Ravinder Singh suggests how NBA could take forward their stated interest in transparency.
Ms. Annie Joseph,
Secretary General,
News Broadcasters Association,
Copy to Election Commission of India
Dear Ms. Annie Joseph,
Apart from self censorship it is desirable that Elections are
conducted in Fair & Transparent manner –
– Political parties are given enough opportunity to Connect With
Voters via News Channels.
– Media should constitute ‘Truth Commissions’ headed by retired
Supreme Court judges and Chief Justices of High Courts to take up
matters of False Claims and Reporting by Parties & Media.
– As reported in earlier message NBA members should give say 30
minutes time to important parties on each channel to Explain Their top
10 Programs for 16th Lok Sabha 2014-19 in 5PM to 10 PM Slot.
It could be same recorded broadcast in all channels.
It could be operational in 2-3 days as many Judges are Socially Active
and can convert their Offices in to ‘Truth Commission for 16th Lok
Ravinder Singh*
Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016
Inventor & Consutant
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Transportation, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing,
Technologies and Projects.