IAC’s response to TRAI’s Consultation Paper no. 2/2015 “OTT Services”

India Against Corruption


The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India



Kind Attn: Shri Rahul Khullar / Chairman


Sub: Short response of INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION to the Authority’s consultation paper no. 2/2015 Regulatory Framework for Over-the-top (OTT) services dated 27th March, 2015

On behalf of the India Against Corruption jan andolan “IAC”, I respond to the subject Consultation paper as follows:

At the outset, the IAC congratulates the TRAI for boldly publishing such an over the top paper which graphically illustrates the deep corruption and lack of regulatory depth prevailing in the TRAI.

The IAC congratulates the TRAI for opening debate on an issue which IAC has regularly highlighted to TRAI, ie. Preferential / discriminatory pricing schemes offered by telcos to access non-voice services.

The IAC is concerned that TRAI did not have the balls (also known as “spine”) to take up the issue of discriminatory pricing for non-voice services when the undersigned complained about Reliance Comm – aka RCOM – during “Objections to Draft TTO (59th Amendment) submitted on behalf of INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION” dated 12.Oct.2014 which is accessible at http://www.iacwiki.in/index.php?n=Main.TelecomRegulatoryAuthorityOfIndia and elsewhere, and may be deemed as an integral part and parcel of this response.

The IAC is concerned, and this is not the first time we have conveyed it to you for your own benefit, that the highest echelons of TRAI have self evidently become so weak, pliable and toothless, starting from yourself, that the TRAI is unable to discharge its primary statutory mandate of protecting the consumers.

In these circumstances, IAC strongly objects to be co-opted into this little farce persons within TRAI have devised to benefit the Telcos – and specifically to benefit 1 telco – who is actually not even a proper telco yet. I refer of course to Mr. Mukesh Ambani’s impending 4G venture which the whole of India is waiting for.

At this point, IAC would like to remind the TRAI what we conveyed in our objections to the 59th draft TTO

Our reasons for this lie in clause 7 of the TTO 1999 which is completely discriminatory for the small consumers vis-a-vis the corporate and bulk users whose negotiated tariffs are exempt from reporting. As a consequence Telcos / ISPs are selling way below cost to corporates but gouging the unorganised general consumers. Accordingly, India Against Corruption has decided to organise the general category of telecom and internet consumers to negotiate better tariffs for their communication, and oppose such discriminatory and predatory amendments which cause us to doubt the integrity of the person/s proposing it.

That IAC is unwilling to play “20 questions” with the TRAI, mainly for the reason that TRAI does not have the intellectual capacity to match ours. I need not remind the TRAI that you were unable to reply to IAC’s detailed response, objections and submissions on the Media Ownership issue. Thereby exposing that TRAI’s consultations are a hollow formality and sham.

Related download: IACs Reply to TRAI Summary of Consultation Issues Media Ownership

That the short response of IAC to the TRAI’s consultation paper no. 2/2015 is as follows:

That if TRAI cannot protect the consumers, then you can take your said document, roll it up tightly, and ram it up your bum”.

That IAC’s long response will follow after a) “anal”ysing the millions of “spam” protests demanding “Net Neutrality” sent to you, which incidentally appear to IAC as being organized by Mr. Mukesh Ambani’s 4G associates / minions over their vast media cross-holdings, b) counter-commenting on the same, c) participating in the TRAI’s Open House/s and so on.

Most Respectfully Submitted in the larger public interest of behalf of IAC.

With best wishes

yours faithfully

Er. Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
India Against Corruption, jan andolan

Address: B-59 Defence Colony, New Delhi – 110024

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