Calling Campaign for AAP NC Meeting

Calling script for NC members

the following is a mail sent by an AAP Volunteer, whose name is deliberately undisclosed.

Hello All,

AAP Volunteers are running a national calling campaign and talking to NC members.


(1) We decided not to rely on news and learn what the problem is from AAP
(2) We want to learn about the Real Issue at hand
(3)  We want to convey our voice
(4)  #BelieveInParticipatoryDemocracy  and work towards #United AAP

So, in the process we learnt several things. One important thing was that quite a few NC members HAVE NOT received the 28 march NC meeting invitation. While a few e-mail IDs in the EC list of NC members were outdated, there are other IDs that are current and haven’t received the invitation. On their request, I am sending out a copy of the “official email” that was sent out.

I request the national secretary to take note and initiate corrective measures. As per AAP’s constitution, members are to be notified of NC meeting at least 21 days in advance. I urge all NC members to attend the meeting on 28 March.

Reproduced below is the official email that was sent on March 7, 2015:

Dear National Council Member,
Aam Aadmi Party

Subject: Notice for National Council Meet, Aam Aadmi Party

This is to inform that next National Council meeting will be held on
28th March 2015 in New Delhi. Venue will be intimated at a later date.

Proposed Agenda for the NC Meeting on 28th March, 2015 is as follow:
.  Till 10.30 am Registration
.  Welcome address by National Convener
.  National Secretary’s Report
.  National Treasurer’s Report
.  Report on Delhi Elections and Update on Delhi Government
.  Current Organization status / MV
.  Lunch
.  Suggestions by the NC members on Delhi Government and Organization Building
.  Open house on Land Acquisition Bill
.  Any other Agenda by permission of Chair
.  Address by National Convener
.  Vote of Thanks

Pankaj Gupta
National Secretary
Aam Aadmi Party
Delhi, 7th March 2015
NB: The official email copy was received from volunteers

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