Delhi Jal Board Scam #DJBScam #PolKhol

delhi jal board scam

The Aam Aadmi Party has tweeted that it is making three exposes related with the Delhi Jal Board.

Information compiled from known AAP accounts and those recommended by known AAP accounts – @Sanjay_dimpy @aap_103

Live updates here. All information compiled from Twitter. I cannot verify independently.


The Citizen’s Front for Water Democracy (CFWD) will be filing these complaints on these three scams with proofs today.


#DJBScam @JoinAAP tweeted an image of an Amar Ujala article of news that appears to be missing in mainstream media (date not visible – presumably today, will confirm).

hindi news clipping from Amar Ujala on Delhi Jal Board Scam
Amar Ujala coverage of Delhi Jal Board Scam


Meter purchase scam in Delhi Jal Board

One more FIR possible

[Filed by Amar Ujala Bureau]

New Delhi: After reopening the files on the Commonwealth Games, Delhi Government may file FIRs on water meter purchase scam in the Delhi Jal Board. There may be investigations ordered into purchases of water treatment plants and water tankers in Dwarka, Malviya Nagar, Nangloi and Meherauli.

The Sheila Government had given contract to install water supply meters to a private company in 2011. The Flood Control Research Institute in Kerala had inspected the meters and found them to be of inadequate quality and advised terminating the contract. The meters were examined again and the company was contracted to install 10 lakh meters. The Aam Aadmi Party had promised investigation into this scam during its election campaign.

Sources inform that on Monday, this case will be handed over to Anti-Corruption Bureau. It is possible that an FIR will also be ordered in the matter. This step by the Delhi government may raise worries for Sheila Dixit again as she was the Chairperson of Delhi Jal Board at the time of the purchases. In addition to this, there may be investigations into water treatment plant and tanker purchases by the Delhi Jal Board. ACB may be tasked with investigating these as well.

There have been complaints of irregularities in the public-private partnership water treatment plants at Nangloi, Malviya Nagar an Meherauli. The CBI has made preliminary inquiries about these three projects in November itself (read “before AAP”).


The corrupts pocketed anticipated 150 Cr in the purchase of 384 Cr Rs water meter purchase. Total 4 lakh meters were purchased.

Sheila Dixit was the chairperson of the Delhi Jal Board when the alleged scam took place.

The Delhi Jal Board may have issued an advisory to employees to not comment to media.


delhi jal board scam
Delhi Jal Board scam

Two of the Delhi Jal Board scams to be exposed by the Aam Aadmi Party are meter purchase scams and one regarding the Rehabilitation project of the Bhagirathi Water Treatment Plant. Three complaints on DJB scams will be filed. Total project value of 3 projects is roughly 900 Crores Scam of roughly 400 Crores.

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3 thoughts on “Delhi Jal Board Scam #DJBScam #PolKhol”

  1. I get it now!!! I was always thinking why they say that Arvind Kejriwal ko sarkaar chalani nahi aati.

    So this is what they were talking about. This simpleton doesn’t know how to receive bribes!!! Sigh… this guy is useless then!

  2. Run Out of Issues , Rajat Sharma ?

    Dear Rajat Sharma ,

    Last evening , on your India TV show , you spent quite a few minutes talking about the refrigerator , the air-conditioner , the micro-wave oven , the sofa set etc

    You normally don’t talk about such mundane things !

    So , why this sudden importance to items of necessity ?

    Surely , India TV was not airing a ” Commercial ” !

    Only because , some 3 ministers of AAP government had asked these items to be installed in their homes ?

    From the tone of your voice , it seemed you had stumbled upon some dark , corrupt practice of AAP ministers !

    A ” corruption ” of some Rs 10 lakhs in all , between 3 ministers !

    Items that belonged to the Delhi Government and which , these ministers will need to leave behind when they vacate their government-owned flats in the next 3 days !

    ( Since , AAP government is most likely to resign in next 3 days )

    Now , you don’t want to waste your time telling the viewers about

    > Dozens of Ministers / MPs / MLAs , who continue to occupy their official
    residences , months / years after their tenure – without paying rent

    > Scores of Ministers who owe various agencies , crores of rupees for use of
    water / electricity / telephone etc , after demitting office

    > Equal number of ex-Ministers / MPs / MLAs , who enjoy one or other kind
    of perks / benefits from State coffers ( and of course ,from Air India )

    > Ministers ( including some ex-presidents ) who travelled abroad on what
    was described as ” Official Visits ” – with friends and family vacationing

    > Planning Commission spending a few crores of rupees to renovate toilets

    > Ministers spending crores of rupees to re-furbish their bungalows

    > Ministers / MPs / MLAs who ” forget ” to declare all of their assets while
    filing their nomination for elections

    > Ministers who ” forget ” to file their Income Tax returns for a few years
    ( Babu Jagjivan Ram forgot to file , for 10 years in a row ! )

    > MPs / MLAs who spend ( of course , on government expenses ) 15 days ,
    holidaying at exotic foreign locations , to study ” Empowerment of Poor ”

    RAJAT ,

    That you are anti-AAP , does not stop me from remaining glued to your 9pm
    show every evening – and I urge , all AAP ministers to do so !

    It is only critiques like you who can keep reminding them of the lofty
    principles that they stand for

    By and large , you have conducted yourself without bias towards any political party

    You have been balanced and respectful of the people you interview

    And the best part is ,

    You allow the participants to speak , without interrupting them or trying to put words in their mouth – a rare virtue amongst TV anchors / editors !

    Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill !

    In future , please ignore non-issues

    After all , India TV is , ” Aap ki Awaz ” !

    * hemen parekh ( 11 Feb 2014 / Mumbai )

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