Inviting Photo Submissions on performing arts: Association for India’s Development

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Association for India’s Development produces a calendar each year and it reaches 5000 people with messages related to grassroots development and social issues. For 2014 our theme is performing arts.

We are looking for photographs of performing arts including music, drama, storytelling, dance, theatre, puppetry and other arts of performance, on stage, in the street, common spaces, popular festivals and other venues. Art with social theme or connected to resistance movements is especially exciting to us.

Please share this message widely in all your circles connected to movements, art, photography and people’s culture and media. Contributors will receive credit and complimentary copes of the calendar. Please send entries to

thank you!!!

List of Association for India’s Development Calendar subjects over the years:

2014 Performing Arts
2013 Bicycle: Pedaling towards Sustainability | video
2012 Safar: Along Roads Less Travelled | video
2011 Jivika: Living in the Margins
2010 Makan: A Place Called Home | video
2009 Roti: Sharing Food, Sharing Values | video
2008 Kapda: Clothing the Nation
2007 Nurturing Nature
2006 Pattachitra on Rural Living
2005 Looking Forward: A Journey through North East India
2004 Wisdom of Grassroots
2003 Women and Work (Photos of P. Sainath)
2002 Inspiring Changes
2000 Rethinking India (Photos from Narmada Valley)

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