Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose opposed the Hindu Mahasabha and Syama Prasad Mukherjee

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

For quite some time now, there have been attempts by Right Wing Hindu Organizations to portray people like Subhash Chandra Bose and Sardar patel in different lights to destroy the image of Jawaharlal Nehru and the legacy of Indian Secularism. Although they have mastered the art of rewriting false history, there are some things that cannot be changed. One of them is the relationship Subhash Chandra Bose had with Hindu Mahasabha.

Throughout Bose’s writings and speeches, he referred to congress Hindus as the nationalist Hindus and the likes of Hindu Mahasabha as communal, and every time equated them with the muslim league. In fact, it was during the presidency of Subhash Chandra Bose that the congress banned the dual membership of Congress and Mahasabha.

Bose wrote a editorial in his forward bloc weekly on May 4, 1940 under the title of ‘Congress and Communal Organizations’.
‘That was a long time ago’, he wrote, ‘when prominent leaders of the congress could be members of the communal organisations like Hindu Mahasabha and Muslim League. But in recent times, the circumstances have changed. These communal organisations have become more communal than before. As a reaction to this, the Indian National Congress has put into its constitution a clause to the effect that no member of a communal organisation like Hindu Mahasabha and Muslim League can be a member of an elective committee of Congress.’

Thus, in Bose’s estimation, Hindu Mahasabha was ‘Communal’ and to be placed in same brackets as Muslim League. Indeed, he mentioned Hindu Mahasabha before Muslim League every time he referred to Communal Organisations.

When Syama Prasad Mookerjee joined Hindu Mahasabha, Dr Mookerjee wrote in his diary that Bose met him and told him if he went about building Hindu Mahasabha as a political body in Bengal, “He ( Subhash Chandra Bose) would see to it, by force if need be, that it was broke before it was really born.”

Later, Bose came true on his words that he was not adverse to using force and intimidation to put Mahasabha down. In the words of Balraj Madhok, a leader of Mahasabha at that time, ‘Subhash Chandra Bose with help of his supporters, decided to intimidate the Mahasabha by use of force. His men would break-up all Mahasabha meetings and beat up the candidates. Dr Mookerjee would not tolerate it. He got a meeting announced, to be addressed by him. As soon as he rose to speak, a stone hit him in his head, and he began to bleed profusely.’

When Subhash Chandra Bose was forming INA. ‘Hindu nationalists’, instead of helping him were hand in glovess with British. Hindu Mahasabha, under Savarkar’s leadership organised recruitment camps for british armed forces. As Savarkar said, ‘Whether we like it or not, we shall have to defend our own hearth and home against the ravages of war and this can only be done by intensifying the government’s war efforts to defend India. Hindu Mahasabhaites must, therefore, rouse Hindus ESPECIALLY IN THE PROVINCES OF BENGAL AND ASSAM as effectively as possible to enter the military forces of all arms without losing a single minute.

The above material suggests that Bose considered these so called Hindu Organisations Communal, and this was only till 1945. If Bose was alive to see the later activities of these organisations, I wonder what he would have said or done.

This article was originally published at by Garvit Garg.

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13 thoughts on “Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose opposed the Hindu Mahasabha and Syama Prasad Mukherjee”

  1. Indresh Mukherjee

    Rightly said. I love Netaji as he like Gandhi and Mr. Nehru was not communal. He was solely against this nasty wave of inhumanity. This article made me proud as a Bengali.

  2. It is ridiculous to see some tom dick and harry who have zero contribution towards the nation, and lack masculine guts to even raise voice against their own MLA or corporators discussing & scrutinising that gem and stalwart who sacrificed his entire youth from 1906 to 1921 and still further till 1937 in confinement and under constant scanner of an imperial power. The 10 yrs long physical, psychological, sentimental torture and coercion is any joke. Do u guys realise what they underwent during that period?

    Which freedom warrior in the entire world was so scary to an imperial national power?? What must be the calibre of that young man? are you fool able to even realise. The way Swatantryaveer was wronged can’t be believed. Under a downright unfair trial (No Jury court) decided a 50 yrs deportation.. How can this be, what right, which justice is this? Just because they were scared of his phenomenal capacity to indoctrinate!!! What right british had to arrest him in Marseilles?? Again the right to justice was denied despite international court resolution…They had decided to just dump him by hook or crook.

    Mr Swantryaveer was a leader material, a phenomenal intellectua whose core competence was his wit, intelligence, oratory, thought leadership, unparalleled nationalism. It would be a big time loss if he had died. His survival was more detrimental to the enemy than his death.

    What can one do under these constricting circumstances? Camouflage is the only way out…..Kuutneeti. So talk of complacency. This is also a big level politics, a war politics.
    It is not always necessary to die and prove a worth. It may be a best choice for those who are capable for only that.
    God has given variable capabilities. King cannot have same fate as a soldier.
    But our deep respect is for all those who sacrificed their precious things selflessly for the freedom of this country.

    Savarkar’s call to join British army was with the idea to get easy access to full fledged military training to Indians. which he planned to use against the british.

    These are very high level games, which ordinary brained people will never understand.

    People who wet their trousers with one whip from police on their bump must not comment on those who took an entire imperialists rule head on relentlessly, without scare, with complete grit and came out with flying success.

    Just live happily in this readily served independence, and Just stop this nonsense. One must know where one stand.

    Whether Savarkar was a patriot? Kick their bottoms who raise such nasty questions and insult such great men….

    1. UB, savarkar actually wet his pants and apologized to the British and wrote a total of 5 mercy petitions. In a sense, you are right.

      Question is, about the so called kuutniiti that you refer to. How exactly did savarkar fight the British post his release from jail? Do answer or get ready to be kicked in your rear side

  3. Excellent compilation. Please link each statement with a source. Hinduvta people should criticize this article – not using foul language. Will help us to understand their logic.
    Let me respond to some of the comments.
    So Bhairol concedes that ‘they’ DID NOT OPPOSE the BRITISH? True “desh premis’! Then why did you all want India Pakisthan Bangladesh to be together – if muslims are your only enemies? You would have been in the minority. Remember, all fundamentalists, fascists are murders – does not depend on the height, complexion, language, race, creed, religion of the person. Please learn something from Bangladesh. They hang-till-death the majority-fundamentalists too.

    Sudhakar: Was Savarkar a patriot? Prove it. Why did he BEG the British to have mercy on him? He was a traitor of the worst kind. The RSS/BJP renounce him and Godse of the Mahasabha but named Port Blair Airport after the traitor. Netaji raised the first Tricolour on Indian soil there. It is probably only because of that, that the islands are not Falkland Islands of the East today! Bhagat Singh too was jailed there. Scores perished there.

  4. On the cursed flight Netaji took from Vietnam to Japan, there were only two seats available for Bose and his party of many associates. Bose decided to take his ADC a Muslim to travel with him. Bose like Gandhiji and Nehru considered all decent human beings as equals. Patel and Rajendra Prasad and a few others in their party did not seem to have treated Muslims with equal rwespect.

  5. In no way does this fact deny the neg axiom you started your writing with. Nehru and Gandhi were the machinery behind bringing any prominent freedom fighters to harms way, be it Bhagat Singh or Netaji.

  6. Wow what an article.Bose thought congress as his friend……and who killed him in collaboration with the britishers.Everyone knows the answer.That means Shyamaprasad mookerjee and Savarkar were anti nationals.Lol

  7. What’s BJP’s stance on this article? Are they not weakening or destabilizing their own party? What has declassified documents of Bose got to do with current economic situation in India? However these documents are useful for those who’re pursuing Ph.D program or might help teachers who teach history as part of their curriculum.

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