashok Jadhav has paid the writer who wrote this article on Afternoon newspaper making people to believe it. So Dudes who ever is supporting the MLA please..Take a hike and dnt support these Bast**d politicians they are of no use… when they need votes they will join hands in front of the  public and when their work is done their existence disappears… MLA Ashok Jadhav wants these goons out and walk away free so that they can work for him and help him in all his wrong doings…. 

      2. Dude get ur facts right rather than immitain d same action tht those goons did. Im sure u can walk dwn ur lane n buy d news paper n read fr ur own eyes, the MLA tht ur blaming has actually tried to help d victims and is forcin d police to take action. Bcuz of insane ppl like u n d blame game tht ppl like u play sme genuine helpers also run away. I easy to sit homein frnt of ur pc n typ wht evr u feel like. U dnt even knw hw scary tht place is n wht kind of ppl live there. I use to live wit my family n shifted to a better plc.ppl there r exactly like d wrds u hv used in ur comment. “chopped in fine pieces with a buthers knife” .its ppl like u need to wait fr a second n think wht ur doin. Im sure if u wud b present there u wud be one of d looker n wudn move a finger. Think before u speak.n like kjsaint said-(Get ur facts right).

        1. Arre yaar you guys are so lame. People here are not stupid that they’ll buy your ‘good samaritan MLA story’. You can try all you want to spread your fake ‘facts’ but everyone out there knows the truth. Why don’t you go pay a few more newspapers to publish some more fake stories about your dear saintly MLA?

      3. Its been last 30 years this mla has been workin for the society…his reputation has been always neat…ppl who are trying to blame him are I guess the guilty ones..I think they are related to the crime scene tht occured on 23 oct amboli (kitchen and bar).,I think cops shud get to them and look into it.I’ll will def take care of the posters and blogs…coz its clearly stated by the victims relatives tht the mla has been been supporting them in all the means…the hospital bills are also been taken care of..I’m one of the frnd of the relative of the ppl plz stop discouraging the politicians…if few are wrong tht doznt mean each and every politician shud be blamed !

  123. Its really silly and shameful for people to come up with suggestions like “They should have done this”, “They should have avoided that” after the unfortunate event. Keenan was a friend of my friend and everything happened within minutes. Its always easier to criticize and suggest later. I know that had I been in Keenan’s place, I would have met the same fate irrespective of the action I took. They (Killers) wanted to kill him and came quite prepared. Lets hope Justice prevail over everything else. And please, no moral science lessons.

    1. I apologise if you felt i have given a moral science lesson and definitely if you are in someway connected to the dearly departed you will have strong objections to my post but we all are related to this incident, we all go out at night we all love our city and we all come across scenarios where we need to take an impromptu decision which in this case led to the sad demise of two brave boys, but the issue is larger now. My entire post is about what someone should consider before they knowingly enter into something that could spiral out of control and i believe bravery and courage is rare in our times and these boys showed so much of courage and even defended others in the time of need, thats why they deserve justice and that Commissioner – Mr. Arup Patnaik should make this case a priority to deliver justice to the families of keenan and reuben. His quick and affirmative action will also lift the spirit of the people of mumbai and criminals will think twice before they go attack someone simply because a drunk friend came and called them. Also it is not silly or shameful to come up with suggestions if those suggestions are not for the people already involved in the unfortunate event, these suggestions are for other’s who may one day find themselves in the same situation.

  124. Its really silly and shameful for people to come up with suggestions like “They should have done this”, “They should have avoided that” after the unfortunate event. Keenan was a friend of my friend and everything happened within minutes. Its always easier to criticize and suggest later. I know that had I been in Keenan’s place, I would have met the same fate irrespective of the action I took. They (Killers) wanted to kill him and came quite prepared. Lets hope Justice prevail over everything else. And please, no moral science lessons.

    1. I apologise if you felt i have given a moral science lesson and definitely if you are in someway connected to the dearly departed you will have strong objections to my post but we all are related to this incident, we all go out at night we all love our city and we all come across scenarios where we need to take an impromptu decision which in this case led to the sad demise of two brave boys, but the issue is larger now. My entire post is about what someone should consider before they knowingly enter into something that could spiral out of control and i believe bravery and courage is rare in our times and these boys showed so much of courage and even defended others in the time of need, thats why they deserve justice and that Commissioner – Mr. Arup Patnaik should make this case a priority to deliver justice to the families of keenan and reuben. His quick and affirmative action will also lift the spirit of the people of mumbai and criminals will think twice before they go attack someone simply because a drunk friend came and called them. Also it is not silly or shameful to come up with suggestions if those suggestions are not for the people already involved in the unfortunate event, these suggestions are for other’s who may one day find themselves in the same situation.

  125. well, its relly sad to know what happend to those guys but fact remains tht for the ‘Honor’ of the girl they sacrificed their lives whereas the girls will prolly shed 2 tears and then continue with life….its stupid tht guys get soo influenced by girls and feel the need to act ultra smart on the road even though they know that the entire consequence will be felt by them and not the girl…….moral of the story, control ur ego, think abt the future and swallow ur pride rather than being too influenced by some girl….

    1. Berry Chunkee, Or whatever you name is.. I’m assuming you are male because of the derogatory terms you used against women.. I’m also assuming some lady dumped you on your ass..and its a good thing she did..

      This aside, the issue here is not of male ego, its about our society..Do you want to raise your kids in a society where you have to constantly worry about them being killed, raped, molested? And we know it happens all around people who might not have done a thing to aggravate.. And once it happens, we have to assume that the police is not going to do anything about it and let the perpetrators walk free. If citizens like you and I dont raise our voices and dont support the Keenan cause, please remember it can happen to you too..

      1. 1-  recheck ur vocab. i dnt think iv said nething derogatory abt women. hav posted a cold fact tho (tht they will cry for 2 days and then get on) but nt derogatory for sure

        2- no. we dnt want such a society. but neither do i want a society where parents of young boys have to attend candle light marches for thier sons honor who died trying to save some girl who inturn will weep for a few days and then continue with life….

        yes we need to raise a voice. fighting is essential. but fight tactfully not angrilly. fight such tht u can win…..not such tht u die in ur youth itself….its called being logical..

    2. The real question is, if another human is not worth risking your neck for, are you worth someone risking their neck for if you are in trouble?

      I would hope that after reading this comment, and knowing you to be a misogynist, I would still have enough human in me to risk myself if I could help you if you were in trouble. Even though I am a woman. If, in the process, I died, I would WANT you to live on, or the sacrifice was waste, wasn’t it?

      You would probably recover and write another rant about women showing off or something. It does not matter. 

      Keenan made the choice he did. He is not you. You are not him. You always had, have and will have the choice to stand and watch as the women around you are molested. No one is taking that away from you. No one could.

      1. Discretion better part of valour. At that time kids should be in bed. I Condem d death of Keenan but also feel that he should have been at home at that time.
        On d flip side we should be safe no matter what time we are out but still. I remember getting into a fight at 1am. D guys whom we fought got weapons n we were lucky to survive. For us it was a fist fight but for those people it was a fight period. Scary stuff

        1. I disagree. I think every community no matter where it is in the world should have basic requirements 1) Women can walk around at any time of the day or night unmolested. 2) Men can walk around at any time of the day or night unmolested. 3) Children can walk around at anytime of the day or night unmolested. Until that is the case, there is work to be done and community groups should place uncomfortable pressure on the police  who are supposed to serve and protect and politicians who feel this type of violence is acceptable through actively defending it, or by doing nothing at all. To me the wrong action and inaction are the same. The change comes from the community members up, the change will not come from the leadership down. It never does.  

        2. I am really amazed at your comment. No sir, why kids should be home early? Kids should never be let out at any time of the day, and neither should you. Sorry to say, you think that these things can happen only at night, and you would have had advantage during day. The fact is, the way things are going, the day wont be far when you will have to lock yourself down inside your house to avoid facing goons outside. Are you up for it?

      2. 1- u barely know me so dnt pass stupid comments like misogynist etc…shows how judgemental u are….
        2- wld a woman risk herself to save a man? when did u hear such a case? did the 2 girls here try to stop the guys from fighting? no. becos they knew what has to happen will happen to the guys and nthing to them….

        in fact a cple of days bak on NDTV, keenans gf said tht shes happy keenan did what he did. how easy for her to say tht right? afterall shes still gt all body parts intact…

        stop giving emotional and sentimental replies and comment logically if possible.

        1. It isn’t a sentimental reply. It is a value system. I am not going to debate what the girls did or didn’t do. I am only saying that promoting that people don’t come to the aid of another is something that looks very different from the other end of the stick. Humans are dependent creatures.

    3. yeah you berry chunkee ! . basically you’re nothing but a sick person ! they weren’t showing off or trying to turn the woman on by their behaviour . i think its beyond your level of understanding  so you should shut the fuck up and stay at home and write dairy entries instead of blogging . if you can pray .. do not sit and comment and judge who’s wrong who’s right. and you might get it is a lame strager falls on you..depends how your guy would take it.. you’ll never get it.. chuck it lady.. its a pity you dont get it …this is being illiterate while being educated ! sad state. my condolences to reuben and keenan and their family and  friends !

      1. relly? temme u havent seen guys do stupid stuff when gals r there with them? its part of men these days to become daredevils when with women. sadly sumtimes they pay wayyy too heavy a price for it. hence my comment, guys shld try to be sensible and not be heros.

        if u still dint understand, then i suggest u go to the bathroom, pik up a pic of sum gal ur prolly tryin to impress, remove ur pants, and fuck urself…

    4. Berry_chunkee.. very frankly this is the most disgusting and downright apathetic view which you have shared. These 2 boys died yes, but they died knowing that they did the right thing. Do you even have the balls to stand up for your friends / family. Are you trying to tell me tomorrow if your wife or sister or fiancee is molested will you still have the same outlook.

      It is easy to say such things like do not get influenced by girls etc etc. But the very fact that you have such a downright low opinion of others only reflects the absence of self esteem and ego of your own. God help the woman who marries you. On a second note, you words and the tone of your statements suggest that you were turned down or insulted by a girl to whom you had the hots for. 

      Seriously, think twice and have some shame.

      1. my questioin to u…..

        they died. so wat did they achive?? at the most these people will be in jail for a few mths….media will giv it attention for some time and then?? bak to normal…

        rather by taking on a fight they cudnt win, they have instilled fear in the hearts of people tht this could happen to us and hence less people will enter a fight now…..ur comment, jus like thier actions are purely emotional and sentimental. no logic. no brains. no rationale.

        my comment has facts and nthing else. and fact is tht the guys tried to act too smart and paid a heavy price whereas nothing has or will happen to the girls……FACT. too harsh for u?? nvm…..ull grow up someday and see how right i was…

        1. Oye Berry, Assume That Rascal Rana alongwith some other goons molesting or SEXUALLY ASSAULTING ur Gf which U ignore by using Ur so called Logic, but after that Purposely comes from behind and Bump onto Ur Gf’s hot Bum or tries to press her Boobs..
          What will U do then??
          I know, U will probably think Why bother to face tht Dangerous Criminal, n wl run away from der asap…

          Conclusion: U are not Man enough to save Ur GF from sum1 tryin to do such a Vulgar n Cheap Act with Ur True Love, (OH Sorry, I Forgot, Its not True Love, but jzz GF for benefit, I mean Romance)… Right??

          Secondly, Ul again face that Goon sumhow… This tym, he will invite even his Fellow Goons to come n Bump onto Ur GF’s Redhot Ass or evn try to RAPE her, coz they know tht Ul run away from der tryin to protect Ur own back…
          Thus, U will mak a habit of SHARING ur GF, Wife, Sis or Daughter with them coz U don wanna get involved into a fight with themselves…

          This shows how Coward U are, and U don hav the courage to stand for what is Right,and jzz looks and thinks abt Ur own safety rather than thinking about Ur Gal…

          I agree that ther are some Worst case Cowards lyk U who Uses such insensitive and inconsiderate words lyk “Guyss acted too smart”, but Kenan and Reuben wer not Lyk U who wud jzz look upon them rather than thinkin of their True Friends and True Love…

          Whatevr U hav seen on TV abt her GF’s statement might be true but the fact is dt These brave young Guyyzz dint knew dt they gonna lose their Lives and was most Importantly doing their Responsibilities of being a True Frnd and True Lover>>>>

          I really Respect and Adore Keenan and Reubens act of losing their lives tryin to defend the close ones who wer Weaker than them..
          And if U don knw clearly than Let me tell U dt its not Keenan or Reuben who first slapped them drunk goon but their Frnd Avinash Bali who first took this step of slapping tht Goon..
          And Keenan and Reuben jzz got involved to save their Friends lives…

          RIP Keenan and Reuben!!
          fact is tht the guys tried to act too smart and paid a heavy price Read more:

      1. piss-elle. how easy for u to say tht. when was the last time u suffered for doin sumthin right on the road? never, im guessing, cos u wld have some man arnd u  to sacrifice himself. wat diff does it make to u??

        ur just like keenans gf. keenan was a brave guy and shld be respected (tho i hope we dont have more keenans) but his gf?? Priyanka Fernandez??? shameless bitch……she actually says tht shes happy he did what he did. afterall he is the only 1 who paid the price…….

  126. well, its relly sad to know what happend to those guys but fact remains tht for the ‘Honor’ of the girl they sacrificed their lives whereas the girls will prolly shed 2 tears and then continue with life….its stupid tht guys get soo influenced by girls and feel the need to act ultra smart on the road even though they know that the entire consequence will be felt by them and not the girl…….moral of the story, control ur ego, think abt the future and swallow ur pride rather than being too influenced by some girl….

    1. Berry Chunkee, Or whatever you name is.. I’m assuming you are male because of the derogatory terms you used against women.. I’m also assuming some lady dumped you on your ass..and its a good thing she did..

      This aside, the issue here is not of male ego, its about our society..Do you want to raise your kids in a society where you have to constantly worry about them being killed, raped, molested? And we know it happens all around people who might not have done a thing to aggravate.. And once it happens, we have to assume that the police is not going to do anything about it and let the perpetrators walk free. If citizens like you and I dont raise our voices and dont support the Keenan cause, please remember it can happen to you too..

      1. 1-  recheck ur vocab. i dnt think iv said nething derogatory abt women. hav posted a cold fact tho (tht they will cry for 2 days and then get on) but nt derogatory for sure

        2- no. we dnt want such a society. but neither do i want a society where parents of young boys have to attend candle light marches for thier sons honor who died trying to save some girl who inturn will weep for a few days and then continue with life….

        yes we need to raise a voice. fighting is essential. but fight tactfully not angrilly. fight such tht u can win…..not such tht u die in ur youth itself….its called being logical..

    2. The real question is, if another human is not worth risking your neck for, are you worth someone risking their neck for if you are in trouble?

      I would hope that after reading this comment, and knowing you to be a misogynist, I would still have enough human in me to risk myself if I could help you if you were in trouble. Even though I am a woman. If, in the process, I died, I would WANT you to live on, or the sacrifice was waste, wasn’t it?

      You would probably recover and write another rant about women showing off or something. It does not matter. 

      Keenan made the choice he did. He is not you. You are not him. You always had, have and will have the choice to stand and watch as the women around you are molested. No one is taking that away from you. No one could.

      1. Discretion better part of valour. At that time kids should be in bed. I Condem d death of Keenan but also feel that he should have been at home at that time.
        On d flip side we should be safe no matter what time we are out but still. I remember getting into a fight at 1am. D guys whom we fought got weapons n we were lucky to survive. For us it was a fist fight but for those people it was a fight period. Scary stuff

        1. I disagree. I think every community no matter where it is in the world should have basic requirements 1) Women can walk around at any time of the day or night unmolested. 2) Men can walk around at any time of the day or night unmolested. 3) Children can walk around at anytime of the day or night unmolested. Until that is the case, there is work to be done and community groups should place uncomfortable pressure on the police  who are supposed to serve and protect and politicians who feel this type of violence is acceptable through actively defending it, or by doing nothing at all. To me the wrong action and inaction are the same. The change comes from the community members up, the change will not come from the leadership down. It never does.  

        2. I am really amazed at your comment. No sir, why kids should be home early? Kids should never be let out at any time of the day, and neither should you. Sorry to say, you think that these things can happen only at night, and you would have had advantage during day. The fact is, the way things are going, the day wont be far when you will have to lock yourself down inside your house to avoid facing goons outside. Are you up for it?

      2. 1- u barely know me so dnt pass stupid comments like misogynist etc…shows how judgemental u are….
        2- wld a woman risk herself to save a man? when did u hear such a case? did the 2 girls here try to stop the guys from fighting? no. becos they knew what has to happen will happen to the guys and nthing to them….

        in fact a cple of days bak on NDTV, keenans gf said tht shes happy keenan did what he did. how easy for her to say tht right? afterall shes still gt all body parts intact…

        stop giving emotional and sentimental replies and comment logically if possible.

        1. It isn’t a sentimental reply. It is a value system. I am not going to debate what the girls did or didn’t do. I am only saying that promoting that people don’t come to the aid of another is something that looks very different from the other end of the stick. Humans are dependent creatures.

    3. yeah you berry chunkee ! . basically you’re nothing but a sick person ! they weren’t showing off or trying to turn the woman on by their behaviour . i think its beyond your level of understanding  so you should shut the fuck up and stay at home and write dairy entries instead of blogging . if you can pray .. do not sit and comment and judge who’s wrong who’s right. and you might get it is a lame strager falls on you..depends how your guy would take it.. you’ll never get it.. chuck it lady.. its a pity you dont get it …this is being illiterate while being educated ! sad state. my condolences to reuben and keenan and their family and  friends !

      1. relly? temme u havent seen guys do stupid stuff when gals r there with them? its part of men these days to become daredevils when with women. sadly sumtimes they pay wayyy too heavy a price for it. hence my comment, guys shld try to be sensible and not be heros.

        if u still dint understand, then i suggest u go to the bathroom, pik up a pic of sum gal ur prolly tryin to impress, remove ur pants, and fuck urself…

    4. Berry_chunkee.. very frankly this is the most disgusting and downright apathetic view which you have shared. These 2 boys died yes, but they died knowing that they did the right thing. Do you even have the balls to stand up for your friends / family. Are you trying to tell me tomorrow if your wife or sister or fiancee is molested will you still have the same outlook.

      It is easy to say such things like do not get influenced by girls etc etc. But the very fact that you have such a downright low opinion of others only reflects the absence of self esteem and ego of your own. God help the woman who marries you. On a second note, you words and the tone of your statements suggest that you were turned down or insulted by a girl to whom you had the hots for. 

      Seriously, think twice and have some shame.

      1. my questioin to u…..

        they died. so wat did they achive?? at the most these people will be in jail for a few mths….media will giv it attention for some time and then?? bak to normal…

        rather by taking on a fight they cudnt win, they have instilled fear in the hearts of people tht this could happen to us and hence less people will enter a fight now…..ur comment, jus like thier actions are purely emotional and sentimental. no logic. no brains. no rationale.

        my comment has facts and nthing else. and fact is tht the guys tried to act too smart and paid a heavy price whereas nothing has or will happen to the girls……FACT. too harsh for u?? nvm…..ull grow up someday and see how right i was…

        1. Oye Berry, Assume That Rascal Rana alongwith some other goons molesting or SEXUALLY ASSAULTING ur Gf which U ignore by using Ur so called Logic, but after that Purposely comes from behind and Bump onto Ur Gf’s hot Bum or tries to press her Boobs..
          What will U do then??
          I know, U will probably think Why bother to face tht Dangerous Criminal, n wl run away from der asap…

          Conclusion: U are not Man enough to save Ur GF from sum1 tryin to do such a Vulgar n Cheap Act with Ur True Love, (OH Sorry, I Forgot, Its not True Love, but jzz GF for benefit, I mean Romance)… Right??

          Secondly, Ul again face that Goon sumhow… This tym, he will invite even his Fellow Goons to come n Bump onto Ur GF’s Redhot Ass or evn try to RAPE her, coz they know tht Ul run away from der tryin to protect Ur own back…
          Thus, U will mak a habit of SHARING ur GF, Wife, Sis or Daughter with them coz U don wanna get involved into a fight with themselves…

          This shows how Coward U are, and U don hav the courage to stand for what is Right,and jzz looks and thinks abt Ur own safety rather than thinking about Ur Gal…

          I agree that ther are some Worst case Cowards lyk U who Uses such insensitive and inconsiderate words lyk “Guyss acted too smart”, but Kenan and Reuben wer not Lyk U who wud jzz look upon them rather than thinkin of their True Friends and True Love…

          Whatevr U hav seen on TV abt her GF’s statement might be true but the fact is dt These brave young Guyyzz dint knew dt they gonna lose their Lives and was most Importantly doing their Responsibilities of being a True Frnd and True Lover>>>>

          I really Respect and Adore Keenan and Reubens act of losing their lives tryin to defend the close ones who wer Weaker than them..
          And if U don knw clearly than Let me tell U dt its not Keenan or Reuben who first slapped them drunk goon but their Frnd Avinash Bali who first took this step of slapping tht Goon..
          And Keenan and Reuben jzz got involved to save their Friends lives…

          RIP Keenan and Reuben!!
          fact is tht the guys tried to act too smart and paid a heavy price Read more:

      1. piss-elle. how easy for u to say tht. when was the last time u suffered for doin sumthin right on the road? never, im guessing, cos u wld have some man arnd u  to sacrifice himself. wat diff does it make to u??

        ur just like keenans gf. keenan was a brave guy and shld be respected (tho i hope we dont have more keenans) but his gf?? Priyanka Fernandez??? shameless bitch……she actually says tht shes happy he did what he did. afterall he is the only 1 who paid the price…….

  127. A – I hope reuben makes it through and Keenan RIP
    B –  Personally, I would always say avoid any physical or abusive verbal contact with a stranger because you never know the consequences of it regardless of you being right or wrong. The drunk man bumped into or molested the girl and her friends slapped and hit him and the drunk man then threatened them, seriously speaking if you receive any such threat you should contact the cops ASAP and get out of the area ASAP unless you want to stand there and possibly face an unfair fight like these boys did. OR if you do hit someone and he does threaten you its best you call someone, a friend, family anyone because mostly they will advise you to LEAVE or they will come to help you. Standing up for a girl’s honour is righteous and required but if the fight was avoidable by just taking the girl away and maybe gradually leaving the area this entire fiasco and one boy’s life and another boy’s critical condition would be avoided and the only price to pay for leaving would be subduing your own personal ego that someone did something and you let them get away with it and beyond that maybe the girl would say that you guys should have atleast hit him but believe me, avoiding a fight is the smartest thing you can do.
    C – I cant say 100% that i too would’nt have hit the drunk man if he ‘molested’ my friend but i definitely would think twice before i hit someone simply because he bumped into her(sounds harsh but after reading keenan’s story i pride myself in avoiding fights but that doesnt mean i wont do that what is necessary if the time comes). At the maximum i think if they would have just pushed the guy or noticed him approach like a drunk idiot they should have pulled the girl between them.
    D – If i did hit someone i would either hit someone so much so that he is rendered helpless and i dont have to face consequences but think about it, tomorrow you and your girlfriend are travelling and him and his friends are in the same area and he notices you, what are you going to do then ?
    E – The questions you have raised are legitimate, why is a man convicted of 2 murder’s roaming freely? Why are politicians visiting the area and the prime accused in the case receives a sponsored lawyer from a congress MP
    F – I would suggest instead of posting this online where we can type, click post and just read each others comments, you or anyone in mumbai should goto the local media wether it’s TOI or DNA or midday etc and give your version and thoughts of the story and bring it out among the mass public
    G – A boy’s death by the hands of a drunk murderer and his goon-friends who can apparently disappear cannot be left like a old page in a history book, make it an issue because tomorrow it could be you, your son, me or my son or someone’s daughter or mother or any other human being!
    H – And about the bystanders, yes they should have intervened but everyone in INDIA looks at a group of ‘Guys and Girls’ hanging out at a restaurant or paan shop as spoil brats and they rather not get involved in any situation arising from their presence there where as its the complete opposite during a automobile/pedestrian road accident where the larger vehicle is always at fault or if its guy and girl the guy is at fault and 3/4 times the mob over does its participation and beats up the person they deem is at fault.
    I – We saw what happened with the Jessica Lal murder case but in this case, the man is no politicians son/father/brother but worse, he is quite likely a goon they use for compelling people in slum neighbourhoods to vote for the party that pays and protects him. Dont let this man and his incognito goons win or get away with it. If there is CCTV evidence, there are witnesses and a murder weapon has been found then justice has already tilted in the favour of the innocent and where as his disappearing goons are concerned, i have a difficult but possible suggestion, Those Criminals were how many 3+13? and they came in rickshaws and killed a young innocent boy and grievously injured another and if the LAW and some MP’s or parties are protecting them from receiving the strictest punishment under indian law(death penalty, because this isnt a case of a fight that led to murder this is an outright threat and pre-determined murder by him and his fellow criminals with intent to kill as they came armed with swords etc) then how many citizens are there in mumbai who themselves or their son’s and daughters roam around the city at night near pubs/restaurants/hotels/by-lanes/paan shops etc? There should be fear in the common man that this could be them or their child and you will get the support of the common man and believe me the common man will serve justice without the participation of the law.
    J – When a cockroach comes into our home, we try to push it out of the window or something like that. We do the Human thing. BUT when more come and just dont leave, we spray pesticide.

    1. I totally agree with you… It takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight… And nothing can be done for Keenan and Reuben but maybe for others who want to brave random drunks who threaten you… Walk away… It may make you feel a little embarrassed and less impressive but it’s better than feeling dead!

      1. @Lovergirl………. if evry1 thinks like this, then we all wil becum hostages & thiss world wil b ruled by goons…….. Keenan & Reuben were real men who had balls & guts to stand up for wrong doings, today ther is a dearth of such men & society needs people like them…….. & moreso none of us can lead a gud life if we get threatened & walk away…………………….

        1. Tanmay, I agree, if we become cowards we will eventually be run by criminals and we need to stand up to such rubbish, nothing and nobody can doubt their bravery and their act of heroism that most likely saved a few other lives as well. It is sad and horrible, what has happened. I believe sometimes needs to be taken and the only reason i stressed on the point of avoiding something is because tomorrow maybe there will be another group of friends in a similar situation and if they can avoid it before it escalates, they will live a happier life tomorrow. 

          1. sorry missed a word there – I believe sometimes ‘action’ needs to be taken*. Also these suggestions for avoiding a fight are not towards situations that cannot be avoided, for example a man intentionally touches my mom/sis/gf/wife i will go and beat him up but i need to re-asses my situation if he promises to come back with re-enforcements. All i wish to convey is that quick action is the only solution to these situations.

    2. Unfortunately, India does not believe in punishing criminals who are caught red handed….. and are left freely after a couple of months of jail. And the innocents are left to suffer ….! We surely need some strong and young government & more strongly we need to change few laws to ensure that such acts are immediately punished and others learn the lesson. We dont need any more evidence at least for these open murders… really wonder what can be done….. to make things better ! 

    3. The courage and bravery that the boys displayed by challenging the goons cannot be measured in words. However, the price they paid is colossal, something that has surely left crevasses that can never be filled in the lives of their near and dear ones. It  cost them their precious lives, which wasn’t worth being taken away by such horrendous creatures.  
      Hence, I would support what ‘Anonymous’ said about trying to ‘avoid any physical or abusive contact’. It is important to rationalize the situation before starting up a physical fight, especially when dealing with drunk men. I’m not going to comment on what should have been done on that ill-fated night because it most certainly isn’t my place to do so, however, I would definitely opine on what can/could be done if ever confronted with such a situation. First and foremost, if the man I’m dealing with is drunk, I would ask my bf/husband/father etc to walk away because it’s not worth wasting your time trying to put sense into a man who’s not in his senses in the very first place. Secondly, if things did get heated up and there was a threat, it would be wise to leave the vicinity as soon as possible if there were women around because they usually are the soft targets. 

  128. A – I hope reuben makes it through and Keenan RIP
    B –  Personally, I would always say avoid any physical or abusive verbal contact with a stranger because you never know the consequences of it regardless of you being right or wrong. The drunk man bumped into or molested the girl and her friends slapped and hit him and the drunk man then threatened them, seriously speaking if you receive any such threat you should contact the cops ASAP and get out of the area ASAP unless you want to stand there and possibly face an unfair fight like these boys did. OR if you do hit someone and he does threaten you its best you call someone, a friend, family anyone because mostly they will advise you to LEAVE or they will come to help you. Standing up for a girl’s honour is righteous and required but if the fight was avoidable by just taking the girl away and maybe gradually leaving the area this entire fiasco and one boy’s life and another boy’s critical condition would be avoided and the only price to pay for leaving would be subduing your own personal ego that someone did something and you let them get away with it and beyond that maybe the girl would say that you guys should have atleast hit him but believe me, avoiding a fight is the smartest thing you can do.
    C – I cant say 100% that i too would’nt have hit the drunk man if he ‘molested’ my friend but i definitely would think twice before i hit someone simply because he bumped into her(sounds harsh but after reading keenan’s story i pride myself in avoiding fights but that doesnt mean i wont do that what is necessary if the time comes). At the maximum i think if they would have just pushed the guy or noticed him approach like a drunk idiot they should have pulled the girl between them.
    D – If i did hit someone i would either hit someone so much so that he is rendered helpless and i dont have to face consequences but think about it, tomorrow you and your girlfriend are travelling and him and his friends are in the same area and he notices you, what are you going to do then ?
    E – The questions you have raised are legitimate, why is a man convicted of 2 murder’s roaming freely? Why are politicians visiting the area and the prime accused in the case receives a sponsored lawyer from a congress MP
    F – I would suggest instead of posting this online where we can type, click post and just read each others comments, you or anyone in mumbai should goto the local media wether it’s TOI or DNA or midday etc and give your version and thoughts of the story and bring it out among the mass public
    G – A boy’s death by the hands of a drunk murderer and his goon-friends who can apparently disappear cannot be left like a old page in a history book, make it an issue because tomorrow it could be you, your son, me or my son or someone’s daughter or mother or any other human being!
    H – And about the bystanders, yes they should have intervened but everyone in INDIA looks at a group of ‘Guys and Girls’ hanging out at a restaurant or paan shop as spoil brats and they rather not get involved in any situation arising from their presence there where as its the complete opposite during a automobile/pedestrian road accident where the larger vehicle is always at fault or if its guy and girl the guy is at fault and 3/4 times the mob over does its participation and beats up the person they deem is at fault.
    I – We saw what happened with the Jessica Lal murder case but in this case, the man is no politicians son/father/brother but worse, he is quite likely a goon they use for compelling people in slum neighbourhoods to vote for the party that pays and protects him. Dont let this man and his incognito goons win or get away with it. If there is CCTV evidence, there are witnesses and a murder weapon has been found then justice has already tilted in the favour of the innocent and where as his disappearing goons are concerned, i have a difficult but possible suggestion, Those Criminals were how many 3+13? and they came in rickshaws and killed a young innocent boy and grievously injured another and if the LAW and some MP’s or parties are protecting them from receiving the strictest punishment under indian law(death penalty, because this isnt a case of a fight that led to murder this is an outright threat and pre-determined murder by him and his fellow criminals with intent to kill as they came armed with swords etc) then how many citizens are there in mumbai who themselves or their son’s and daughters roam around the city at night near pubs/restaurants/hotels/by-lanes/paan shops etc? There should be fear in the common man that this could be them or their child and you will get the support of the common man and believe me the common man will serve justice without the participation of the law.
    J – When a cockroach comes into our home, we try to push it out of the window or something like that. We do the Human thing. BUT when more come and just dont leave, we spray pesticide.

    1. I totally agree with you… It takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight… And nothing can be done for Keenan and Reuben but maybe for others who want to brave random drunks who threaten you… Walk away… It may make you feel a little embarrassed and less impressive but it’s better than feeling dead!

      1. @Lovergirl………. if evry1 thinks like this, then we all wil becum hostages & thiss world wil b ruled by goons…….. Keenan & Reuben were real men who had balls & guts to stand up for wrong doings, today ther is a dearth of such men & society needs people like them…….. & moreso none of us can lead a gud life if we get threatened & walk away…………………….

        1. Tanmay, I agree, if we become cowards we will eventually be run by criminals and we need to stand up to such rubbish, nothing and nobody can doubt their bravery and their act of heroism that most likely saved a few other lives as well. It is sad and horrible, what has happened. I believe sometimes needs to be taken and the only reason i stressed on the point of avoiding something is because tomorrow maybe there will be another group of friends in a similar situation and if they can avoid it before it escalates, they will live a happier life tomorrow. 

          1. sorry missed a word there – I believe sometimes ‘action’ needs to be taken*. Also these suggestions for avoiding a fight are not towards situations that cannot be avoided, for example a man intentionally touches my mom/sis/gf/wife i will go and beat him up but i need to re-asses my situation if he promises to come back with re-enforcements. All i wish to convey is that quick action is the only solution to these situations.

    2. Unfortunately, India does not believe in punishing criminals who are caught red handed….. and are left freely after a couple of months of jail. And the innocents are left to suffer ….! We surely need some strong and young government & more strongly we need to change few laws to ensure that such acts are immediately punished and others learn the lesson. We dont need any more evidence at least for these open murders… really wonder what can be done….. to make things better ! 

    3. The courage and bravery that the boys displayed by challenging the goons cannot be measured in words. However, the price they paid is colossal, something that has surely left crevasses that can never be filled in the lives of their near and dear ones. It  cost them their precious lives, which wasn’t worth being taken away by such horrendous creatures.  
      Hence, I would support what ‘Anonymous’ said about trying to ‘avoid any physical or abusive contact’. It is important to rationalize the situation before starting up a physical fight, especially when dealing with drunk men. I’m not going to comment on what should have been done on that ill-fated night because it most certainly isn’t my place to do so, however, I would definitely opine on what can/could be done if ever confronted with such a situation. First and foremost, if the man I’m dealing with is drunk, I would ask my bf/husband/father etc to walk away because it’s not worth wasting your time trying to put sense into a man who’s not in his senses in the very first place. Secondly, if things did get heated up and there was a threat, it would be wise to leave the vicinity as soon as possible if there were women around because they usually are the soft targets. 

  129. Does it mean from now if we have to oppose any of these wrong doing happening in front of us we have to kill the person so that he doesnot go and come back with his friends to kill me?
    Does it mean that we have to carry a weapon and roam on the street if I am out with my wife, sister or friends for self defence?
    What is happening to Mumbai? Floods, bomb blast, traffic, pollution, politicians and many other things that lingers and now adding to that we are heading to 1980 where people used to run on the streets with swords and had their so called marked territories.
    Please Save Mumbai

  130. Does it mean from now if we have to oppose any of these wrong doing happening in front of us we have to kill the person so that he doesnot go and come back with his friends to kill me?
    Does it mean that we have to carry a weapon and roam on the street if I am out with my wife, sister or friends for self defence?
    What is happening to Mumbai? Floods, bomb blast, traffic, pollution, politicians and many other things that lingers and now adding to that we are heading to 1980 where people used to run on the streets with swords and had their so called marked territories.
    Please Save Mumbai

  131. The blog did shook my Sunday laziness however i am not amazed, as due to the apathy of administration the immunity and apathy has transferred to society at large. No 1 can defend the onlookers, certainly not, But also need to understand, do we have system of managing post event like this. Your questions are kind of difficult in current situation and although it demands straight answer, its not easy to get straight answer unless non realistic ideal or heroic  character is assumed.
    I do believe society has to play active role and not be fence sitters. But for society to act there has to be
    conducive environment to act, which is to be provided by the state administration, independent of political and power gimmicks. The assurance of police helping the whistle blowers and also rendering
    security to both alert citizen along with victim is imperative as against current situation of cover up and sheltering the culprits.

  132. The blog did shook my Sunday laziness however i am not amazed, as due to the apathy of administration the immunity and apathy has transferred to society at large. No 1 can defend the onlookers, certainly not, But also need to understand, do we have system of managing post event like this. Your questions are kind of difficult in current situation and although it demands straight answer, its not easy to get straight answer unless non realistic ideal or heroic  character is assumed.
    I do believe society has to play active role and not be fence sitters. But for society to act there has to be
    conducive environment to act, which is to be provided by the state administration, independent of political and power gimmicks. The assurance of police helping the whistle blowers and also rendering
    security to both alert citizen along with victim is imperative as against current situation of cover up and sheltering the culprits.

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