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Why David Tennant should return as the 14th Doctor on #DoctorWho

Why David Tennant should return as the 14th Doctor on #DoctorWho 1

David Tennant always seems to be making news for some reason or the other. The man is prolific. One of the reasons it is happening (in addition to Season 2 of Good Omens, award nominations, The Legend of Vox Machina, etc – legitimate news) is the rumor that he may be returning to Doctor Who as the 14th Doctor.

Responses in the community are divided. Many fans will take all the David Tennant the can get without complaints. I admit I am among those. After seeing him in Good Omens, I got curious and found Doctor Who – a show I normally wouldn’t have bothered with, but ended up enjoying immensely. Then I saw more of his work. With each film, TV series, mini-episode or Shakespearean play, one common factor was that he is a fantastic actor and a chameleon. Each character is distinct and each performance is excellent and has often made a film watchable when other parts were mediocre – no mean feat for someone whose Filmography and Awards have their own pages on Wikipedia.

There is also a lot of opposition, which I will address in a bit, but first, why I think he should return to Doctor Who as the 14th Doctor.

Some objections to David Tennant’s return that I found surreal.

Some other thoughts about the transition from Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor

She didn’t really get crossovers with other Doctors. I don’t know the reason for this. Perhaps it may be the pandemic, as the other Doctors certainly seemed to endorse her being the Doctor. Or perhaps they didn’t endorse to the point of sharing a screen. Regardless, her Doctor is now fact, and it would be better if she had some specials with David Tennant, who is also her friend and Matt Smith and so on.

Much of the problem with her image as the Doctor is also rather bland chemistry with companions and so on. Working with them might give her a chance to leave a mark. They are experienced, they already are skilled with the synergy and work impeccably with each other. She is far more animated in interviews with them than she is as the Doctor.

One risk is that sharing a frame with David Tennant might swallow her portrayal alive altogether and send her into oblivion, but somehow I still have faith based on her other work that given a capable actor to work with, who operates at a much more natural and successful tempo, she might rise above the muddled portrayal of the Doctor she seems to be committed to and surprise us. It is a hope. Somewhere, I don’t want to believe that this is how it is with her.

I do hope she stays the hell away from Yaz. I discovered on Twitter that they are headed for a homosexual romance. It took me completely by surprise. She didn’t even seem to like Yaz much (though I’ve not seen all their episodes with full attention – got bored). It would tug at people’s hearts as unrequited love, but not convince as a relationship.

Besides, if she got into Yaz at this late date, it runs the risk of “bury your gays” in addition to breaking another long established reluctance of the Doctor to fall in love with humans because they will die on him. He has deep relationships with companions that haunt him when they leave, but he has avoided romance. Even serial-kisser Tennant’s Doctor be like “You can spend the rest of your life with me. But I can’t spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on, alone. That’s the curse of the Timelords.” Rose got the metacrisis clone who is human and will age and die. The Doctor committed to River Song, but she was similar to a Time Lord.

Their romance happening this late would simply get more criticism from all sides other than a few who just want romance, any romance no matter how implausible, but watch Sci-Fi instead of Rom-coms.

Besides, the affection between the Doctors and companions was far more poignant than this alleged love between “Thasmin” – that is what their “ship” is called. I don’t know why.

(Edit: Thirteen + Yasmin = Thasmin – Sounds about as romantic as their interactions. Also pretty ironic given that thirteen’s story arc confirms she isn’t the thirteenth Doctor.)

But there should be some attempt to fix her doctor post Chibnall. Even if it is specials, better writing, better co-actors. Ideally, they should have recognized this train wreck and got the tenth Doctor’s human version to play her companion and at least get people in the habit of responding to long expositions by others instead of just standing there – some action, some impact, some expression – before things crashed so bad. Go beyond the lines told. Though I guess that might not work as much as it does in my imagination…

(Before Jodie critics outrage, yes, I know it is a mess, but it has already happened. If her getting better writers results in an interesting Doctor, at least she would be able to deliver good performances in “hindsight” with specials. Once her run is over, you’ll feel bad about the backlash she’s getting.)

To be honest, I haven’t watched Flux and probably won’t, but the crashed viewership indicates that the problems got worse, not better.

* I had not wanted to write this here, given that fans are already polarized, but I am not a fan of Matt Smith as the Doctor. He has some good moments, but if there are any Doctor Who seasons that give credence to the “white male gaze” accusation, it would be the Matt Smith series. From the unnecessary lusty Amy Pond unable to take a “no” for an answer to unnecessary nudity and non-consensual exposure of Clara as naked when she believed she was being seen as clothed. None of it is acknowledged as wrong or apologized for. I am less worried about the kissogram or “the legs” kind of sexualization where she has no job that doesn’t capitalize on her sex appeal in her entire run – she clearly had no problem with it, so I don’t have a problem.

The infidelity to Rory in making a pass at the Doctor while engaged to him, before the night she was to marry him is also not stellar ethics. While I don’t have a problem with it, it does make Matt Smith’s run my least favourite after Jodie Whittaker’s – a rather unpopular view, I think.

I don’t know what passes as family friendly in the UK, but I’d hope my children were watching something that did not blur lines on consent or honesty and ethical behaviour. I am no prude and I don’t have a problem with children watching sexualized content if they wish, but role models blurring the line on consent is what literally no one needs. While this was the Moffat era and it is now Russell T Davies coming back, I’d rather not see Matt Smith glorified given the past content he does not seem to have had a problem with.

Before someone points out that David Tennant too regenerated naked as the Metacrisis Doctor, I know. It was circumstantial and not a sexualized context and he immediately wore clothes, instead of the script finding reasons why Donna should have to watch him naked whether she wanted to or not. This is exactly the point. Nudity or sex can be realistic. What it cannot be is forced on someone.

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