Balochistan: Winds of Change

For once, it is a treasure to read the wave of euphoria sweeping through the tweets of the Baloch people. After six decades of cries for help going into some inexplicable void, it is a moment of recognition. US Republican Representative Dana Rohrabacher, who first chaired a US Congressional hearing on Balochistan, has now introduced a resolution calling for self-determination for Balochistan.

A touching moment indeed!

Balochistan reminds me of the high altitude desert in Spiti and Ladakh. Once, I had stopped for tea at a shepherd’s camp (goat milk tea, that would be). He was all alone in the camp. He had been thrilled to meet me, and I was thoroughly pampered. A couple of times he remarked that having guests always felt good, because he imagined if something were to happen to him, at least we knew he had been there, that he had existed, and that he hadn’t vanished into thin air without anyone caring. What difference simple recognition makes!

I see that difference among the Baloch today. If Twitter were real life, I can almost visualize them walking around with boxes of laddoos giving one each time they share a link to a news story in a new source. Sharing it with well wishers – touching – humbled to witness this. The excitement, the euphoria – there is no other word for it – is almost festive and I feel glad that they have this moment to smile in and celebrate. I can imagine big grins as they type, and god knows they need some of those.

Whether this actually evolves into anything or is as usual some power play of drawing lines for Pakistan to toe… or a testing of wind conditions… is difficult to say, but one thing that has changed forever is that their suffering is a matter of official record in another country, including their right to self-determination. There are people who know what they went through. There are people who think they were treated badly and for a long time. This is an important milestone. They are no longer some invisible and silent people with no recognition of their humanity anywhere.

I am glad for my Baloch friends. May this step lead to a journey into happier times.

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28 thoughts on “Balochistan: Winds of Change”

  1. Thanks for your sympathey to the Baloch nation its no doubt a matter of conscience .We believe that each and every person should get his rights and we have never lost hope and faith.

  2. Thanks for your sympathey to the Baloch nation its no doubt a matter of conscience .We believe that each and every person should get his rights and we have never lost hope and faith.

  3. thanks alot for the artical abt BALOCHISTAN issue…and we hope that our past neighour..(industani) wl continue such articals…and rise the issue in india..once again thank

  4. thanks alot for the artical abt BALOCHISTAN issue…and we hope that our past neighour..(industani) wl continue such articals…and rise the issue in india..once again thank

  5. Baloch people dont want to be a part of pakistan anymore ok, so dont blame india , usa or anyother country…. we had enough from paki people and they dont like us they only like our resources and know how to plunder them.. so you people feel shame when you are pointing finger to india or usa. what fedral government has done to us , still ferderal goverment has not paid the royality of gas and other resources. You people have always shown your brutality to us, killing our elders, youngsters and now killing our women as well…. shame on paki people, this is their reality. God Bless Balochistan.

  6. Baloch people dont want to be a part of pakistan anymore ok, so dont blame india , usa or anyother country…. we had enough from paki people and they dont like us they only like our resources and know how to plunder them.. so you people feel shame when you are pointing finger to india or usa. what fedral government has done to us , still ferderal goverment has not paid the royality of gas and other resources. You people have always shown your brutality to us, killing our elders, youngsters and now killing our women as well…. shame on paki people, this is their reality. God Bless Balochistan.

  7. Syed Muazzam Ali Naqvi

    Indian can never be our well wishers. It can be used as a scale to know if a something is right or wrong. Whatever, Indians say about Pakistan, that can NEVER be in our interest. They played a major role in the separation of East Pakistan. Now, they want the same with Baluchistan. And you people are getting happy thinking that Indians are speaking in your favour. Its your misunderstanding. It can NEVER EVER happen.

    1. she is not spreading anything in your country and Balochistan is not
      apart of your counter mind it..yes according to Washington post
      Pakistani can sell their mothers for 10$ and really its very hard to get
      her back with RS..bcoz currency rates are different.

      don’t lie no one love us and we dont want you people love you people
      only love our re nothing els..bright future in Pakistan hahhahah u must
      be joking you are may be in coco island..

      internal matter when baloch became ur internal matter if u rape a women
      after 100 year everyone called that a rape balochistan was occupied and
      after 1000000000000000years that everyone called a occupied Territory..

  8. Syed Muazzam Ali Naqvi

    Indian can never be our well wishers. It can be used as a scale to know if a something is right or wrong. Whatever, Indians say about Pakistan, that can NEVER be in our interest. They played a major role in the separation of East Pakistan. Now, they want the same with Baluchistan. And you people are getting happy thinking that Indians are speaking in your favour. Its your misunderstanding. It can NEVER EVER happen.

    1. she is not spreading anything in your country and Balochistan is not
      apart of your counter mind it..yes according to Washington post
      Pakistani can sell their mothers for 10$ and really its very hard to get
      her back with RS..bcoz currency rates are different.

      don’t lie no one love us and we dont want you people love you people
      only love our re nothing els..bright future in Pakistan hahhahah u must
      be joking you are may be in coco island..

      internal matter when baloch became ur internal matter if u rape a women
      after 100 year everyone called that a rape balochistan was occupied and
      after 1000000000000000years that everyone called a occupied Territory..

  9. Syed Muazzam Ali Naqvi

    Please don’t spread hatred in our country. We already are in deep deep troubles. Yes, Baluchis have been deprived of their right for the last many years, but we people of Pakistan love them very much and don’t want them to part with us. Previous government have always neglected them, but InshaAllah the government of PTI will compensate for everything what has been done so far. InshaAllah a bright future is awaiting us. I’m sure. 

    You FUCKING Indians just stop interfering our internal matters and think about your own problems. And for Baluchis, I again say we understand you are not happy, nor you should be. But please don’t think of parting with us. WE ALL LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, BELIEVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I hear you. I hear your pain. My intent is not to find joy in any break up, but to help these people find voice. You and I are small players in the story unfolding, and the best we can do is hope our world finds humanity again.

      1. These Pakistanis are the best actor in the world if u see a snake coming towards you and a Pakistani coming kill Pakistani first bcoz they are more danger then snake by their thinking towards other people
        thanks for giving voice to the voiceless people of Balochistan my all nation fellow thankful to you jai hind jiye balochistan.

    2.  Mr S.M.A.N Balochistan was not a part of Pakistan we never excepted Pakistan as our nation nor ur army if you people are in trouble that was because of your good deeds..
      my dear here we are talking about freedom of Balochistan and again and again ur saying about right what right u will give us torture bodes missing persons killing women and children abducting people these are the rights we are getting from ur Pakistan where were your media and your people before us hearing shame on u people with your shameless country..yes u people love Bengali too every one saw your love…..
      pti or bti or vti for Balochistan all are same imran khan is not a angel ok that he will come and Pakistan will be haven no never Pakistani people their thinking sucks
      i hate to pronounce your country name shame on you and mind your own business dont say anything about our Indian bro/sis and not the other civilized people.
      down with pakistan
      jiye balochistan

  10. Syed Muazzam Ali Naqvi

    Please don’t spread hatred in our country. We already are in deep deep troubles. Yes, Baluchis have been deprived of their right for the last many years, but we people of Pakistan love them very much and don’t want them to part with us. Previous government have always neglected them, but InshaAllah the government of PTI will compensate for everything what has been done so far. InshaAllah a bright future is awaiting us. I’m sure. 

    You FUCKING Indians just stop interfering our internal matters and think about your own problems. And for Baluchis, I again say we understand you are not happy, nor you should be. But please don’t think of parting with us. WE ALL LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, BELIEVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I hear you. I hear your pain. My intent is not to find joy in any break up, but to help these people find voice. You and I are small players in the story unfolding, and the best we can do is hope our world finds humanity again.

      1. These Pakistanis are the best actor in the world if u see a snake coming towards you and a Pakistani coming kill Pakistani first bcoz they are more danger then snake by their thinking towards other people
        thanks for giving voice to the voiceless people of Balochistan my all nation fellow thankful to you jai hind jiye balochistan.

    2.  Mr S.M.A.N Balochistan was not a part of Pakistan we never excepted Pakistan as our nation nor ur army if you people are in trouble that was because of your good deeds..
      my dear here we are talking about freedom of Balochistan and again and again ur saying about right what right u will give us torture bodes missing persons killing women and children abducting people these are the rights we are getting from ur Pakistan where were your media and your people before us hearing shame on u people with your shameless country..yes u people love Bengali too every one saw your love…..
      pti or bti or vti for Balochistan all are same imran khan is not a angel ok that he will come and Pakistan will be haven no never Pakistani people their thinking sucks
      i hate to pronounce your country name shame on you and mind your own business dont say anything about our Indian bro/sis and not the other civilized people.
      down with pakistan
      jiye balochistan

  11. thanks alot for the artical abt BALOCHISTAN issue…and we hope that our past neighour..(industani) wl continue such articals…and rise the issue in india..once again thanks

  12. thanks alot for the artical abt BALOCHISTAN issue…and we hope that our past neighour..(industani) wl continue such articals…and rise the issue in india..once again thanks

  13. Thank you very much  we hope every Indian intellectual will start writing about balocistan and for baloch people.we want freedom and that is basic right of every human being thank u once again for ur beautiful article.

  14. Thank you very much  we hope every Indian intellectual will start writing about balocistan and for baloch people.we want freedom and that is basic right of every human being thank u once again for ur beautiful article.

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