Be a part of a group when you are with people

Photo from Anonymous at Jaipur

It is a strange need that humans have, to stand out and also belong. Be authentic, and enjoy interactions with people when you are in a group. Resist the urge to tune out, or withdraw socially, particularly when among people you don’t know well. Address the group rather than individuals on the side.

Remember, everyone is a little awkward in the beginning, but if you take an initiative to start conversation, or even support existing interaction, they will be comfortable with you much faster than someone who stays aloof. Even though new interactions can be uncomfortable till you get to know people, they ease out quite quickly, if comfortable conversation can begin.

Participate in whatever is happening in your group. Give suggestions, follow them too and be enthusiastic about happenings and very soon you fill find that you are having a great time, no matter who you are with.

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