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Census Data Houselisting and Housing

Number of Census Houses

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Census Houses Total number of census houses 330,835,767 220,695,914 110,139,853 100 100 100
Census Houses Total number of vacant census houses 24,672,968 13,579,338 11,093,630 7.5 6.2 10.1
Census Houses Total number of occupied census houses 306,162,799 207,116,576 99,046,223 92.5 93.8 89.9

Number of Occupied Census houses

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Occupied Houses Total number of occupied census houses 306,162,799 207,116,576 99,046,223 100 100 100
Occupied Houses Occupied Census Houses used as Residence 236,062,866 159,928,652 76,134,214 77.1 77.2 76.9
Occupied Houses Residence -cum- other use 8,578,716 6,227,951 2,350,765 2.8 3 2.4
Occupied Houses Shop/ Office 17,672,786 6,976,051 10,696,735 5.8 3.4 10.8
Occupied Houses School/ College etc. 2,106,530 1,702,048 404,482 0.7 0.8 0.4
Occupied Houses Hotel/ Lodge/ Guest house etc. 720,806 343,657 377,149 0.2 0.2 0.4
Occupied Houses Hospital/ Dispensary etc. 683,202 360,170 323,032 0.2 0.2 0.3
Occupied Houses Factory/ Workshop/ Workshed etc. 2,496,655 999,689 1,496,966 0.8 0.5 1.5
Occupied Houses Place of worship 3,013,140 2,419,700 593,440 1 1.2 0.6
Occupied Houses Other non-residential use 33,547,747 27,605,772 5,941,975 11 13.3 6
Occupied Houses No. of occupied locked census houses 1,280,351 552,886 727,465 0.4 0.3 0.7

Condition of Census House

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
House Condition Total 244,641,582 166,156,603 78,484,979 100 100 100
House Condition Good 130,124,755 76,364,051 53,760,704 53.2 46 68.5
House Condition Livable 101,441,740 78,974,413 22,467,327 41.5 47.5 28.6
House Condition Dilapidated 13,075,087 10,818,139 2,256,948 5.3 6.5 2.9

Predominant Material of Roof

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
House Roof Total number of census houses 304,882,448 206,563,690 98,318,758 100 100 100
House Roof Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo/ Wood/ Mud, etc. 46,987,669 42,727,900 4,259,769 15.4 20.7 4.3
House Roof Plastic/ Polythene 2,073,373 1,459,766 613,607 0.7 0.7 0.6
House Roof Hand made Tiles 40,276,749 34,822,769 5,453,980 13.2 16.9 5.5
House Roof Machine made Tiles 26,425,060 20,092,484 6,332,576 8.7 9.7 6.4
House Roof Burnt Brick 20,254,881 14,860,852 5,394,029 6.6 7.2 5.5
House Roof Stone/Slate 26,981,694 19,119,151 7,862,543 8.8 9.3 8
House Roof G.I./ Metal/ Asbestos sheets 50,336,403 34,381,089 15,955,314 16.5 16.6 16.2
House Roof Concrete 90,243,883 38,238,079 52,005,804 29.6 18.5 52.9
House Roof Any other material 1,302,736 861,600 441,136 0.4 0.4 0.4

Predominant Material of Wall

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
House Wall Total number of census houses 304,882,448 206,563,690 98,318,758 100 100 100
House Wall Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo etc. 28,947,594 26,417,331 2,530,263 9.5 12.8 2.6
House Wall Plastic/ Polythene 1,097,831 762,256 335,575 0.4 0.4 0.3
House Wall Mud/ Unburnt brick 66,449,827 58,330,614 8,119,213 21.8 28.2 8.3
House Wall Wood 2,781,271 2,132,342 648,929 0.9 1 0.7
House Wall Stone not packed with mortar 10,441,142 7,751,666 2,689,476 3.4 3.8 2.7
House Wall Stone packed with mortar 33,041,790 20,934,124 12,107,666 10.8 10.1 12.3
House Wall G.I./ Metal/ Asbestos sheets 2,331,869 1,269,359 1,062,510 0.8 0.6 1.1
House Wall Burnt brick 146,545,805 83,618,436 62,927,369 48.1 40.5 64
House Wall Concrete 10,983,679 3,699,096 7,284,583 3.6 1.8 7.4
House Wall Any other material 2,261,640 1,648,466 613,174 0.7 0.8 0.6

Predominant Material of Floor

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
House floor Total number of census houses 304,882,448 206,563,690 98,318,758 100 100 100
House floor Mud 138,685,946 127,431,172 11,254,774 45.5 61.7 11.4
House floor Wood/ Bamboo 2,575,590 2,088,961 486,629 0.8 1 0.5
House floor Burnt Brick 7,857,147 5,345,565 2,511,582 2.6 2.6 2.6
House floor Stone 23,975,772 12,290,562 11,685,210 7.9 6 11.9
House floor Cement 98,057,206 51,436,407 46,620,799 32.2 24.9 47.4
House floor Mosaic/ Floor tiles 32,270,627 7,434,415 24,836,212 10.6 3.6 25.3
House floor Any other material 1,460,160 536,608 923,552 0.5 0.3 0.9

Households by Condition of Census House

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Household Condition Total households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Household Condition Good 131,019,820 77,041,343 53,978,477 53.1 45.9 68.4
Household Condition Livable 102,470,426 79,855,814 22,614,612 41.5 47.6 28.7
Household Condition Dilapidated 13,202,421 10,929,573 2,272,848 5.4 6.5 2.9

Households by Predominant Material of Roof

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Household Roof Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Household Roof Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo/ Wood/ Mud, etc. 37,123,567 33,484,330 3,639,237 15 20 4.6
Household Roof Plastic/ Polythene 1,557,231 1,054,830 502,401 0.6 0.6 0.6
Household Roof Hand made Tiles 35,675,903 30,778,543 4,897,360 14.5 18.3 6.2
Household Roof Machine made Tiles 22,967,460 17,441,452 5,526,008 9.3 10.4 7
Household Roof Burnt Brick 16,381,118 12,111,943 4,269,175 6.6 7.2 5.4
Household Roof Stone/Slate 21,127,976 14,860,863 6,267,113 8.6 8.9 7.9
Household Roof G.I./ Metal/ Asbestos sheets 39,273,252 26,733,862 12,539,390 15.9 15.9 15.9
Household Roof Concrete 71,659,299 30,746,938 40,912,361 29 18.3 51.9
Household Roof Any other material 926,861 613,969 312,892 0.4 0.4 0.4

Households by Predominant Material of Wall

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Household Wall Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Household Wall Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo etc. 22,097,211 19,967,301 2,129,910 9 11.9 2.7
Household Wall Plastic/ Polythene 822,190 558,284 263,906 0.3 0.3 0.3
Household Wall Mud/ Unburnt brick 58,443,037 51,124,075 7,318,962 23.7 30.5 9.3
Household Wall Wood 1,678,358 1,264,619 413,739 0.7 0.8 0.5
Household Wall Stone not packed with mortar 8,274,626 6,105,826 2,168,800 3.4 3.6 2.7
Household Wall Stone packed with mortar 26,544,277 16,862,186 9,682,091 10.8 10 12.3
Household Wall G.I./ Metal/ Asbestos sheets 1,438,560 766,882 671,678 0.6 0.5 0.9
Household Wall Burnt brick 117,266,592 67,205,643 50,060,949 47.5 40 63.5
Household Wall Concrete 8,614,733 2,898,697 5,716,036 3.5 1.7 7.2
Household Wall Any other material 1,513,083 1,073,217 439,866 0.6 0.6 0.6

Households by Predominant Material of Floor

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Household Floor Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Household Floor Mud 114,770,539 105,127,968 9,642,571 46.5 62.6 12.2
Household Floor Wood/ Bamboo 1,533,866 1,250,511 283,355 0.6 0.7 0.4
Household Floor Burnt Brick 5,688,056 3,777,971 1,910,085 2.3 2.3 2.4
Household Floor Stone 19,979,726 10,321,350 9,658,376 8.1 6.2 12.2
Household Floor Cement 76,831,144 40,683,037 36,148,107 31.1 24.2 45.8
Household Floor Mosaic/ Floor tiles 26,717,130 6,258,076 20,459,054 10.8 3.7 25.9
Household Floor Any other material 1,172,206 407,817 764,389 0.5 0.2 1

Households by Ownership Status

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Household Ownership Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Household Ownership Owned 213,526,283 158,983,956 54,542,327 86.6 94.7 69.2
Household Ownership Rented 27,368,304 5,644,581 21,723,723 11.1 3.4 27.5
Household Ownership Others 5,798,080 3,198,193 2,599,887 2.4 1.9 3.3

Households by Number of Dwelling rooms

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Rooms Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Rooms No exclusive room 9,638,369 7,211,590 2,426,779 3.9 4.3 3.1
Rooms One room 91,491,894 66,155,450 25,336,444 37.1 39.4 32.1
Rooms Two rooms 78,124,581 53,987,801 24,136,780 31.7 32.2 30.6
Rooms Three rooms 35,803,824 21,308,634 14,495,190 14.5 12.7 18.4
Rooms Four rooms 18,377,481 11,071,009 7,306,472 7.4 6.6 9.3
Rooms Five rooms 6,395,066 3,842,346 2,552,720 2.6 2.3 3.2
Rooms Six rooms and above 6,861,452 4,249,900 2,611,552 2.8 2.5 3.3

Households by Household Size

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Household Size Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Household Size 1 9,043,243 6,195,096 2,848,147 3.7 3.7 3.6
Household Size 2 23,982,862 16,454,768 7,528,094 9.7 9.8 9.5
Household Size 3 33,661,722 21,108,028 12,553,694 13.6 12.6 15.9
Household Size 4 55,977,592 35,181,591 20,796,001 22.7 21 26.4
Household Size 5 46,263,178 31,675,109 14,588,069 18.8 18.9 18.5
Household Size 6-8 61,403,975 45,148,607 16,255,368 24.9 26.9 20.6
Household Size 9 16,360,095 12,063,531 4,296,564 6.6 7.2 5.4

Households by Number of Married Couples

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Married Couples Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Married Couples None 28,642,875 18,634,246 10,008,629 11.6 11.1 12.7
Married Couples 1 172,964,836 116,852,830 56,112,006 70.1 69.6 71.1
Married Couples 2 34,876,105 24,939,825 9,936,280 14.1 14.9 12.6
Married Couples 3 7,911,927 5,666,191 2,245,736 3.2 3.4 2.8
Married Couples 4 1,727,657 1,285,666 441,991 0.7 0.8 0.6
Married Couples 5 569,267 447,972 121,295 0.2 0.3 0.2

Households by Main Source of Drinking Water

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Drinking Water Total Number of Households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Drinking Water Tap water 107,407,176 51,705,165 55,702,011 43.5 30.8 70.6
Drinking Water Tap water from treated source 78,873,488 29,969,145 48,904,343 32 17.9 62
Drinking Water Tap water from un-treated source 28,533,688 21,736,020 6,797,668 11.6 13 8.6
Drinking Water Well 27,185,276 22,333,658 4,851,618 11 13.3 6.2
Drinking Water Covered well 3,895,409 2,591,028 1,304,381 1.6 1.5 1.7
Drinking Water Un-covered well 23,289,867 19,742,630 3,547,237 9.4 11.8 4.5
Drinking Water Hand pump 82,599,531 73,245,349 9,354,182 33.5 43.6 11.9
Drinking Water Tubewell/ Borehole 20,916,074 13,898,837 7,017,237 8.5 8.3 8.9
Drinking Water Spring 1,314,556 1,184,498 130,058 0.5 0.7 0.2
Drinking Water River/ Canal 1,550,549 1,412,565 137,984 0.6 0.8 0.2
Drinking Water Tank/ Pond/ Lake 2,075,181 1,771,796 303,385 0.8 1.1 0.4
Drinking Water Other sources 3,644,324 2,274,862 1,369,462 1.5 1.4 1.7

Households by Main Source of Lighting

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Lighting Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Lighting Electricity 165,897,294 92,808,038 73,089,256 67.2 55.3 92.7
Lighting Kerosene 77,545,034 72,435,303 5,109,731 31.4 43.2 6.5
Lighting Solar 1,086,893 916,203 170,690 0.4 0.5 0.2
Lighting Other oil 505,571 407,919 97,652 0.2 0.2 0.1
Lighting Any other 493,291 361,507 131,784 0.2 0.2 0.2
Lighting No lighting 1,164,584 897,760 266,824 0.5 0.5 0.3

Households by Type of Latrine Facility

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Latrine Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Latrine Latrine facility within the premises 115,737,458 51,575,339 64,162,119 46.9 30.7 81.4
Latrine Water Closet 89,852,052 32,616,824 57,235,228 36.4 19.4 72.6
Latrine Water Closet – Piped sewer system 29,471,391 3,696,144 25,775,247 11.9 2.2 32.7
Latrine Water Closet – Septic tank 54,758,885 24,671,448 30,087,437 22.2 14.7 38.2
Latrine Water Closet – Other system 5,621,776 4,249,232 1,372,544 2.3 2.5 1.7
Latrine Pit Latrine 23,279,128 17,681,985 5,597,143 9.4 10.5 7.1
Latrine Pit Latrine – With slab/ ventilated improved pit 18,813,022 13,746,699 5,066,323 7.6 8.2 6.4
Latrine Pit Latrine – Without slab/ open pit 4,466,106 3,935,286 530,820 1.8 2.3 0.7
Latrine Other Latrine 2,606,278 1,276,530 1,329,748 1.1 0.8 1.7
Latrine Other Latrine – Night soil disposed into open drain 1,314,652 372,009 942,643 0.5 0.2 1.2
Latrine Other Latrine – Night soil removed by human 794,390 586,067 208,323 0.3 0.3 0.3
Latrine Other Latrine – Night soil serviced by animals 497,236 318,454 178,782 0.2 0.2 0.2
Latrine No Latrine within the premises 130,955,209 116,251,391 14,703,818 53.1 69.3 18.6
Latrine No Latrine within the premises – Public latrine 7,997,699 3,253,892 4,743,807 3.2 1.9 6
Latrine No Latrine within the premises – Open 122,957,510 112,997,499 9,960,011 49.8 67.3 12.6

Households by Bathing Facility

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Bathing Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Bathing Bathroom 103,679,719 42,545,003 61,134,716 42 25.4 77.5
Bathing Enclosure without roof 40,448,190 32,984,319 7,463,871 16.4 19.7 9.5
Bathing No 102,564,758 92,297,408 10,267,350 41.6 55 13

Households by Drainage Connectivity for Waste Water Outlet

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Drainage Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Drainage – Closed drainage 44,743,812 9,645,107 35,098,705 18.1 5.7 44.5
Drainage – Open drainage 81,423,941 52,035,163 29,388,778 33 31 37.3
Drainage – No drainage 120,524,914 106,146,460 14,378,454 48.9 63.2 18.2

Households by Availability of Kitchen Facility

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Kitchen Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Kitchen Cooking inside house: 215,412,336 139,853,780 75,558,556 87.3 83.3 95.8
Kitchen Has Kitchen 137,594,123 76,238,077 61,356,046 55.8 45.4 77.8
Kitchen Does not have kitchen 77,818,213 63,615,703 14,202,510 31.5 37.9 18
Kitchen Cooking outside house: 30,483,366 27,578,343 2,905,023 12.4 16.4 3.7
Kitchen Has Kitchen 13,597,879 12,302,453 1,295,426 5.5 7.3 1.6
Kitchen Does not have kitchen 16,885,487 15,275,890 1,609,597 6.8 9.1 2
Kitchen No cooking 796,965 394,607 402,358 0.3 0.2 0.5

Households by Fuel used for Cooking

and for some mysterious reason, banking services.

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Cooking Fuel Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Cooking Fuel Fire-wood 120,834,388 104,963,972 15,870,416 49 62.5 20.1
Cooking Fuel Crop residue 21,836,915 20,696,938 1,139,977 8.9 12.3 1.4
Cooking Fuel Cowdung cake 19,609,328 18,252,466 1,356,862 7.9 10.9 1.7
Cooking Fuel Coal, Lignite, Charcoal 3,577,035 1,298,968 2,278,067 1.4 0.8 2.9
Cooking Fuel Kerosene 7,164,589 1,229,476 5,935,113 2.9 0.7 7.5
Cooking Fuel LPG/ PNG 70,422,883 19,137,351 51,285,532 28.5 11.4 65
Cooking Fuel Electicity 235,527 118,030 117,497 0.1 0.1 0.1
Cooking Fuel Bio-gas 1,018,978 694,384 324,594 0.4 0.4 0.4
Cooking Fuel Any other 1,196,059 1,040,538 155,521 0.5 0.6 0.2
Cooking Fuel No cooking 796,965 394,607 402,358 0.3 0.2 0.5
Banking Services Households availing banking services 144,814,788 91,369,805 53,444,983 58.7 54.4 67.8

Households by Possession of Assets

 Data Type Houselist Item Total No Rural No Urban No Total % Rural % Urban %
Assets Total number of households 246,692,667 167,826,730 78,865,937 100 100 100
Assets Radio/ Transistor 49,016,595 29,057,003 19,959,592 19.9 17.3 25.3
Assets Television 116,493,624 56,005,607 60,488,017 47.2 33.4 76.7
Assets Computer/Laptop – With Internet 7,708,521 1,189,627 6,518,894 3.1 0.7 8.3
Assets Computer/Laptop – Without Internet 15,654,325 7,453,608 8,200,717 6.3 4.4 10.4
Assets Telephone 155,880,849 91,213,611 64,667,238 63.2 54.3 82
Assets Telephone/ Mobile Phone – Landline only 9,919,641 5,245,232 4,674,409 4 3.1 5.9
Assets Telephone/ Mobile Phone – Mobile only 131,202,021 80,465,674 50,736,347 53.2 47.9 64.3
Assets Telephone/ Mobile Phone – Both 14,759,187 5,502,705 9,256,482 6 3.3 11.7
Assets Bicycle 110,567,433 77,487,664 33,079,769 44.8 46.2 41.9
Assets Scooter/ Motorcycle/ Moped 51,862,242 24,073,045 27,789,197 21 14.3 35.2
Assets Car/ Jeep/ Van 11,473,587 3,785,355 7,688,232 4.7 2.3 9.7
Assets None of the specified assets 43,950,672 38,411,098 5,539,574 17.8 22.9 7
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