Andhra Pradesh Congress chief Botsa Satyanarayana

Andhra Pradesh Congress chief Botsa Satyanarayana clearly was of the opinion that the Delhi Gangrape protests hadn’t whipped his party enough, because this is what he said in a press conference.

“Just because India achieved freedom at midnight does not mean that women can venture out after dark. They should ensure that they do not board buses with few passengers,”

“Although it (Delhi gang-rape) was a minor incident, Soniaji made it a point to meet the protesters when they called on her,”

“The woman should have thought twice before boarding the suspicious private bus that night. Though the incident was condemnable, she should also have behaved keeping in mind the situation.”

He also slammed the protesters “taking the law into their hands” at Vijay Chowk in Delhi and then decreed that since the UPA chairperson had taken note of the incident, there should be no further agitations either in Delhi or in Andhra Pradesh.

Needless to say Botsa was mercilessly shredded by media and activists, and emerged soon after with a suitably weaseling apology.

“I made the comments as a responsible father. The incident was not small, it should not be treated like that,” he said and apologized. All governments should endeavor to create an atmosphere where anybody can move around at midnight as well, he added.

Yep. Whipped.

All I can say is that parenting should need a licence or at least a sanity check.

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