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Mumbai terror – "sister" in burqa?

I’ve been following news on the Mumbai terror attacks religiously, and to my surprise, today, there are reports in various UK newspapers that Mumbai police are looking for a woman in a burqa who assisted the terrorists.

All these news pieces agree that the captured terrorist confirmed her presence and that she visited the terrorists staying in the Taj and that she was the local contact. Strange, because this only seems to be appearing in UK newspapers so far. No other country. Not even India, where most other news comes up first from. What’s happening?

Earlier, police had dismissed rumours of a woman seen assisting the terrorists at CST and Cama Hospital. I don’t know what happened of the stories of the shopkeeper who had seen the captured terrorist with a woman.

The news in all the above linked articles agrees on details. So is this a take off on those rumors by the UK media, or do they know something we don’t?

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