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Constitution Day, 26th Nov 1949

Constitution of India

Constitution of India

Making of the Constitution of India – A vision document.

What has the Constitution given to people of India which never before we relished during Vedic, Puranic, Mughal or British India?

  1.     Total Independence from the British Rule
  2. India became a Sovereign, Republic and Democratic country.
  3.     Modern vision and commitment of India of ensuring the principles of Equality, Liberty, Fraternity and Justice to each citizen in every walks of  Life.
  4.     Affirming to the Fundamental rights – Freedon of speech, Freedom of practice and Propagation of Religion, Right against exploitation etal. –  Part 3 (Articles 12 to 21).
  5. Parliament, Judiciary, Executive became the pillars of Democracy under the Constitution as Supreme Law. With Judiciary keeping check on the acts passed by the parliament whether affirming under the ambit of the articles and basic principles of the Constitution.
  6.      Ensuring equal rights and safeguards to women unlike during any previous rulings in India.
  7.     Idea of glorification of Multi-culturalism under the spirit of National unity and oneness.
  8.     Single-citizenship which enables and safegurds individuals from various states to pursue the opportunities in any part of the country.
  9.     Right of Writ under Article 226 and 32
  10.      Notion of The Rule of Law
  11. Principle of One Man, One vote hence One Vote, One value empowering each citizen with equal basic value, eradicating  the previous   monopoly of power through caste order
  12.    Right to amend the Constitution under Article 368
  13. Federal Structure under normal conditions but Unitary in emergency.

Condemning the Constitution: A Treacherous act and a conspiracy of the Communal forces

Constitution day recalls its Chief Architect, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar categorically pointing out that Indians lack this kind of Constitutional morality in the below words:

“Constitutional morality is not a natural sentiment. It has to be cultivated. We must realize that our people (Indians) have yet to learn it. Democracy in India is only a top-dressing on an Indian soil, which is essentially undemocratic.”

Oh Indian! Pledge to save the Basic Structure of the Constitution of India!!! Pledge to diffuse in us the Constitutional Morality!!!

Happy Constitution Day!

Guest post by Sumedh Ukey and Pratik Tembhurne.

Sumedh Ukey has done Mtech from IIT Delhi, LLB from Mumbai university and now pursuing M.A. in political science from Mumbai university. He also conducts classes on Ambedkar writings called ‘India needs Ambedkar’ in Kalyan, East.

Pratik Tembhurne has a B.E in Electronics from Mumbai university. He is currently working for a pvt firm. Politics watcher and constitutionalist.

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