Condition of Women in Afghanistan : Afghan Life

This is the new instalment in the Afghan life series by Gity Yosufi from Herat in Afghanistan. It brings a look into the difficulties faced by Afghan women in practical, day to day life.

The conditions of Afghans women are very bad, after Talliban time the women could be relive again and took their freedom and right, but these freedoms are limited by their families and their society. Their fathers, brothers and husbands control them and don’t let them to work that they want, they must have their permissions, to go to school to work and to do some work that they want. Most of them are illiterate; if we see the condition of women in other provinces we can clearly see they are like the slaves nothing more. For example in Norestan province there is tribe by the name of Bari.

Baries live in the bottom of the mountains, in Norestan the high class of people live in the top of the mountains and others live in the bottom, the Baries known humble persons, they are Muslim but they don’t know about the Islam, also the Norestanies are Muslim but they don’t let Baries to come in their Mosques because they said they are dirty. They are carpenter and all their houses are wooden.

In this time Norestanies women are like slaves that they buy. By their weak body they dig the ground and do the hard works they do all the work like outside and inside works, form their born until their death they must work and earn money to their husbands, even the marriage is not to become unite or love, it is a dealing , man buy her by his goat, every woman is sell by 100 or more goat , in fact the man invested on her until her death she must earn more than that he buy her. Norestanies women don’t have any right and freedom, the Mulas explained the Islam in the way that they want or have benefit for them.

If we totally see the condition of Afghans women we see most of them are deprived form their rights and freedoms, it is not the definition of women in Islam. Islam gives her rights and her freedoms, but the men don’t want to accept it, they don’t want to be in depended.

Woman is the honesty of God, she is worthy to respected and get knowledge, to work in politic to be social. Woman is mother, sister, and wife but first of all she is human as a human she has right to life and do the work that she wants, she is the part of society and humanity.

It is the order of God for men:

(Speak with your women in worthy).

Herat Afghanistan (Gity Yosufi)

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2 thoughts on “Condition of Women in Afghanistan : Afghan Life”

  1.  dear Ms Yusofi, thanks for your good article, to my idea, you should have mentioned the improvements women had after taliban period, cuz under such a big name”women condition in Afghanistan” it should both contain the worse condition and the best, still as an afghan girl i praise u and thank u,
    keep working
    Ghazal sharifi

  2.  dear Ms Yusofi, thanks for your good article, to my idea, you should have mentioned the improvements women had after taliban period, cuz under such a big name”women condition in Afghanistan” it should both contain the worse condition and the best, still as an afghan girl i praise u and thank u,
    keep working
    Ghazal sharifi

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