Columnist Harbir Singh makes an illegal post calling for mass violence against Muslims


This post speaks for itself. Harbir Singh is basically calling for violence against Muslims. I am writing this blog to preempt overreactions and suggest that the only correct answer to what is very wrong is doing what is right in an impeccable manner. Hate and violence is not right. Hindus should not support this, Muslims should not react to this in an inappropriate manner.

harbir Singh Muslim threats
This is a communally inflammatory and offensive post by Harbir Singh already going viral on Social Media.

The post was published here. It has since been taken down and Harbir Singh’s profile unavailable (unclear whether deleted or suspended). Harbir Singh is a columnist and works at Capital One. He writes for several newspapers including Times of India, Toronto Sun, New Delhi Times and The Nation (Pakistan).

Two things I can say here:

  1. Let the law deal with him. This is definitely illegal.
  2. Insist that publications that give reach to his voice stop publishing him and evaluate existing content for communally sensitive incitement.

Because India is a highly predictable country and outrage is the default mode, I think it is important that everyone stay calm and not give an unheard of journalist the credibility of either speaking for Hindus or making Muslims speak things they will regret. Don’t prove the idiot right by making threats. Don’t prove the idiot right by supporting this nonsense.

Keep calm and insist on what is right. We still have the law. We have courts.

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3 thoughts on “Columnist Harbir Singh makes an illegal post calling for mass violence against Muslims”

  1. Hazardous Sarcasm

    Correction: My friends on Facebook reported him and finally Facebook, after around 50 people reporting him, may have suspended his account.

  2. Hazardous Sarcasm

    My friends on Facebook reported him and finally Facebook after around 50 people reported him, so I guess his account was suspended. I have stopped using FB to keep my sanity, and twitter does give me a glimpse into people’s mind! scary as hell!

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