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Cyclone Phailin – relief work needed

Cyclone Phailin - relief work needed 1

Cyclone Phailin destroyed homes at Arya Palli village. Image: @BengalNewzIndia

This page aims to track extent of Cyclone Phailin relief and rehabilitation that will be needed based on news reports and tweets.

80 lakh people in 15,000 villages of 12 Odisha districts have been affected. 5 lakh Hectares of Standing Crops destroyed causing loss of about ₹2,400 Cr.

[map and lists removed as no longer needed]

I am adding all news I come to hear, please add any I may have missed in the comments.

As you can see, being able to prevent loss of life has not meant saving livelihoods and homes. Your aid is as important as ever for the living. Here is how to donate or send aid for Cyclone Phailin survivors.

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