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The Virat Indian guide to anti-national NGOs


Green peace is an anti-national organization.

Don’t believe them when they say they are mostly funded by Indians. Green peace was instrumental in Australia declaring Virat Indian Adani’s $7 billion Carmichael coal project in Australia unviable for environmental reasons. Now, you will agree that Australians donate to Greenpeace Australia and not Indians. Thus proved that foreign funded Greenpeace is hindering India’s development.

Vandana Shiva is completely anti-national.

She wants to save Indian seeds and resist genetically modified seeds taking over the market. Considering that GM seeds are made by foreign companies,this directly harms India’s foreign relations with countrys like Monsanto, Mahyco and Times of India.

People protesting in Kudankulam are anti-national

In fact, thousands of them have cases of sedition against them. They are agents of the church and rose in protest against the Virat Russian project in their backyard, but they forgot that Russians are more Indian than unpronouncable names from Tamil Nadu.

Narmada Bachao Andolan is the worst anti-national.

It is trying to prevent electricity from reaching your home just because a few lakh people became homeless. You didn’t become homeless, I didn’t become homeless. Do you want to live without electricity just so some people can have homes? They need to see how Virat India can be. We are so totally going to raise the height of Sardar Sarovar just to make sure they understand. There is plenty of water, but more electricity is always needed in an electricity surplus state like Gujarat. Also no one can claim the government is unjust. Madhya Pradesh is a BJP ruled state and their people are getting submerged, so Congressis have no reason to complain.

The true Virat Indian has a heart like a lion

…that doesn’t cry just because a few lakh people have a problem. Development is important business. And business is best done by the corporations, and interfering with this business of corporations is interfering with the development of the corporations which means it is anti-national. All Indians are hereby requested to turn highly patriotic and make sure that the corporations suffering from threats of decreased profits do not suffer and bring shame to India. We must sacrifice all we can so that the rich may inherit the earth, because the meek will be gone by then anyway and there is no point wasting.

Foreign funded NGOs that engage in anti-nuclear, anti-coal and anti-GMO protests are anti-national (notice the “anti” they all share in common?)

Fact is, with India’s population, we could easily lose half our prople and no one would notice. And you must not notice, because it isn’t our purpose to cause you unnecessary trauma. Excessive care with health is detrimental to reducing India’s population density, and is directly responsible for inflation, crowds on trains, rising prices of real estate and power cuts. Get rid of half the people and see how comfortable you would be. Now that everyone whines if there are riots, at least leave the coal, nuclear and GMOs alone, to reduce the burden on our country.Frankly, it is worrisome that you have read this far, because you aren’t supposed to examine what you are told.

Hope you have now understood everything.

Even if you haven’t, don’t worry about it.

All you have to do to be a Virat Indian is to listen carefully to who is disagreeing with the government about helping the corporate sector of our country grow and listen to what the problem with them is, and make sure others understand.

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