Karkare-Thackeray, I am fed up of this crap!

I have posted enough for today and I really need to get back to work. No amount of writing is going to repair this devastation in my heart. Yet, as I read this article about Raj Thackeray’s response to the Mumbai terror crisis, I can’t help but write. He would probably understand this as a fiery response. After all flaming emotions seem to be his forte.

I get the impression that Karkare saved Mumbai from the seige. Not to get me wrong, I applaud his deidcation and bravery, but hey, he died as the curtains rose on this show. No comment on the NSG? Or are they disposable since they are not Maharashtrians?

I wasn’t too bothered about all the sarcasm about his being MIA in the time of his beloved Mumbai’s crisis – after all, what could he do? His strength is not in fighting, and while its possible he could have talked the terrorists to death, I doubt if Mumbai was willing to risk time on it.

In a time when the country is shattered with this unexpected and unbelievable massacre, Raj actually seems to be a step ahead of the other politicians in making selfish and inane comments. “The officers of the calibre of Karkare and his colleagues Salaskar and
Kamte who led from the front in combating terrorists had done
Maharashtra proud with their supreme sacrifice.”Not just Maharashtra, idiot! The country, the world, every humane person on this planet.

What put me into this flaming gear is “What needs to be condemned is the politics played by the ruling coalition in directing ATS to go after Hindu organisations and in the process ignoring the real danger of ‘Islamic terrorism’ that held Mumbai hostage.” To be fair, its a common ailment of all politicians. ATS is not your (or anyone’s) maid servant or pet dog. You can’t ‘direct’ them to ‘go after’ anything (or at least shouldn’t be able to – though I guess vandalizing a few places will make them cautious out of concern for this country).

For all these politicians, I’d like you to understand politics is politics and investigations are investigations. If you can’t respect those boundaries, if you can’t resist manipulating where you shouldn’t, stop pretending that you are interested in the welfare of the country. You wouldn’t like cops telling you how to run the country. Stop telling them how to keep it safe.

More than that, quit using the country’s pain to peddle your political interests.

If you really respect the sacrifice of Karkare, read this and understand how politics hinder the process of keeping this country safe. “I don’t know why this case has become so political,” was one of Karkare’s first comments. “The pressure is tremendous and I am wondering how to extricate it from all the politics.”

Where is your humaneness? Where is your shock, sorrow, concern, uncertainty, caring….?

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2 thoughts on “Karkare-Thackeray, I am fed up of this crap!”

  1. Its time we stop glamorizing death. 14 maharastrian policeman died without killing a single terrorist !!! This is because it is more of political force then a law enforcer. Why do they have fancy names likes ATS when they cant protect themselves, leave alone protecting others, thier jeeps get hijacked by terrorist!! Where is that peasant RR patil ?? “goli ka jawab goli se doongi

  2. Raj Thackeray’s Reaction to Mumbai Terrorist Crisis
    1. Raj Thackeray has threatened to beat up the NSG, Army and Navy commando’s if they enter mumbai again because most of them are non maharati Manoos
    2. He also has threatened voilence if the Sign Boards of NSG, Army and Navy are not written in Marathi.
    3. He also expressed his anger towards the non marathi media for giving so much attention to NSG, Army and Navy commando’s. Where was the media when my Marathi Manoos gang was beating up innocent taxi drivers in mumbai ??
    4. He has also threatened the residents of colaba for chanting “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” after the successful completion of NSG operations. According to him they should have chanted “Jai Maharastra”
    5. He said that he has no problems with terrorists so long as they adapt to the Marathi culture and help him beat up innocent non marathis in Mumbai. In fact he welcomes terrorist action in hotels because it will deter outsiders from coming to mumbai.

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