Open letter to Arvind Kejriwal

Dear Arvind,

I have been following the IAC movement and then AAP with much interest and I think you have something important going on.

I have promised to speak in support of AAP till the Delhi Elections to help counter the nonsense being unfairly thrown at you by the BJP and Congress, and it has been a fascinating experience thus far.

Wanted to share my concern about efforts to derail the impact of your campaign and I think that Anna Hazare is best left in AAP’s past.

I understand you respect him a lot and I do too, for his strengths, which do not include politics, strategy or accounts. I believe that Anna will become as big a distraction as you let him become and it adds nothing of value to the people whose votes you want to influence with the elections looming. Delhi has moved on from Anna and even when they were paying attention to him, he never was a problem they faced that they needed solved.

There have been questions about IAC funds, which you have answered. Raising them repeatedly does nothing to add value. People who genuinely want to know can google. Or perhaps you can add a button to the AAP website saying “If you’re here to find out what happened to IAC funds, click here”, and they can go to a page with a text statement and a video of you answering (for those who can’t read). To spend your election campaign time on something that keeps coming up without registering previous answers is time taken away from raising issues that will influence your election outcomes.

The questions will keep coming from all directions. Staying on track will only be your headache.

[Tweet “Move forward with purpose, not defensive reactions.”]

This is how the JanLokpal andolan was derailed. One minute all was going well, the next minute you guys were giving interviews and opinions on anything anyone asked. I even remember seeing Anna on a children’s talent show where little girls danced in skimpy clothes under his approving eye. The intensity of the movement died. Just like that.

You can’t afford to get derailed right now. You’ve made promises that you must keep, you’ve raised funds you must show results for.

I would suggest that you keep your personal relationship with Anna personal. If he writes you a letter, no reason why you can’t write back to him instead of carving time out of your TV presence on subjects like inflation, electricity costs, corruption, water and so on.

[Tweet “If Anna writes you a letter, no reason why you can’t write back to him instead of replying on TV”]

BJP/Congress will make a ruckus if you don’t answer, your followers say. Well, BJP can write you a letter and get a reply too, or use their air time to ask you questions officially instead of baiting people into baiting you.

The questions have not changed, nor have your answers, so people can just go and look at previous answers instead of wasting campaign time on repetition.

Frankly, Congress(read)  opening their mouth about your funds is only going to result in support for you, so I have no idea why you should even avoid it.

If you have offered to send IAC funds to Anna and he has refused it, he should be asked to take a concrete stand soon, failing which you do something specific with it – final, or it just remains a PR bomb kept hanging on your head deliberately.

Updated: Another thing Anna has to understand that accountability cannot be one way. If his supporters are throwing ink on you, he has no business asking polite replies from you. If that person is not his supporter, Anna should disown him publicly and let the man’s identity remain what he claims himself. A BJP supporter. I fail to see why you must not ask for some responsible behavior in turn and let him be known for his stand – whatever it is.

I know you are a good strategist. I’m a good people watcher who spots patterns, and I see these things that may not be visible from up close. This is a contribution for you to use or leave as you find useful in your leadership of the party.



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2 thoughts on “Open letter to Arvind Kejriwal”

  1. surender singh kapoor (retiring GO)

    Delhi, the 11th Jan, 2014
    His Highness Shri Arwind Kejriwal ,
    Chief Minister of Delhi,
    Govt. Of NCT of Delhi,
    New Secretariat, INDRAPRASTHA,
    I.T.O. New Delhi-110002.

    Sub : Janta Darbar of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
    At the first instance please accept my congratulations from my heart that a day has come when Delhiites could think they have got someone for them who accept our complaints. Aam Aadmi ka Khaas Aadmi. Govt of NCT of Delhi has now started JANTA DARBAR a concept of great mind to whom I SALUTE.
    2. The earlier Delhi Govt. used to provide this facility to the public but it was completely FALIURE due to different several likenesses/reasons. Their NETWORK & WEBSITE were equal to DEAD SYSTEM. Their janta darbar was merely KHANA POORTY and not to solve problems of common man in their darbar as I myself have experienced.
    3. Kindly arrange to FLASH the e-mail ID and Mobiles, Telephone Numbers either on the WEB SITE of . Govt of NCT of Delhi or TV News Channels so that a common man could also get reach to the write person with his/her complaints.
    4, Secondly, provision of special such e-mail ID and Mobiles, Telephone Numbers for SENIOR CITIZENS either on the WEB SITE of Govt of NCT of Delhi or on TV News Channels or in leading News papers should be given to facilitate them more.
    5. The presence of large number of public at your DELHI DARBAR proved that DELHIITES are with countless problems. It is not a surprise that you had to leave from the first Delhi DARBAR shows you have to accept the challenges of PROBLEMS (with your people).
    Being a social worker & writer by SOUL I pay my blessings to you, your cabinet, party, officers and staff to get SUCCESS in this great human cause.
    With due warm regards,
    Yours faithfully,

    Surender Singh Kapoor
    Aapka AAP KE SAATH
    (Retiring Govt. Officer)
    Also a Social worker & writer
    Contact No.9910562206

  2. arvindkejriwalji bahut badhai. aap telephone ke madhayam se jansampark na rakhe kyoki telephone par sachai ki pushti nahi ho sakti. aap janta ke liye 1 post box number de jis par janta aapko “request letter ” bhej aapni samasyae likhe. aapka sabse pehla aim 100% literacy ka hona chaiye.pehle desh ki saksharta ,phir sakshar desh ki samasyae. illeterate aur illetercy desh ke uthaan mei hi congress gayi hai. aab aap yeh galti na doharae. jaihind. jai mata di. all he best.

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