A world apart 

Vidarbha Diaries –

It’s a world apart 

At 20, we worry about exams. At 20, they worry about raising the kids, earning livelihood, taking care of their family – just saying, it’s a world apart

We lose our jobs, we find another one. They lose their jobs, they lose their lives – just saying, it’s a world apart 

We make loses, we claim insurance. They make loses, they claim their lives – just saying, it’s a world apart 

We spend hours in deciding what to wear, but for them with just 2 pairs of clothes and no footwear the choice is very simple – just saying, it’s a world apart 

We need second loan, we refinance and restructure our loans at the lowest interest rates. They need second loans, they borrow from private money lenders at exorbitant rates – just saying, it’s a world apart

They till the land, they toil hard in the sun, but they don’t own the land, so they are not recognized as farmers – just saying, it’s a world apart
 A world apart  1 
They suffer loses, the crops are destroyed either due to floods or due to draught, but are never compensated – just saying, it’s a world apart 

We are chased by the banks and credit card companies to take their loans. They literally beg for loans but only in vain – just saying, it’s a world apart 

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