What about Balochistan?

tricolor landscape

The Baloch are sitting ducks. With the sea on one side, and Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, they literally have nowhere to go. The world watches in horror as a steady trickle of deaths flows through the news on a daily basis. I call it “The Baloch Black” in my mind – the season’s color, except the season doesn’t end. No one seems inclined to take risks with safety or popularity for these people – no matter what they sufer.

Pakistan holds a unique record in the world. A six decade old country with killing sprees – state sponsored killing sprees in four different places. Bangladesh, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Balochistan. In each instance, there is documented involvement of the country’s armed forces acting in collaboration with various militia – be them the Razakars, the various Kashmiri militants, the Taliban or in the case of Balochistan, the local militia. And we are not looking at torture videos from FATA, etc, because I don’t know what slot to put them in. Let’s call them extracurricular.

This, on an average amounts to one genocide every fifteen years, so to say. Not counting the boundary skirmishes with Afghanistan and India including out and out wars, not counting the terrorist training infrastructures, not counting indoctrination for conducting human rights abuse, not counting possible large scale radiation poisoning of the region, not counting sabotage of US+NATO interests and lives after explicit agreements of cooperation.

I see here a worldwide conspiracy of silence. The US in particular. The idea seems to be to not say anything that makes Pakistan unhappy unless absolutely needed. This idea is also backfiring, because career terrorists can simply change employers to remain perfectly safe, and they can take up new job opportunities once the market in Afghanistan opens on US exit. There has been no US comment on the kill and dump policy against Balochistan, there has been nothing on the massive JuD rallys with a few journalists raising alarm. Pakistan is an ally and that is that, except for selective condemnation. The rest is the gift of impunity in return for goodwill.

It is easy to say that Pakistan is a nuclear power, but that applies only to the Kashmiri Pandits. They were driven out of Kashmir, but the actual people dead by all accounts is less than a thousand. But for the other three genocides, Pakistan’s nuclear bombs cannot be called an excuse. The United States, for its own interests in the region “cultivated” Pakistan, making the Pakistani Army disproportionately powerful. Did they not have an ethical responsibility to monitor how that power was used? Wouldn’t today’s war on terror and its immense losses in life and money be prevented? Where is the accountability?

Today, the carte blanche that the world gave Pakistan has resulted in an Army/ISI state within a state. They have dragged the country into surprise wars with India, they have butchered people in their own and in neighbouring countries. The government is helpless to prevent anything they do. US itself is now helpless and expects the government to put their Frankenstein’s monster in the box again. The Pakistani on the street is living in an increasingly deprived and difficult situation, children are deprived of education and health, but the Army’s budget knows no bounds. By Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani’s own confession, in the aftermath of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the Army stood thoroughly discredited on a moral and defensive perspective, yet their salaries were doubled as the country lived on in staggering insecurity and anger.

News reports speak of the Pakistan Army supporting the Taliban in anticipation of the US exit from Afghanistan. The astonishing part is that the strategic analysts are still peddling this as news – something that any ten year old in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Balochistan and possibly India too could have told them on the first day of the war. The pretense goes on, the drama goes on. In the meanwhile, there are people paying hideous costs. 2.3% of Afghanistan’s total population is DISABLED. The Baloch black – as I call it – just unrelenting doom and gloom in the news, continues.

Today, Balochistan is fighting desperately for independence as the world continues to watch. They have no alternative if they must live. Most Pakistanis insist that the real problem is the human rights abuse and not independence. But there is no question of human rights in Balochistan. Human rights are for humans, and there seems to be no indication that the Army/ISI think that Baloch are humans as they are kidnapped, killed, assassinated, murdered .

The killing of Brahmadagh Bugti’s sister and niece in Karachi has been understood and condemned for the chilling expansion of the war against the Baloch that it is. Yet what difference does that make? What does it mean that people understand what is happening, if it cannot result in any change what so ever? There is NO ONE in Pakistan that can prevent the Army/ISI from doing what they want. The Court has not succeeded in bringing about justice for the numerous crimes against the Baloch stagnating and accumulating.

In a post Fukushima world jittery about radiation, the Baloch are living with alleged significant contamination of their area with no recourse to even measuring for confirmation and identification of risk areas. There is no monitoring, there is no information on if and how much radioactive contamination exists. Last year, American soldiers who served in Afghanistan had radiation levels in their urine. They have been attributed to tactical nukes by commentators, and denied as inexplicable by the official speakers. What if they are from the contamination of the area they worked in? It is close to the area of Balochistan that has been contaminated.

There is no information about the real situation except for photos of deformities and descriptions of illness that can match radiation exposure, but there is no way of knowing without tests being allowed, and Pakistan doesn’t allow independent access to the region for such work. Pakistan had even refused humanitarian assistance access to this area after the flood claiming that they would do it themselves. So the Baloch people are tired of asking for help, but have no other option open to them other than asking for help. No matter how many walls of silence they bounce off. Some of the walls are you and I. They are fighting a heavily unequal war for survival. Militarily, politically and even on health and humanitarian terms. Where is our own humanity in this story?

There literally is no way out for them unless something is done specifically to bring them relief and solutions, and the ethical responsibility for this assistance lies on the world and particularly the US that stood complicit in Pakistan Army’s use of weapons supplied by them on civilians. Even more, because the US is doing precisely the kind of rescues worldwide, for ages that it is refusing Balochistan – a victim of torturers armed by them. The Leahy Law prohibits U.S. military assistance to foreign military units that violate human rights with impunity. It doesn’t get more impunity than this, it doesn’t get more blatantly human rights abuse than this, and it doesn’t get more studiedly ignored than this. So, in calling Pakistan a partner, arming their Army, funding them and refusing to exert any preventative influence on their human rights abuses is blatantly flaunting its own laws. It is a question for Americans why have a law like that if it will not be followed?

What needs to be done is a matter of strategy and the Baloch people should be consulted. It also needs to be a practical and sustainable solution. It doesn’t make sense to only separate into independence a sparsely populated region sharing a border with a country that overflows every national border they have to commit human rights abuses. They would do the same thing in Balochistan that they are planning in Afghanistan – install proxies, subjugate people again. It is their default mode. There needs to be a comprehensive political regional solution – a sustainable one that ensures that boundaries that allow the Baloch safety are established.

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58 thoughts on “What about Balochistan?”

  1. Baloch nation under the great leadership of The Great BABA KHAIR BAKHSH MARRI, HAIR BEYAR MARRI ,Brahamdagh Bugti, BASHIR ZAIB ,
    CHAIRMAN KHALIL BALOCH, JAVED MANGAL BALOCH AND DR ALLAH NAZAR BALOCH for a democratic and secular Balochistan and the same time fighting for the durable peace of the world,because the Baloch land and Sea is one of the main international Rout for the world economy which passes through the Baloch land and sea,and these are Pakistan and Iran which have been misusing this International Rout for exporting Terrorism and the religious fundamentalism,the 9/11 + 7/7 and Spain Bombing are the clear examples,therefore the whole world must support Baloch Nation and their above mentioned Great secular and democratic Leaders.

  2. Baloch nation under the great leadership of The Great BABA KHAIR BAKHSH MARRI, HAIR BEYAR MARRI ,Brahamdagh Bugti, BASHIR ZAIB ,
    CHAIRMAN KHALIL BALOCH, JAVED MANGAL BALOCH AND DR ALLAH NAZAR BALOCH for a democratic and secular Balochistan and the same time fighting for the durable peace of the world,because the Baloch land and Sea is one of the main international Rout for the world economy which passes through the Baloch land and sea,and these are Pakistan and Iran which have been misusing this International Rout for exporting Terrorism and the religious fundamentalism,the 9/11 + 7/7 and Spain Bombing are the clear examples,therefore the whole world must support Baloch Nation and their above mentioned Great secular and democratic Leaders.

  3. We Baloch just want free and united Balochistan we will break this chain of slavery very soon …Long Live Baloch Freedom Fightes

  4. We Baloch just want free and united Balochistan we will break this chain of slavery very soon …Long Live Baloch Freedom Fightes

  5. my brothers you must understand the international political,economical and interests Anti Pakistan forces are creating such situation in Pakistan India is the Biggest enemy of yours. She wants to see you in parts for their own interests to destroy Pakistan’s Necular Assets and Natural resources. Keep your self open to talk. My Brother every one feels himself deprivated in Pakistan its not only the story of Baluchistan, Lets come to solution and Defeat the dirty intentions of the enemy.

    Pakistan Paindabad
    La ilaha illalah

    1.  Mr Abu Bakar baig no body creating any situation in your Pakistan what is happening in Pakistan bcoz of u people injustice why u people dont accept the truth India is the not enemy of anyone india never attack on Pakistani parliament India never hijack any paki airline India  never attack ur economy city karachi..be positive and think positive…ok
      why you people fool ur generation why u people dont accept the truth why u know know everything and hide the history and truth MrABB Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan why u people using all forces to slave the people..La Ilaha Illalah teach you do do these all what ur so called Muslim army doing in Balochistan my dear our culture is different our language is different our history is different our way of life is different go from Balochistan GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO
      Pakistan ka matlab kia
      lati goli marshal law

  6. my brothers you must understand the international political,economical and interests Anti Pakistan forces are creating such situation in Pakistan India is the Biggest enemy of yours. She wants to see you in parts for their own interests to destroy Pakistan’s Necular Assets and Natural resources. Keep your self open to talk. My Brother every one feels himself deprivated in Pakistan its not only the story of Baluchistan, Lets come to solution and Defeat the dirty intentions of the enemy.

    Pakistan Paindabad
    La ilaha illalah

    1.  Mr Abu Bakar baig no body creating any situation in your Pakistan what is happening in Pakistan bcoz of u people injustice why u people dont accept the truth India is the not enemy of anyone india never attack on Pakistani parliament India never hijack any paki airline India  never attack ur economy city karachi..be positive and think positive…ok
      why you people fool ur generation why u people dont accept the truth why u know know everything and hide the history and truth MrABB Balochistan was never a part of Pakistan why u people using all forces to slave the people..La Ilaha Illalah teach you do do these all what ur so called Muslim army doing in Balochistan my dear our culture is different our language is different our history is different our way of life is different go from Balochistan GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO
      Pakistan ka matlab kia
      lati goli marshal law

  7. Dear Vidyut, A woman,mother thinker and blogger, It is a nice piece of words that you have created. However loyal Baloch and Pakistani can smell what is coming out of this blog. Every country like your’s have separatists movements, and since you are a smart person, you  must have known that your country is full of such movements and bloodiest ones, and what Indian agencies are doing, or CIA or MOSAD are doing for their country inside or out,ISI is doing the same,then why cry? Why have double standards? Why getting into what is not your business, why interfereing in Pakistan,while your own country(if you are Indian?) needs your strength of realizing and writing. There might be few thousand Baloch, who are living for disrupting and selling the country, there are more then that who want to get rid of such traitors, who did nothing for their people,their own tribes,nothing Zero.But they have millions billions to buy artillary from where ever, they have money to put on Musharraf’s head, they have money to send their own families abroad, they have money for every thing but not for their own people. The world now knows including Americans that America is no ones friend, that this is a war against Islam all over the world.The one country which is bothering every one is Pakistan,its Army and ISI and its loyal people who every single one will stand up against corrupt govt. traitors,and outsiders. Baluch separatists might have to learn it in harder way that India or Afghanistan is also using them, their honey moon will be over soon .Because enemy will remain enemy no matter what. Instead of throwing petrol on the fire, try to be sensible,mother and thinker, and try to diffuse the anger of people, make them understand that a united country is the strength of all.That bloody wars will not take anyone very far, that make peace and understanding. A true Baluch woman,be it mother,sister,thinker,or whoever will never betray its country. Baluchistan is  our homeland and we belong to Pakistan. We have our internal issues just like any family has, we should,and we will resolve it together among us, we are thankful for your worries about Baluchistan and Baloch however we do not appreciate that you be a part of spreading the fire. I understand this kind of writing will provide you a very good platform as anyone or anything against Pakistan puts people on top of media coverage,hi-places and may be you will be given monetary token of appreciation for keep doing what you are doing. But it is not liked,appreciated or welcomed by Baloch Pakistani. Long Live Baluchistan Pakistan. Huma Baig. A Pakistani Baloch, A mother,sister,and responsible thinker who believes in peace and untiy of Paksitan and will never accept anyone who thinks of separation of Baluchistan from Pakistan. 

    1. Mr Pakistani why you are hiding sun with your finger here we are talking about Human Rights if you Pakistani see us as a human then you will appreciates Vidyut but it’s in your nature you people will not accept the truth You people have handed over with the help of this ISI MI dr afia and other side you people are telling she is the daughter of nation what a game. But when the matter comes in Balochistan you people kill our Mothers and sisters and you will say that we are traitors Zarina Marri baloch along with her child Muraad missing since 2002 tell me where my sister is she is not a Human?? she is not a Muslim??? 20000 baloch missing along women and Children’s we receive 500 dead bodies torture and throw on roads sides in 2011 those are not humans? what if The British killed Jinnah do u think u will get your freedom…British ruled on Baloch over 150 years but we did not revive a single body but Pakistan handed over 50000 in just 50 years…You Punjabis are the wheat owner taking 65% of the national wealth why?We know what is coming from this blog. We are not separatists we were never a part of your counter how u called us separatists we are freedom fighters. We are not crying we are fighting understand..  Why you Pakistani have double standards? You people called u Muslim and in other hand killing innocent people do u think your Islam teach u this. Its her business and this is the matter of humanity if u consider us as a human.99.9% baloch want freedom if u don’t believe let the UN come and make a referendum like south Sudan the truth will come 0.1% baloch we will send it to Punjab to live with you happy now.what s your army is doing taking $ in the name of war against terrorism and using those weapons on innocent balochs why? Pakistan is not bothering anything Pakistan is playing a double standers game very carefully but now the whole world know that what she is doing taking dollars in one hand and helping and creating terrorst in other hand.
      Our honeymoon is coming soon you people cannot fool the world al the times. What your army did in Bangladesh with their mother and sisters those are not human not Muslims.Balochistan was never your land and will not be your mind it You have once an internal issue in Bangladesh what u did there but Bengali people are lucky they got the help at the right time hope the International peace loving people will help us to stop the genocide of Baloch peoples help plz help help for GOD sake help help help my sister died in the car asking for HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP


        Thank you Mani Brath, you have expressed the true feeling of
        our heart..!!! we shall overcome, the day shall come one day, when e very Baloch
        would be given the right to live with honor, dignity, love, peace and prosperity
        in free Balochistan…!! Very soon………………!!!

        1.  welcome my sister yes we will get out freedom soon my sister i promise you i will fight for u for my mother for my honor if i die my son will fight if he dies my grand son will fight if he die his son will figth struggle till victory plz teach ur child’s and let them know that we are slave….
          GOOD NEWS



    2.  Thanks vidyut, the number of Baloch Freedom Fighter movement
      followers have been increased from thousand into lack,.The traitors who are
      playing on the figures of Pakistan agencies (Politicians) would be kicked out
      soon.  Baluch freedom Fighters are fighting
      for their right to freedom not for money, loyalty and other luxuries. Otherwise
      they could prefer to stay at home instead of being violent in go to mountains
      for battle. Baluchistan is our motherland, a true Baluch woman, a mother, sister,
      thinker, or whoever will never betray its country (Greater Balochistan). Baloch
      Nation has never felt to be a part of Pakistan neither would they feel… Being a
      Baloch woman I can see the spark of freedom that has stared frustrating attitude
      in our enemy…!! Long live greater Balochistan…!!! Azad Balochistan

  8. Dear Vidyut, A woman,mother thinker and blogger, It is a nice piece of words that you have created. However loyal Baloch and Pakistani can smell what is coming out of this blog. Every country like your’s have separatists movements, and since you are a smart person, you  must have known that your country is full of such movements and bloodiest ones, and what Indian agencies are doing, or CIA or MOSAD are doing for their country inside or out,ISI is doing the same,then why cry? Why have double standards? Why getting into what is not your business, why interfereing in Pakistan,while your own country(if you are Indian?) needs your strength of realizing and writing. There might be few thousand Baloch, who are living for disrupting and selling the country, there are more then that who want to get rid of such traitors, who did nothing for their people,their own tribes,nothing Zero.But they have millions billions to buy artillary from where ever, they have money to put on Musharraf’s head, they have money to send their own families abroad, they have money for every thing but not for their own people. The world now knows including Americans that America is no ones friend, that this is a war against Islam all over the world.The one country which is bothering every one is Pakistan,its Army and ISI and its loyal people who every single one will stand up against corrupt govt. traitors,and outsiders. Baluch separatists might have to learn it in harder way that India or Afghanistan is also using them, their honey moon will be over soon .Because enemy will remain enemy no matter what. Instead of throwing petrol on the fire, try to be sensible,mother and thinker, and try to diffuse the anger of people, make them understand that a united country is the strength of all.That bloody wars will not take anyone very far, that make peace and understanding. A true Baluch woman,be it mother,sister,thinker,or whoever will never betray its country. Baluchistan is  our homeland and we belong to Pakistan. We have our internal issues just like any family has, we should,and we will resolve it together among us, we are thankful for your worries about Baluchistan and Baloch however we do not appreciate that you be a part of spreading the fire. I understand this kind of writing will provide you a very good platform as anyone or anything against Pakistan puts people on top of media coverage,hi-places and may be you will be given monetary token of appreciation for keep doing what you are doing. But it is not liked,appreciated or welcomed by Baloch Pakistani. Long Live Baluchistan Pakistan. Huma Baig. A Pakistani Baloch, A mother,sister,and responsible thinker who believes in peace and untiy of Paksitan and will never accept anyone who thinks of separation of Baluchistan from Pakistan. 

    1. Mr Pakistani why you are hiding sun with your finger here we are talking about Human Rights if you Pakistani see us as a human then you will appreciates Vidyut but it’s in your nature you people will not accept the truth You people have handed over with the help of this ISI MI dr afia and other side you people are telling she is the daughter of nation what a game. But when the matter comes in Balochistan you people kill our Mothers and sisters and you will say that we are traitors Zarina Marri baloch along with her child Muraad missing since 2002 tell me where my sister is she is not a Human?? she is not a Muslim??? 20000 baloch missing along women and Children’s we receive 500 dead bodies torture and throw on roads sides in 2011 those are not humans? what if The British killed Jinnah do u think u will get your freedom…British ruled on Baloch over 150 years but we did not revive a single body but Pakistan handed over 50000 in just 50 years…You Punjabis are the wheat owner taking 65% of the national wealth why?We know what is coming from this blog. We are not separatists we were never a part of your counter how u called us separatists we are freedom fighters. We are not crying we are fighting understand..  Why you Pakistani have double standards? You people called u Muslim and in other hand killing innocent people do u think your Islam teach u this. Its her business and this is the matter of humanity if u consider us as a human.99.9% baloch want freedom if u don’t believe let the UN come and make a referendum like south Sudan the truth will come 0.1% baloch we will send it to Punjab to live with you happy now.what s your army is doing taking $ in the name of war against terrorism and using those weapons on innocent balochs why? Pakistan is not bothering anything Pakistan is playing a double standers game very carefully but now the whole world know that what she is doing taking dollars in one hand and helping and creating terrorst in other hand.
      Our honeymoon is coming soon you people cannot fool the world al the times. What your army did in Bangladesh with their mother and sisters those are not human not Muslims.Balochistan was never your land and will not be your mind it You have once an internal issue in Bangladesh what u did there but Bengali people are lucky they got the help at the right time hope the International peace loving people will help us to stop the genocide of Baloch peoples help plz help help for GOD sake help help help my sister died in the car asking for HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP


        Thank you Mani Brath, you have expressed the true feeling of
        our heart..!!! we shall overcome, the day shall come one day, when e very Baloch
        would be given the right to live with honor, dignity, love, peace and prosperity
        in free Balochistan…!! Very soon………………!!!

        1.  welcome my sister yes we will get out freedom soon my sister i promise you i will fight for u for my mother for my honor if i die my son will fight if he dies my grand son will fight if he die his son will figth struggle till victory plz teach ur child’s and let them know that we are slave….
          GOOD NEWS



    2.  Thanks vidyut, the number of Baloch Freedom Fighter movement
      followers have been increased from thousand into lack,.The traitors who are
      playing on the figures of Pakistan agencies (Politicians) would be kicked out
      soon.  Baluch freedom Fighters are fighting
      for their right to freedom not for money, loyalty and other luxuries. Otherwise
      they could prefer to stay at home instead of being violent in go to mountains
      for battle. Baluchistan is our motherland, a true Baluch woman, a mother, sister,
      thinker, or whoever will never betray its country (Greater Balochistan). Baloch
      Nation has never felt to be a part of Pakistan neither would they feel… Being a
      Baloch woman I can see the spark of freedom that has stared frustrating attitude
      in our enemy…!! Long live greater Balochistan…!!! Azad Balochistan

  9. Feelings Healings

    Baluchistan is a land which has been under the clutches of military establishment sine the day this land of pure was created on the face of earth.Everybody from chieftain to common  man is victim.Baluchis are receiving bullet riddle bodies of their loved ones.Punjabi establishment,Punjabi politicians, Punjabi media is twisting facts.Baluchistan is land of Baluchis and let them decide from natural resources to port.

  10. Feelings Healings

    Baluchistan is a land which has been under the clutches of military establishment sine the day this land of pure was created on the face of earth.Everybody from chieftain to common  man is victim.Baluchis are receiving bullet riddle bodies of their loved ones.Punjabi establishment,Punjabi politicians, Punjabi media is twisting facts.Baluchistan is land of Baluchis and let them decide from natural resources to port.

  11. Mr Afridi Pakistan itself a part of India how u talk abt Kashmir…
    is not interfering in anywhere bcoz of Pakistan interfering today
    Afghanistan peace loving peoples are suffering dont forget that all
    Pashtuns belong to Afghanistan…not 60 year old fake Pakistan….
    When US draw its army US will draw a line between us (THE LINE OF CONTROL)
    yes the game will be end u will a new Country on world map (Republic of Balochistan)…

  12. Mr Afridi Pakistan itself a part of India how u talk abt Kashmir…
    is not interfering in anywhere bcoz of Pakistan interfering today
    Afghanistan peace loving peoples are suffering dont forget that all
    Pashtuns belong to Afghanistan…not 60 year old fake Pakistan….
    When US draw its army US will draw a line between us (THE LINE OF CONTROL)
    yes the game will be end u will a new Country on world map (Republic of Balochistan)…

  13. can india please stop interfering in balochistan and afghanistan and
    keep itself to their own boundary and stop propaganda against pakistan
    and ISI .. why is RAW supporting the millitants if India is champion of
    Human rights why do they not stop killing innocent kashmiris muslim and
    give them freedom as they want it since 1948 ? … stop playing politics
    like that Balochistan is ours and only some elements are backed by
    indian however, soon once US with draw from afghanistan India should
    pack its bag from afghanistan and balochistan as well .. the game is
    about to come to an end cheers 

    Mr Afridi Pakistan itself a part of India how u talk abt Kashmir…
    India is not interfering in anywhere bcoz of Pakistan interfering today Afghanistan peace loving peoples are suffering dont forget that all Pashtuns belong to Afghanistan…not 60 year old fake Pakistan….
    When US draw its army US will draw a line between us (THE LINE OF CONTROL)
    yes the game will be end u will a new Country on world map (Republic of Balochistan)…

  14. can india please stop interfering in balochistan and afghanistan and
    keep itself to their own boundary and stop propaganda against pakistan
    and ISI .. why is RAW supporting the millitants if India is champion of
    Human rights why do they not stop killing innocent kashmiris muslim and
    give them freedom as they want it since 1948 ? … stop playing politics
    like that Balochistan is ours and only some elements are backed by
    indian however, soon once US with draw from afghanistan India should
    pack its bag from afghanistan and balochistan as well .. the game is
    about to come to an end cheers 

    Mr Afridi Pakistan itself a part of India how u talk abt Kashmir…
    India is not interfering in anywhere bcoz of Pakistan interfering today Afghanistan peace loving peoples are suffering dont forget that all Pashtuns belong to Afghanistan…not 60 year old fake Pakistan….
    When US draw its army US will draw a line between us (THE LINE OF CONTROL)
    yes the game will be end u will a new Country on world map (Republic of Balochistan)…

  15. Akbar Baloch(ISI Agent 100%) you are not a Baloch bcoz a Baloch never say that i am a Pakistani this Punjabi  terrorist army killing our mothers and sisters and u are  saying something els….
    India is not helping us if India start helping then ur brave army will surrender soon…
    u lose this war Balochistan will be a Secular Nation soon JIYE BAlochistan.


    watch and enjoy…..hahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhaha

  16. Akbar Baloch(ISI Agent 100%) you are not a Baloch bcoz a Baloch never say that i am a Pakistani this Punjabi  terrorist army killing our mothers and sisters and u are  saying something els….
    India is not helping us if India start helping then ur brave army will surrender soon…
    u lose this war Balochistan will be a Secular Nation soon JIYE BAlochistan.


    watch and enjoy…..hahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhaha

  17. Im a Balochi and this Vidyut should be shot dead! You know nothing about us Balochi’s we are loyal to Pakistan it is only terrorist funded by your india that need your help. From UK 

    1. Zarakjan_bund_baloch

      Mr.Akbar Baloch you expose your identity yourself because Baloch are not use the word Balochi they said I M BALOCH(NOT BALOCHI).Bastard Punjabi get out from here.I agree with Baloch550bc’s comments that if India(Great Bharat)start helping us then your so called brave and so called punjabi and pathan muslim army will surrender soon.


    2.  Mr, AKbar you are another Panjabi ISI, MI, agent, we as Baloch don’t use any word like you have used in your phrase.. All Balochs are secular, and believe on all religions… not like you fake pro Islamic Panjabi Pakistanis.. so get lost from this discussion..

  18. Im a Balochi and this Vidyut should be shot dead! You know nothing about us Balochi’s we are loyal to Pakistan it is only terrorist funded by your india that need your help. From UK 

    1. Zarakjan_bund_baloch

      Mr.Akbar Baloch you expose your identity yourself because Baloch are not use the word Balochi they said I M BALOCH(NOT BALOCHI).Bastard Punjabi get out from here.I agree with Baloch550bc’s comments that if India(Great Bharat)start helping us then your so called brave and so called punjabi and pathan muslim army will surrender soon.


    2.  Mr, AKbar you are another Panjabi ISI, MI, agent, we as Baloch don’t use any word like you have used in your phrase.. All Balochs are secular, and believe on all religions… not like you fake pro Islamic Panjabi Pakistanis.. so get lost from this discussion..

  19. can india please stop interfering in balochistan and afghanistan and keep itself to their own boundary and stop propaganda against pakistan and ISI .. why is RAW supporting the millitants if India is champion of Human rights why do they not stop killing innocent kashmiris muslim and give them freedom as they want it since 1948 ? … stop playing politics like that Balochistan is ours and only some elements are backed by indian however, soon once US with draw from afghanistan India should pack its bag from afghanistan and balochistan as well .. the game is about to come to an end cheers 

    1. You will find on this blog I also speak for the human rights of Kashmiris. I also speak against our Army. Human rights are not conditional. People everywhere should have the right to be safe. You too. Think about it.

        1. Yeah, Mr. Baloch, nice to find Musharraf fans among the Baloch too. http://www.forumpakistan.com/search.php?search_author=speedy786%40hotmail.com&sid=b60f1454f58de2098c19347272ada96f

          No fix for stupidity.

          1.  Vidyut, We all Baloch nation are thankful to you for high lighting the burning issue of occupied Balochistan. here the Pakistani media is deliberately silent on violations of human rights by pakistan army on daily bases. If some journalist dare to speak and expose the report on media they will be killed or abducted by its secret agencies and their proxy pro-pakistani Baloch elements.

          2.  Vidyut these are not baloch these are Punjabi using baloch nick names this is these people old fashion..

        2.  Akbar, We the Baloch do not love Pakistan. Pakistan had occupied our motherland Balochistan. Those who are with pakistan are like the razakars in Bangladesh the friends of ISI and MI. Those razakars (the beharis) killed millions of Bangalis today the Pakistan is repeating the same history in occupied Balochistan.

    2. Mr. Afridi, you can speak for Kashmiries and their genocide, bit without facts. who is going and how…. don’t you see for Balochistan what happening over here? it is not you fault men your Paksitani Media don’t highlight what is happening over here..!!

  20. can india please stop interfering in balochistan and afghanistan and keep itself to their own boundary and stop propaganda against pakistan and ISI .. why is RAW supporting the millitants if India is champion of Human rights why do they not stop killing innocent kashmiris muslim and give them freedom as they want it since 1948 ? … stop playing politics like that Balochistan is ours and only some elements are backed by indian however, soon once US with draw from afghanistan India should pack its bag from afghanistan and balochistan as well .. the game is about to come to an end cheers 

    1. You will find on this blog I also speak for the human rights of Kashmiris. I also speak against our Army. Human rights are not conditional. People everywhere should have the right to be safe. You too. Think about it.

        1. Yeah, Mr. Baloch, nice to find Musharraf fans among the Baloch too. http://www.forumpakistan.com/search.php?search_author=speedy786%40hotmail.com&sid=b60f1454f58de2098c19347272ada96f

          No fix for stupidity.

          1.  Vidyut, We all Baloch nation are thankful to you for high lighting the burning issue of occupied Balochistan. here the Pakistani media is deliberately silent on violations of human rights by pakistan army on daily bases. If some journalist dare to speak and expose the report on media they will be killed or abducted by its secret agencies and their proxy pro-pakistani Baloch elements.

          2.  Vidyut these are not baloch these are Punjabi using baloch nick names this is these people old fashion..

        2.  Akbar, We the Baloch do not love Pakistan. Pakistan had occupied our motherland Balochistan. Those who are with pakistan are like the razakars in Bangladesh the friends of ISI and MI. Those razakars (the beharis) killed millions of Bangalis today the Pakistan is repeating the same history in occupied Balochistan.

    2. Mr. Afridi, you can speak for Kashmiries and their genocide, bit without facts. who is going and how…. don’t you see for Balochistan what happening over here? it is not you fault men your Paksitani Media don’t highlight what is happening over here..!!

  21. All GODS Exist in Balochistan but none are helping us….
    we have people believe in (BAGWAN)(ALLAH)(GOD)….

  22. All GODS Exist in Balochistan but none are helping us….
    we have people believe in (BAGWAN)(ALLAH)(GOD)….

  23. Thank you for Blog ..Porkistani Army ,ISI and MI killed thousands of Baloch People …Down with Occupiers as Porkistan and iran are …

  24. Thank you for Blog ..Porkistani Army ,ISI and MI killed thousands of Baloch People …Down with Occupiers as Porkistan and iran are …

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