Catract surgery for buffaloes and 9 lady doctors for 25 million women in Gujarat

Another release from Ravinder Singh points out to important incongruities that are highly relevant to the well being of citizens being blacked out due to careful media management in Gujarat.

Election Commission again failed to Manage Media. Modi Chai Pe Charcha was scheduled for 4PM but was delayed to coincide with AAP Kejriwal Meeting in Gujarat and practically blacked out opposition in Gujarat.

I was waiting for someone in bjp to respond to Arvind Kejriwal charges, particularly to issues of women in Healthcare & Education – just 9 Lady Doctors in 318 GoG Primary Health centers all over Gujarat for 25 million women and no toilet for Women Teachers in Gujarat Schools is absolute shame for India.

Not a single women of Gujarat could be selected from Gujarat in India Civil Services 2012 and there are three men in top 500 for 5% population, at Chai Pe Charcha women were attentively watching Con Star Modi.

55% of women in Gujarat are anemic due to poverty and inadequate food consumption and expensive vegetables. A kg of iron rich vegetables are procured from farmers at Rs.5 kg but retailed for Rs.20 to Rs.50 per kg.

There are over 5000 schools in Gujarat that has only one school teacher and good percentage are women. Majority of schools have 2-3 teachers – How can they manage many hundred school children each and what kind of education they provide?

But at Chai Pe Charcha Modi again repeated JOKE – even Buffalos in Gujarat get Cataract Surgery.

None of the women, invited by bjp party to Chai of Modi, asked questions related to poor education and healthcare in Gujarat.

State budget on Education & Health each is not even 0.5% of Gujarat GDP.

Tax collection in Gujarat at 11% of state GDP is lowest when Industry sector contribution is highest in India.

Ravinder Singh,
Convener, Mentor & CEO
Ph: 9650421857, 9718280435 ,

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2 thoughts on “Catract surgery for buffaloes and 9 lady doctors for 25 million women in Gujarat”

  1. Bribing the Voters ?

    Election Commission thinks Narendra Modi is trying to bribe the voters

    By offering to voters , a FREE cup of tea at Namo Chai Stalls

    Obviously , a serious breach of Model Code of Conduct !

    So , EC has asked BJP to stop this ” Unfair ” practice , right away

    But the Geek Brigade of NaMo knows clever ways of bypassing EC strictures by pseudo-compliance with the code !

    By charging Re 1 / – for the first cup

    Then offering unlimited free Re-Fills !

    Just bring the original polystyrene cup with NaMo face printed on it !

    No more breaking Code of Conduct !

    After all , aren’t BJP ” hiring ” a Falcon Jet plane from a leading business house at just Rs 1,000 per hour , whereas , going market rate is Rs 3 lakh per hour !

    What with this EC guys asking ” hisaab ” for every little thing !

    I never knew that the 814 million Indian Voters are so deeply mired in poverty that they can be easily ” bribed ” with a single cup of tea !

    May be it is high time our Planning Commission revised downward , its definition of poverty from Rs 27 per day ( Urban ) and Rs 16 per day ( Rural )

    EC could have done better by insisting that NaMo Chai Stalls use earthen tea cups instead of polystyrene cups

    That will save our environment and provide jobs to the community engaged in making earthen pots and pans

    Unless , of course , someone’s son put up a factory to make millions of polystyrene cups , in anticipation of the forthcoming elections !

    * hemen parekh ( 13 March 2014 / Mumbai )

  2. Its not very different in Punjab either. As there is no opposition(due to infighting) the ruling party has total control over the police and everything. They once threw out all the opposition from legislature to pass bills as they didn’t wanted to discuss(Not that opposing party is any good). Over 150 industrial units in one industrial city have closed down, while they are cutting deals with corporates. Activists/MLAs are intimidated and simultaneously offered money(or party change) by executive for the legislature. Judiciary is inconsequential. Treasury operates in debts. Ministers operate drug cartels.
    After all this, the CM addresses the rallies and says that Punjab has developed immensely under their rule. And no one can say otherwise. Modi is no different. This is not the first time it has happened – remember India shinning? Bling bling. (I wont blame if you don’t, it was not even worth remembering). All it boils down to is – Indians do make stupid mistakes once in a while or misjudge someone, but that does not means that they are stupid.

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